AN: Okay, so this is my first Hobbit fanfiction. I'm happy with how it turned out, so I hope you all like it. It is a little longer than I had planned but I just couldn't stop until I felt it was completely done. This fic gives some missing scenes from the Troll sequence, but it does include some dialog and scene from the movie.

AN: This fic is kind of a mix of the movie verse and the book verse, mostly movie verse though. Kili is the youngest of the group and the younger brother. Balin is the oldest of the group. I love how Aidan Turner and Dean O'Gorman portray the brothers so I definitely took a lot from the movies when writing this. Also, I had looked some stuff up on the Internet about the dwarves ages comparable to a human's age and that Kili would be comparable to an 18 year old and Fili a 19 year old. There is a part near the end where Thorin talks about Kili when he's younger and I used this math to come up with the age. He says Kili is 25, which means he would be comparable to a six year old. I wanted to make this known before you guys get to it and get confused. Anyways, hope you all enjoy it!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Hobbit, the characters, or any of the dialog in the script.

Fili and Kili are sitting on the ground, backs against parallel trees facing each other. Fili's gazing out over the horses, keeping an eye on them. He leans his head back and rests it on the tree behind him. With a sigh, Kili looks back over at the horses; Fili glances over at his brother having heard the sigh. Fili watches him for a moment, a small smile playing on his lips, before turning his attention back to his surroundings and the horses. They had been watching the horses for only twenty minutes but Kili is already getting restless; sitting still has never been his forte. Kili shifts his gaze to the ground before him and he begins picking up small twigs and throwing them into the woods around them. He looks over at his older brother, a devilish smile slowly appearing on his lips. Fili's attention is completely on the task at hand: looking after the horses. Knowing Fili is none the wiser Kili picks up a twig and chucks it at his brother, hitting him in the chest. Fili looks over at his younger brother, seeing him looking into the woods. Fili narrows his eyes but doesn't say anything and turns his attention back to the horses. Kili glances over at him, seeing him watching the horses again. He picks up another twig and chucks it at his brother for a second time. This time Kili hits Fili in the forehead. Fili looks over at Kili, seeing him looking into the woods again, but doesn't miss the smirk Kili is unsuccessfully trying to hide. Fili picks up a twig of his own and chucks it at his brother, hitting him in the chest. Kili looks over at him and his gaze picks up on the playful smirk donning his brothers' face. Kili picks up another twig and throws it at his brother, hitting Fili in the forehead once again. A chuckle almost escapes Kili, but before it does, Fili has propelled himself across the space between them and has tackled his brother. The two brothers roll a few feet away, each of them trying to get the better of the other. They come to a stop with Fili landing on top of Kili. He looks down at Kili, a smirk on his face.

"Guess you need a little more practice brother," Fili says with his smirk growing. Kili scowls in return. It doesn't last for long though because Kili flips his brother over and lands on top of him. Kili looks down at his brother with a cocky smirk and raises an eyebrow as if daring his brother to say he' needs to practice more' again. Fili can't help the proud look on his face. Before either of the brothers can do anything, there is a loud crash from nearby. The two dwarves freeze, their heads whipping over to where the horses are, realizing they've gotten further away from them than they thought. Fili gently tosses his brother off him and the two of them stand up, peering into the trees.

"Fili?" Kili asks with his eyes wide, not taking them off the forest around them.

"I don't know," Fili replies as he shakes his head and looks around them. He waves a hand at his brother and begins walking away. "Come on."

Fili quietly walks back towards the horses while Kili quietly follows after him. They come to where the horses are and crouch behind a tree, looking around for anything out of the ordinary. Not seeing anything, they stand up and walk into the open and check where the horses are, studying them. Their eyes roam through the pen and they take in everything inside it. Fili notices it first.

"Something's missing," Fili says as he moves closer and around the pen, studying the horses more closely and counting under his breath as his eyes land on each horse. Kili studies the horses more closely as well as he moves in the opposite direction of Fili. Fili's voice drags Kili's gaze over to his brother. "Kili? How many ponies do you count?"

