What if Erin wasn't dead?

Summary: What if Erin wasn't actually dead? Fanfic about Malik who in this, lied about Erin dying in this it tells you the real story from Erin's POV, the one where Erin's survives because Malik left her in the place they were with the shadow warriors. Set 5x04, surprise at the end

Chapter 1- The Truth

Erin's POV

Thought I was dead didn't you? Whatever you heard or whatever he told you is a lie. There's one thing you have to know about the Dracula's, it's that they lie! Lie! Lie! Lie! Then again who doesn't? Including my so-called new boyfriend who promised to take care of me like Vlad never did. Ha, that didn't last very long.

Between Vlad and Malik, both of them are just as bad, 'I will always protect you, I promise,' - Vladimir Dracula, the sweetest vampire in the world, that is until he bit me instead of leaving me to die, though maybe he loved me too much to let me go... No! He's evil he sent me away with, with Malik!

Back to the story; want to know what really happened that day we got trapped by shadow warriors? Well... Here it is.

I was sitting in my room, with Malik after we had bitten some breathers, when I heard a noise, I went to mention it to him, but he waved it off.

A couple of minutes later I suddenly saw something and screamed, it threw something at me and I dodged it, suddenly a boy appeared,

"You have to get out of here, it's not safe, these are shadow warriors sent by Ramanga to kill you."Oh greatI thoughtisn't that a surprise, Ramanga! Of course he'd be behind this, he always is I shook my head and before I knew it Malik was shouting me,

"You heard him we have to get out! Or do you want me to leave you here?" I hissed at him, as another Shadow warrior pinned me to the wall, I tried to scream but couldn't.

I then took out my phone and shone the light into its eyes, making it disappear. I coughed.

"Erin I'm going! If you don't come with me, you'll be dust; you can't take care of yourself." I glared at him,

"I can so!" I said, my fangs retracted, "don't make me use this!" I picked up a stake, and threw it at him, which he dodged of course! He smirked, and said,

"Maybe we should warn Vlad about the shadow warriors." The boy nodded, "and I'll tell him you didn't make it, you died, poor Vladdy will be heart broken."

"Like he would be!" I said, laughing, "He hates me, he turned me into something that's evil, instead of leaving me to die!" Malik shook his head,

"See you then honey." He said, and with that he left with the boy, leaving me standing there, not knowing what to do.

So that's the true story, not what Malik told you because I'm alive and I'm coming back to Garside Vlad whether you like it or not!

See you when I get there,


A/N: surprise at the end it's a letter! Obviously I didn't want to spoil it by making it seem like it was a letter so I decided to do it at the end I hope you enjoyed! This might continue but I'm not sure, so yeah, r&r to tell me what you think about it, byes!