Drawing on Destiny

Note: I've had this chapter sitting on my computer for …well …almost 2 years now. Those of you who were so faithful to read and review I'm sure could tell you exactly how long it's been. This is my official apology to those who invested themselves in my story and found it lacking for so long. I just haven't found the inspiration to finish the story. Actually to be honest, my original intention for the plot just doesn't work anymore so I've sort of been tossing different ideas around in my head for the past two years if you can believe it. Alas, here is the next installment. I'm still working on the final chapters, but I figured your wait has been long enough. I am of course open to any and all criticism… and those of you who've reviewed me in the past, you have my permission to rant and scream at me for not updating sooner… I totally deserve it!


Qui Gon's gaze lingered to the lighted traffic lines through the large windows within the Council Chambers. Coruscant was deep into the night, yet traffic never ceased to plague the planet. He tried to refocus on the words of the Council members. He was grateful they asked Padawan Corsula to bring him a chair; it had been a long day. He hadn't expected to be asked to stay and help organize a plan to rid their home of the invaders. One Master suggested tossing magnetic disruptors within the ventilation shafts, crippling the enemy droids and then sending in maintenance droids to clear them out. However the possibility of the magnetic disruptors affecting data archives and communication systems within the Temple was too risky. Another Master even suggested borrowing some droids from the Republic and sending them into the shafts to destroy the intruders. Nevertheless an all out, unguided war inside the ventilation systems didn't go over too well. Qui Gon ran a hand over his tired eyes. He thanked the force for once again reminding him as to why he had rejected the original offer that he take a seat on the Council.

He shifted in his chair. "What of this mystery man in the lower levels?" Qui Gon interrupted with a sigh. All arguments abruptly halted and heads turned his way. "We have yet to discuss him. Perhaps he is the one controlling the droids. If we were to capture him, we wouldn't have to worry about-"

"Dangerous being this is. Find him we will not. Reveal himself he will. Until then, resolve the problem with the droids first, we will." Yoda announced with finality in his voice.

Qui Gon stared intently at his old Master. He could tell from the confusion rimming along the Force that the other Council members felt the same way he did: that the little troll knew something, and he wasn't giving. Unlike the other Council members though, Qui Gon didn't refocus on the droid problem, he opened himself to the force… looking for answers… instead he found something else.

The warning was loud and clear. Mace was the first to leap from his chair, Qui Gon on his heels as they ran through the Chamber doors. The sound of blaster fire suddenly filled the halls. Padawan Corsula had her lightsaber ready, but was listening intently to the com unit. Mace stopped at the reception desk with an expectant look as the rest of the Council members filed out, running down the halls to help protect their home.

"It's everywhere Master." Corsula's eyes were wild when she looked to the dark Master standing before her. She attempted to calm herself before going on. "I'm getting calls throughout the entire Temple. It's like they were all activated at once."

Mace nodded curtly as he backed towards the hallway, speaking quickly and loudly over the noise. "Make an emergency call to Chancellor Vallorum. Inform him of the situation; tell him not to intercede, and then find your Master!" he finished, turning and disappearing down the hallway.

Padawan Corsula powered down her lightsaber and hooked it to her belt, immediately her fingers flew across the com board. She took a calming breath, waiting for the call to be connected. When she opened her eyes, she noticed Master Yoda standing in the midst of the Council doors, eyes closed. She could tell he was concentrating, reaching out into the force.

"Office of Chancellor Vallorum." A calm female voice suddenly sounded on the com unit, bringing Corsula's attention back to her task.

"This is Padawan Corsula of the Jedi Temple. I am under orders of Head of Council, Master Windu to send an emergency message to the Chancellor." She spit out.

"Please hold while I connect you."

Corsula let out a sigh of relief; she couldn't ever remember getting through this quickly to the Chancellor. She glanced back to the Chamber doors and started; Master Yoda was no longer there. She did a quick cursory glance of the surrounding area, but the little Master was nowhere to be found.

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"Seal the doors!" Qui Gon shouted as he backed through the hallway divider, skillfully deflecting blaster shots. The second his foot passed through, the heavy metal doors slammed shut. Qui Gon and Mace along with two other Knights took a moment to catch their breath. Pounding shots could be heard on the other side of the doors.

Mace looked up from his bent over position. "You're a credit to your race Knight Caratos." He took in a deep breath and heaved his body to a standing position. The quick reflexes and speed of the Bujani never cease to amaze me."

The maroon-skinned, said Knight gave a small bow. "It has been my greatest honor to have had the privilege to fight alongside two of the best warriors in all the Jedi."

"You mean me and Knight Deit'tra?" Mace gestured with his thumb to the young female Knight standing beside him. Qui Gon cuffed his bald-headed friend with his hand before turning to make his way down the hallway. Mace grinned as Qui Gon passed by; the two Knights following their lead with smiles of their own. "Koth says he and several other Knights have secured some of the upper levels." Mace informed his friend as his smile slid away, replaced with his normal look of seriousness and concentration. "We've had other reports come in as well saying the same."

Qui Gon nodded. "There's no ventilation shaft in that section," he gestured behind him, "I'd say those droids are secured for the moment."

"Master Windu, forgive my ignorance, but where did these droids come from?" Knight Deit'tra questioned as they turned a corner.

"We're not certain." The Master answered without looking back.

The two Knights glanced warily at each other as the two Masters shared their own glance. Knight Deit'tra timidly spoke up again.

"Not to underestimate our opponents, but their strategy seems rather sloppy and ill-planned."

Qui Gon cocked an eyebrow as he glanced at the young female Knight following behind him. "Hundreds of droids managed to infiltrate our home and you believe them to be ill-planned?"

The Knight swallowed nervously, and somewhat quietly added. "I suppose it was their choice in which levels to attack that made me question their abilities."

Qui Gon stopped and turned to look at the Knight; Mace and Knight Caratos halting as well. "What do you mean?"

Deit'tra drew on her courage, "Well it seems they've managed to choose levels where Master's and Knights constantly reside. Like living quarters, practice arenas, meditation gardens;" She shrugged somewhat dejectedly as Qui Gon stared at her, or rather through her, "…even the Council Chambers."

Qui Gon concentrated deeply as his mind listened to what the young Knight said and what the force was telling him. After a moment, his eyes focused on Deit'tra's. "You're right." He half-whispered, still in thought. "In fact it's almost as if they targeted those levels."

"Why would they do that?" Knight Caratos softly spoke up, not wanting to break the Master's concentration.

Mace looked over to his friend, feeling a slight flutter in his stomach. "They wanted us occupied."

Knight Caratos' forehead creased. "For what reason? The other floors only consist of-" he stopped short as realization dawned on him.

Qui Gon gave a sudden, sharp look to his friend. "We must hurry," he breathed out as the two Masters turned and sprinted down the hallway, the two Knights doing their best to keep up.

Qui Gon immediately pressed the button on the lift as soon as he'd stepped aboard. The doors slid shut behind the two Knights who just barely made it inside.

"I'll inform the others." Mace pulled out his com unit and quickly began relaying their discovery to the other Council Members.

"You're wrong Knight Caratos." Qui Gon stated casually with his eyes closed as he concentrated on calming his nerves. The said Knight looked at him with confusion. "The greatest honor… would be to fight alongside Master Yoda." He breathed deeply and opened his eyes, focusing on the lift doors. "That… is truly an unforgettable experience."


(for real!)