Kili quickly begins counting the ponies and his eyes grow wide when he's done. He looks over at his brother whose eyes are just as wide. The two brothers swiftly move about the pen and begin to count how many ponies there are one more time. When they meet on the other side of the pen the two brothers look at each other. Thorin is going to kill them.


Bilbo walks out into the dark forest where Fili and Kili are standing watch over the company's ponies. He walks over to where they are standing up and staring out into the dark. As he reaches the brothers, he moves to stand in between them. Bilbo hands them their soup but they don't take it. The Hobbit looks out into the forest before looking back at the two brothers.

"What's the matter?" Bilbo asks them with a furrow of his brow as he looks at each of them in turn.

"We're supposed to be looking out for the ponies," Kili explains, not taking his eyes of the dark expanse before him.

"Only we've encountered a slight problem," Fili explains further, also not looking away from where he is staring.

"We had sixteen," Kili continues as he finally looks over at Bilbo.

"Now there's fourteen," Fili adds in before also looking down at Bilbo. Bilbo looks out at the ponies before them, understanding what this means. Kili and Fili look up at each other to share a look before looking back to examine what ponies are present.

"Daisy and Bungo are missing," Kili finally announces, having figured out what horses they did have.

"Well, that's not good. That's not good at all. Shouldn't we tell Thorin?" Bilbo says before looking at both the brothers. The two brothers share another look, Kili's eyes going wide before Fili speaks up.

"Uh, no. Let's not worry him," Fili says with a shake of his head as he looks down at Bilbo. A thought occurs to him and he quirks an eyebrow at the Hobbit. "As our official burglar, we thought you might like to look into it."

Kili looks down at Bilbo and nods his head in agreement. Bilbo's eyes grow wide and he looks between the two of them and then shifts his gaze to the forest around him. The Hobbit's gaze falls on some trees that have been uprooted and are lying on the ground. Kili glances over at Fili who gives his younger brother an assuring look.

"Well, uh…look. Some…Something big uprooted these trees," Bilbo stammers out as he points at the fallen trees all the while largely disliking this idea.

"That was our thinking," Kili agrees with a nod of his head as he looks over at the uprooted trees himself.

"Something very big, and possibly quite dangerous," Bilbo adds as the Dwarf brothers begin looking around the trees for any sign as to where the ponies were taken.

"Hey! There's a light. Over here! Stay down," Fili calls out to them from a short ways away. Kili and Bilbo quickly follow after Fili through the forest toward the light. They crouch down behind a log where Bilbo sets the soup bowls on it and the three of them realize the light is actually a fire. They hear a harsh laughter emanating from where the fire is and Bilbo's eyes grow big again.

"What is it?" he whispers with fear in his voice. His eyes are glued to the fire and he can't quite pull them away from it.

"Trolls," Kili announces, widening his eyes at where the fire is shining from.

Fili and Kili quickly and quietly make their way towards the fire after jumping over the log. Bilbo starts after them but stops and turns around to grab the soup bowls before turning to follow them again, carrying the bowls with him. Bilbo quickly hides behind a tree with Fili and Kili and peers around it seeing a massive troll walking towards the fire with a pony under each of his arms. Bilbo's eyes grow wide as he studies the ponies.

"He's got Myrtle and Minty!" exclaims Bilbo, shifting his body and setting the bowls down on the ground. "I think they're going to eat them, we have to do something."

"Yes. You should," Kili agrees as he nods his head and looks over at Bilbo. With wide eyes, Bilbo begins to shake his head. Kili quickly begins assuring the Hobbit. "Mountain trolls are slow and stupid and you're so small."

"N…n…no," Bilbo stutters out in protest, violently shaking his head and taking a few steps back.

"It's perfectly safe. We'll be right behind you," Kili assures while nodding his head in encouragement. Bilbo looks from Kili to Fili, the older brother also nodding his head.

"If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl," Fili says and the two brothers give Bilbo a push towards the fire. Bilbo recites the instructions to himself as he walks towards the fire but ends up getting confused.

