A Cruel, Undead World


The Explanation

You walk in to the DMV and look around. A friendly woman behind the desk greets you with a smile and a good morning.

"How can I help you today?"

You explain your situation. She nods.

"I see, so you need your Tervu, Washington ID?" she doesn't wait for your confirmation and instead plays with a small machine to her left. "Smile in 3, 2, 1, smile!"

There was a flash of light, and you blink twice, barely smiling in time if at all.

"You look great, now I just need some more information about you to put on your card!"

IMPORTANT UPDATE 4/29/2014: I am NOT accepting anymore new characters! If you are still interested in being part of the story, I am planning a sequel, so you will just have to wait for that. I've decided to keep up the character sign-up sheet, mostly because it'd be too much work to go through and change this entire prologue. And I like memories and things to look back on. Sorry for the inconvenience.

A/N: Hello! My Name is Jane, but I am also called Jen or Jenny! Welcome to A Cruel, Undead World! This will be my first story on here ever: yay! Criticism is always welcome, and so is praise, I don't take anything personally but if it is overly mean I can't guarantee I'll listen!

So in this story you have the option to either read OR actually be a part in the story. You can fill in the information below for ONE character and he or she will be inserted into the story! THESE CHARACTERS MUST BE YOUR OWN CREATION. I will warn you ahead of time though, there IS a chance they can either die or become a zombie, so keep that in mind! If the character you put in dies you may put in ONE more character, if you wish. I thought this would be a fun idea to keep people interested and feel like they have an influence. The more into the series I get to and you try to add in new characters, the higher likelihood they will be killed off. If you feel I take your character and completely butcher them, please don't yell at me because I will try my best to follow your character through, and simply tell me the changes you wish. However, I can't keep going back to fix up minor character issues, so once a chapter is written and published, unless there is a major problem it will NOT be taken back for editing.

If you are interested, please follow the template below. Stars or * marks means it is necessary for the story, otherwise feel free to fill in as much or as little as you like, but remember that the more information you put in the better I can use your character. I won't change anything you put in here, but if there is something absent and I feel it will help the progression of the story, by filling this out you are giving me permission to add in what I feel necessary.

*Full Name:



*Birthdate and Age:


*Height and Weight:

*Hair Color:

*Eye Color:

Noticeable Features:

Clothing Description:


Family Background:


Relations with Current Characters: This is optional; if you wish to have your character already know someone in the story, you MUST speak to them about it first and they must agree. I WILL be checking up on this every time. If you don't know who the character belongs too, simply ask me and I will tell you. If they are one of mine, I will tell you if the relation is okay.

**Equipment: Can be nothing, but please say so

**Crowd or Aid: Crowd control are close up, high damage inflicting. Aid doesn't use firearms much and stick mostly to melee but can carry more supplies and give first aid when needed. (Note: I have taken away sniper for now due to so many)

**Current Location: Eileen Hill Hospital, Northern Tervu House Association (you may have your own house here), Washington Whales School of K-12, Breezy Villa Apartments, or Tervu Central Mall.

**Current Situation: What you wish to be doing before found. This may or may not be changed due to plot conflictions.

A couple more important details:

I will post new chapters every Friday (hopefully). New character cut offs is every Monday, so after Monday 11:59 P.M, characters received will have to be put in the next week addition.

The storyline covers four teams of two (initially) of my own characters. All new characters are introduced the week they are added but as for after introductions it's all up to what happens.

Hope you all have as much fun as I do!

Update 3/15/13: I have updated this for the next few chapters to come, please take heed to these changes! If you already have a character, you have the option to resubmit your character with more updated information. Thank you.