Hello again :) Meet you at the bottom ;)

No beta, all mistakes are mine. It doesn't cost you a penny to be nice.

SM owns it all. I just make them skate and fall in love.

Next Day... day of the free skate...

I'm up at six in the morning for a quick run on the indoor track at the athletes' training hall. The place is huge, housing rows of cardio machines and a large central area for weight training and free weights. The track runs the perimeter of the complex on the second floor, allowing me some alone time to think.

Actually, thinking's all I've done since we all got back from our outing last night. I've thought about Edward— the moment I realized it was going to happen, the kiss. I still can't believe Edward and I made out... made out on the dance floor, right there for the world (or our family, friends and fellow athletes) to see. How he'd looked at me right before... and after.

Only after, I decided to act like a spaz and jump ship. I suddenly needed to get away, put space between us. It was just too much to process. Which was weird since the whole night I'd finally accepted how I felt about him, but I guess the weight of what had occurred finally hit me. So I ran.

I ran to the bathroom, and was immediately joined by Alice who'd apparently seen the whole thing. I feel my feet pound the track and i'm breathing hard as I remember what she said.

"What the hell was that?!"

I didn't immediately answer her since I'd been splashing water on my face.

Alice looked like a giddy six-year-old hopping in place. "Well?! What just happened out there, Bella?!"

I finally lifted my head to see her reflection in the mirror, meeting her dancing eyes and knowing smile that was so like her brother I had to shut my eyes for a moment. When I opened them a split second later I finally had the voice to say something.

"I kissed your brother. Oh, my God, I kissed your brother." I closed my eyes again and touched my forehead to the cool glass.

Alice snorted. "Well, I think it's pretty safe to say my brother kissed you back. Not that I'm the least bit surprised. I'm just shocked it took you guys this long."

"Alice, please. I need a few moments to just wrap my head around what just happened."


I raised my head and turned to look at her. "What do you mean, 'why'? I kissed your brother, Alice. Edward. My best friend. Why shouldn't I be freaking out over this?"

"Um, maybe because this is what was always supposed to happen, silly. I've been planning his and your wedding in my head since I was ten. And plus, he's been in love with you since I could remember."

Love? In love with me? I knew he wanted me, that was pretty evident last night, but love?

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as Alice barely contained her excitement.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I still need to clear my mind and think. Tomorrow's a huge day for us and I need to get in the right headspace," I said, thinking out loud. Alice suddenly threw her arms around me and squeezed hard. She was the closest thing I had to a sister, and I knew in that hug, that she understood.

"Okay, we'll go out there and tell everyone we're leaving. Jasper and I will go with you so it doesn't look weird. Let's go."

As soon as we were back at our booth, Edward was there, his expression worried and anxious. My poor Edward. I stepped closer and placed a tentative hand on his shoulder. I tried my best to give him a reassuring smile. Inside though, my heart was about to jump out of my ribcage. I leaned in to speak in his ear over the noise of the place.

"I'm okay. I don't want you to worry or start thinking too hard. Let's focus on tomorrow first." I met his eyes and smiled again when he slowly nodded.

"I'm going to go. I need... I need to rest, sleep. I need to think," I said, pulling away and gathering my purse. His hand suddenly gently wrapped around my wrist and I stopped to catch his cautious eyes on mine. "I'll walk you."

"No," I said a little too quickly. "No, it's okay. You stay here and chill out. Alice and Jasper will walk back with me."

"No. It's okay. I want to go. Big day tomorrow. You're right. We need to sleep." I could see his brow pinched as he stood up and patted his pockets, absently checking for his his wallet and phone. I knew that look and I wanted to hug him and kiss him senseless to reassure him, but held back, grabbing him by the arm as we stepped out into the cold night air. Our eyes met and I smiled.

"Hey, Tomorrow, okay? Let's focus on tomorrow. Everything else can wait one more day. We've waited this long, right?" I smiled, trying to lighten his mood.

He stared at me for a moment, seemingly trying to read between the lines. He knew me well.

"Okay," he said finally with a faint smile, touching his lips to my temple, like he'd always done. It was equally comforting and scary as hell.

Alice joined me seconds later with Rose, thankfully pulling me away to walk ahead of the boys.

"You two are gonna burn up and melt the ice tomorrow," Alice said and Rose agreed.

"No doubt. Perhaps the sexual tension will boost your routine with the sexiness." Rose's snarky smile set off Alice's giggles which set off Rose to join her and after a few seconds I couldn't hold it in and just laughed along with them.

Everyone said goodnight once we reached the villas and I immediately noticed how Edward hung back and simply waved as he walked backwards towards his room.

"Big day tomorrow. Goodnight, Bella."

Simple words that hung heavy between us.

Big day, indeed.


I cool down and rest my hands on my thighs, regaining my breath after the run. I don't remember most of it while rehashing memories from last night, but noticed I ran a bit longer than anticipated so I needed to take a shower and just relax. I head back to my room and do just that, stepping into my living room wrapped in my comfy bathrobe. There's only a few hours before we have to be at the arena to warm up, so after I order room service and devour my lunch I lean back and simply close my eyes. Next thing I know my cell's alarm is going off about two hours later.

It's time.

The crowd tonight is buzzing with anticipation and excitement and I'm ready to go dressed in my costume, hair and makeup. As I'm stepping out of the dressing room, Edward is waiting right outside decked out in his matching attire and looking fantastic. I have to suppress the once over I'm aching to do and quickly look away, but not before catching his nervous expression.

Edward is always nervous before a performance. At this point it's almost mandatory considering how superstitious he is. Growing up playing hockey will do that to anyone.

Although, this time, I can't escape the nagging feeling that he's anxious about more than just our routine. There's something bigger hanging over us, and I can only hope that electricity will enhance what we do on the ice. We've always been described in the media as having strong chemistry on the ice. God knows how it will play out tonight.

"You ready?" He says tentatively. And as we step out into the open arena to the sound of our names being announced, I look at him and decide in that moment what I've probably known all along.

"I'm ready."

For this routine. For the gold medal to be ours.

For everything.

For him.

A/N: I'm thinking two more chapters and we're done. We reach the prologue next chapter ;) Thank you for all the wonderful reviews. I read every one of them even if I don't respond. Love you all! If you haven't started, I'm back on my WIP that was previously on an unofficial hiatus, Bella of Victoria... it's loosely based on one of my favorite book series of all time... Anne of Green Gables. You don't have to read it to understand my story, but if you've never read it... I THINK YOU SHOULD... after all, you'll get to meet my very first book boyfriend, Gilbert Blythe ;) Check it out.

Peace out!