Greetings everyone and welcome to my next story, "Return of The Mutagen Man". First off I want to say that this story will be based off "Enter: The Mutagen Man" that I made. Now that story was based on what I thought would happen in the Mutagen Man episode for the Nick show, this story will be based off the aftermath of my story, but will still follow elements of the show. There is mentions to recent episodes that have aired, (I wish I pubbed this story two days ago, cause I called the Metalhead ending to a point) So this is my take on the follow-up of my story, but still based around events of the show, long story short. So without further ado, here is my new story, hope you enjoy. As always, TMNT is not my creation and all rights go to their respective owners.

Chapter 1

"Booyakasha!" Yelled the turtle wearing orange, Michaelangelo as he was jumping along the rooftops, with his brother Rapheal close behind. They were having a blast as they sprinted from building to building with the greatest of ease, as Mikey's brother turned around to look behind him to the roofs he pasted.

"Come on Leo, move your shell!" He screamed out.

Leonardo was coming up behind slowly, as he was holding something in hand, eyeing it very closer. As it made a random beep every so often. Mikey and Raph walked up to Leo as he finally came up to their position, although still not seeming to be paying attention to them, but still on the object in hand. Making an annoyed Raphael even more irritated.

"Why the heck are you using the mutagen tracker? You make Mikey look like Donnie with that thing." The turtle insulted.

"Is that a compliment?" Mikey chimed in looking to Raph.

"No Mikey." A drone like responce came quickly from Raphael, though it didn't seem to register in Mikey's mind, surprising none of the witnessing turtles presence. Leonardo quickly changed the topic before Mikey went off into dreamland again to explain the reasoning to the tracker being in his possession.

"Donnie put me in charge of the tracker Raph." The leader explained, but Raph just shook his head.

"Why isn't Donnie here anyway? Finding the mutagen is he's responsibility too." He told Leo. Or called him out was more like it, although it was more of a jab at his absent brother, that was unusually not with his brothers.

"He said he almost has a retro-mutagen made." Leo told his brother, but there was just no putting an end to Raph's tangent that he was dead set to get his point across.

"He could've finished it when we got back, none of us know how to..."

"Raph just stop!"

Raph and Mikey just looked at Leo in shock as he looked less than pleased.

"Dude, chill." Mikey said, as Raph then turned to Mikey.

"Don't tell me to chill." Raph waving his fist at his little brother.

"I was talking to Leo, Raph." Mikey frustratingly explained to his hot-headed brother. Who just snapped out of his rage, and then just smiled.

"Oh. Well, I agree with that." As Raph then turned back to the leader.

"Guys...I've been seeing Donnie's demeanor lately...he's...he's about to lose it." Raph stopped and his facial expression changed, Mikey's expression didn't change either...of course his expression never changed ever.

Leo began to explain what he believed was going on, and it was true. Donatello was spending less and less time with his brothers over the course in time. But not in the way of a lack of care, but more of his personal battles with himself and the stuff around him was making him go in crazy mode.

Ever since they all found out about April's past, sent their other brother in a mode of over-protection of his friend. But the cost of that had been most tragic and had set the techy turtle in a downward spiral.

His worst fear of April hating came to fruition, Metalhead was detroyed trying to protect them, and more importantly, he realized he was starting to lose April to Casey.

"He's looks like he's going off the deep end." Leo summed it up in fewer words as, Leo lowered his head in disappointment, Raph just shook his head and Mikey remained motionless in thought.

"So I let him...woah! Got something!" Leo stopped mid-sentence as the mutagen tracker picked up another signal, this time in the southern part of the city limits.

"Again!? That's the third time in an hour, and we still haven't found anything." Raph complained as Leo took off to the follow the signal, but Raph was stopped as Mikey finally spoke up.

"I don't get it...What's Donnie losing?" Mikey asked.

Raph just face palmed himself and looked to his youngest.

"Mikey rememeber what I said about comparing you to Donnie? Forget I ever said that." Raph instructed his brother to do as he took off to follow Leonardo.

"Can do!" Mikey responded and then followed close behind as their rooftop jumping continued once again.

After nearly twenty minutes, the three turtles followed the mutagen signal to Chruch Street, just across from Broadway. The tracker became stronger and stronger as it begin to lead to end to an alleyway. Leonardo slowly approached the end of the rooftop to prepare for his brothers to pounce to the position.

"Alright, It should be" Just as he was about to finish, just like all the times before. The tracker's signal disappeared, as strong as it was, suddenly to dead silence. The three quickly jumped to the alley to investigate. "What?"

Sure enough, there was no mutagen canister, no mutagen, no anything. Nothing but a manhole cover and a couple dumpsters in the corners.

"Wow! You're a real pro with that thing Leo. I knew Donnie should've been here..." Raph vented his frsutration as he began to climb back up the saftey ladder back to the rooftop after another busted find.

Leo just stared at the comtraption that Donnie designed all those months ago, shaking his head in confusion.

"I don't get it. How could this thing track three different signals and then they all disappear by the time we get to them?"

Mikey then couldn't wait to give his opinion of the matter.

"Wait...what if somebody's finding the mutagen before us and snatching it all up and taking for themselves and using it to turn to a giant, ravage, mutant, MONSTER!"

" you SEE any monster around?" Raph jumping back off the ladder asked annoyingly to his brother.

After a very extension observation by Michelangelo, he came to an unsteady answer.


"So do you really think there is a Monster walking around with tons of mutagen?" The turtle in red followed. Mikey again made another observation, trying to ponder, and think...

"...Maybe?" Mikey assumed, which he was greeted with a slap to the face of his brute brother. "HEY!"

"Forget it, if there's no mutagen around, we'll try another time. We need to bring April back to the lair anyway." Leonardo said as they all three climbed back up to rooftops, but the last line caught Raph's attention.

"April? What for?" Raph question aloud.

"Well, Donnie either wants her to be there by the time he's finished the cure...or he's gonna propose to her." Leo announced with a chuckle on the sentence that ended. Leonardo smiled, but then turned to Mikey and Raph who weren't laughing. Their jaws were nearly on the concrete roofing they stood. " was a joke." Leo followed up with a more exaggerated laugh trying to make it as obvious as possible, which was followed by a sigh of relief from Rapheal.

"I don't know what's worse, you making a joke...or that I actually believed you." Raph trying to catch his breath admited. Which was led by Leo get pointed at by his youngest siblling.

"Dude, don't EVER scare us like that again." Mikey pointed at Leo's chest several times during the exchange, and once the point was put through, the boys headed back the direction they came from.

Little did they know however, that there was someone there before them. For underneathe, the manhole cover, showed what looked like the strands of a human mouth, pulling down the mutagen to the sewer's surface, with the globs and globs of mutagen being devowered, until it was empty, the figure tossed the glass canister aside as he began to growl, and his oozy figure started to become more clear.

"Soon!" The figure of ooze screamed within the darkness of the sewer.

(Cue the TMNT Theme Song :D)

There's Chapter One, hope you enjoyed the first bit, and more to come. So until then, thanks for reading! :)