"Twice like a barn owl, twice like a…once like a brown? Are you sure this is a good idea?" he asks as he turns around, but sees Fili and Kili are already gone.


"Maybe one of us should stay back. Make sure Bilbo is okay," Fili says as he suddenly comes to a halt. They had left Bilbo to go get back-up. No way is one small hobbit going to be able to take on three full-grown trolls by himself. Kili stops and glances back the way they came.

"I'll stay," he announces before looking over at his older brother. Fili gives him a smirk.

"You just don't want to talk to Thorin," he says with a quirk of his brow as he calls his younger brother out. Kili scowls at nothing in particular.

"I'm not scared of uncle," Kili protests as his gaze settles on Fili and Kili turns his scowl on his brother.

"No, of course you're not," Fili says with a shake of his head and a knowingly smirk. The older Dwarf looks towards where Bilbo and the trolls are as he thinks about what to do. If he is honest with himself, he doesn't want to confront their uncle either. It isn't so much they are scared of Thorin; it is more they don't want to disappoint him. Fili sighs and gives in. Not that it takes much. He was planning on being the one to confront Thorin anyways; he usually is. Any time Kili or the both of them got into trouble, it was always Fili who confronted Thorin first, or even at all.

"Fine," Fili says with a nod and looks over at his brother, "You stay here. I'll go talk to Thorin."

Kili nods his head and begins walking back the way they came. Watching his brother walk away Fili suddenly remembers many a time Kili he had to leave Kili to get Thorin. It seemed as if Kili always found a way to get himself into trouble by doing something brash and reckless. The older brother finds himself taking a couple steps towards his brother and he quickly calls after Kili.

"Kili," Fili calls out, causing Kili to stop in his tracks. Kili turns around and looks at his brother with a furrow of his eyebrows. Fixing Kili with a look, Fili continues. "Stay put. Don't do anything until we get back."

"I know," Kili says dismissively with a roll of his eyes before turning to continue on his way.

"Kili, I mean it. You had better be by the tree when we get back," Fili scolds, not liking the sound of his brothers' tone or the dismissive demeanor. As much as he stands up for and protects his brother, he agrees with his mother. Kili is reckless and Fili is afraid by the time they get back Kili will have done something stupid. Kili looks back at his brother and sends him a reassuring smile. Or, what he thinks is a reassuring smile. Instead, Fili's stomach tightens.

"I'll wait. Now stop stalling and go get Thorin," Kili says before turning around and walking away. Fili purses his lips and goes to say something but stops himself. He forces himself to turn around and quickly head back to camp.


Thorin is sitting on a large rock, eating the stew Bombur has made, watching his company. He eats another spoonful, but just as he swallows, he hears something moving in the woods to his right. He looks up, watching the trees intently and looking for any sign of danger. He relaxes when he sees it's only Fili, but it's short lived because Fili shouldn't be here. He should be watching the horses with Kili. Unless… Thorin quickly sets his bowl down and stands up as Fili hurriedly walks over to him.

"What's wrong?" Thorin asks, his eyes glancing behind his nephew for any sign of the younger.

"Trolls," Fili says while watching his uncle intently. Thorin's eyes shoot over to his eldest nephew.

"Trolls?" he asks with a furrow of his brow.

"They have captured two of the ponies," Fili explains as he waits for his uncle to lecture him. He's not prepared for the slight sigh of relief though and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"That's all they took?" Thorin asks with a raise of his brow as he shifts his gaze to Fili. Fili nods his head in answer.

"Uncle," Fili says as he makes sure he has his uncle's undivided attention. "Bilbo went after them."

Thorin huffs in annoyance, looking back into the forest. That hobbit is more trouble than he's worth. He is going to get himself killed. Of course, the same can be said of his youngest nephew. With this thought, Thorin looks back at Fili.

"Where's Kili?" he asks while watching Fili for any clue his younger brother is in danger.

"He stayed behind. To make sure Bilbo was okay. I told him to stay put," Fili says with a terseness to his voice and a scowl aimed at the forest. Thorin tenses up slightly. So, in other words, if they don't get back soon, Kili is going to do something reckless. Thorin turns his attention to the company, who are all watching the exchange between uncle and nephew.

"Grab your weapons," he orders before taking up his own. He looks at his nephew and shares a look with him. Hopefully, Kili doesn't do anything stupid by the time they get there.


Kili waits by the tree, anxiously tapping his foot and looking between where he hears the trolls and where his older brother disappeared to. The trolls have just seen Bilbo and are now trying to catch him. The young Dwarf hopes Bilbo will be fast enough to keep away from them until the others arrived. No sooner has he thought this than the troll called Tom catches Bilbo, lifting him up in the air. Kili's jaw tenses and he moves forward a couple steps, but stops himself. He looks back the way Fili went, warring with himself with what he should do. He can't leave their thief to deal with the trolls by himself, but he also told his brother he'd wait for them. What one of the trolls says next makes Kili's decision for him.

"Hold his toes over the fire. Make him squeal." Kili quickly draws his sword and runs out of the bushes, stopping in the firelight and holding his sword in front of him and glaring at the three trolls before him.

"Drop him!" Kili demands while not taking his eyes off the three trolls and fixing them with a hard look.

"You what?" the troll, Tom, asks with a furrow of his brow, confused at the turn of events.

"I said. Drop him," Kili demands again as his voice lowers and he enunciates each word, preparing to take on three grown trolls by himself. What he isn't expecting is for Tom to throw Bilbo at him. Kili raises his arms to catch Bilbo but the velocity from the hobbit being thrown sends them both to the ground. Just as Kili is beginning to think they are in a heap of trouble, the rest of the company runs out of the woods, yelling and attacking the trolls.


Thorin, Fili, and the rest of the company quickly make their way through the forest, as quietly as they can and keeping a lookout for Kili or any danger. As they near where the trolls are, Fili begins looking for his brother but doesn't see him anywhere. The older brother moves over to the tree they hid behind and hastily begins searching for hsi brother. As Thorin watches, his lips begin to purse and his gaze shifts around the forest.

"Where is he? He's supposed to be right here?" Fili asks no one in particular as he looks around him. Thorin's jaw tenses at the worry in his eldest nephews voice and his gut tells him they'll find Kili with the trolls. A familiar voice from nearby proves his gut instinct correct.

"Drop him." Thorin and Fili's heads whip towards the sound of Kili's voice.

"Kili," Fili all but growls before hastily making his way towards his brother's voice. Thorin sighs in frustration, but he follows his nephew towards the clearing that's glowing from the Troll's fire. They hear Kili demand the Trolls to drop what they can only assume must be Bilbo, again. As they come to the clearing, they see Bilbo fly through the air and crash into Kili, sending both of them to the ground. Without further thought, Thorin and Fili run out of the trees and into the clearing, attacking the trolls. The rest of the company follow after them and charge at the three Trolls.

Five minutes later, Thorin turns to attack a troll and freezes. Before him, stands two trolls, each hanging on to an arm and a leg of Bilbo's threatening to practically pull them off him. Kili, who's standing next to him, turns around to see Thorin staring ahead of him. Kili looks in the direction his uncle is and notices the predicament Bilbo is in, his eyes growing wide.

"Bilbo!" Kili shouts as he moves to charge at the trolls.

"No!" Thorin shouts at his youngest nephew, hastily grabbing his arm and holding him back, not wanting him to get himself hurt, or killed.

"Lay down your arms or we'll rip his off," Tom orders while smirking at the company standing before him. Seeing no other option, Thorin throws his sword on to the ground. Kili gives his uncle a look, not understanding how he can just give up. Not one to go against his uncle's lead, though, Kili follows suit and reluctantly throws his own sword down.


If it wasn't for Bilbo's quick thinking, and Gandalf's timely rescue, the dwarves would have been the troll's dinner. Now, the company of dwarves is back at their camp, gathering their belongings and loading up the ponies once again. Thorin looks over to the tree line where his nephews are packing their own ponies and are obviously in a heated argument. With a purse of his lips, Thorin packs the last of his belongings and glances over at his nephews. Now that the danger is passed, those boys have some explaining to do. Thorin meanders over to where his nephews are, hearing the last part of their argument.

"I told you to stay put. You said you'd stay put," Fili accuses his younger brother as he fixes Kili with a scolding look.

"So, you wanted me to stand by and watch Bilbo get eaten by trolls?" Kili counters, raising an eyebrow and looking pointedly at his older brother. The scowl Kili sends him doesn't affect Fili in the slightest.

"We were almost there. You should've waited," Fili argues back while meeting his brother's glare with one of his own.

"I didn't know that. For all I knew, you could've still been at the camp," Kili counters before picking up a sack and attaching it to the back of his pony.

"And if we were? What would you have done against three grown trolls by yourself?" Fili demands as he calls his brother out, knowing Kili didn't have a plan.

"I would've figured something out," Kili says off-handedly, shrugging the questions off. Fili narrows his eyes at his brother.

"You could've gotten yourself killed. Ma was right to call you reckless," Fili says, before grabbing Kili's arm and turning his brother to face him. Kili opens his mouth to say something but footsteps approaching them makes them turn their heads to see their uncle. Thorin looks at them knowingly.

"Your brother's right Kili. That was reckless and stupid," Thorin scolds while looking sternly at his youngest nephew. All the fight rushes out of Kili and he looks like he did when he was twenty five and Thorin had caught him playing with his bow and arrows. Thorin turns his attention to the both of them and fixes the each of his nephews with a scolding look. "Now, my question is how did my two nephews, who I might add are the youngest in the company…the most fit, have the best eyesight and hearing…not hear three trolls come by and take our ponies?"

"Uh…" Fili and Kili begin having thought they were lucky and had gotten off the hook for this.

"You see…we were watching the ponies…" Kili begins with eyes wider than normal while stammering out his story, not wanting to get yelled at by his uncle again.

"And Kili got bored…" Fili adds, not wanting to get yelled at by his uncle at all.

"But I was still watching the ponies…" Kili quickly puts in, chancing a glare and a scowl at his brother before looking back at his uncle.

"Kili was throwing sticks at me," Fili chimes in with a scowl as he points a finger at his brother.

"They were more like twigs," Kili corrects, seeing his uncle watching them carefully. Kili sends his uncle a closed-mouth grin, knowing neither of his family members can refuse it. Thorin notices the grin and tries not to smirk, picturing the scene in his mind, seeing Kili throwing twigs at his brother and Fili not wanting his brother to get the best of him. Thorin turns to Fili.

"And you did nothing?" he asks knowingly as he raises one of his eyebrows. He didn't practically raise these boys himself without picking up a few things. Yes, Fili is the more mature of the two but Thorin knows his eldest nephew is not above stooping down to Kili's level.

"Well, no… I threw them back at him," Fili admits reluctantly with a grimace on his face. Thorin nods his head.

"And he tackled me. Don't forget that," Kili says as he points a finger at Fili before moving his attention from his uncle to his brother and then back to his uncle again.

"Of course he did," Thorin says with a nod of his head and a small smirk playing at the corner of his lips. Growing serious, Thorin looks at his two nephews with a stern gaze. "So, the ponies were taken because you two were playing around?"

"Yes," the boys say with a nod of their heads. The two brothers suddenly stop and realize what they have just admitted to before quickly stammering out corrections. "Well…no…not really…"

Thorin gives them a firm look and his nephews quit stammering. The young Dwarves look guilty and glance at each other before looking down to the ground. The two of them knew they were wrong and that they should've been paying closer attention to the ponies instead of playing. Fili and Kili look back up at their uncle and meet his gaze.

"We're sorry uncle," Fili and Kili say apologetically with grimaces on their faces. Thorin shakes his head and turns around to walk back to the rest of the company. He finds himself let out the smile he had been trying to hold in and sighs. What am I going to do with these boys, Dis?

AN: Please review and let me know what ya'll think of it! Would love to hear what everyone has to say! J