Hello guys this is my first fanfiction that I decide to upload. Constructive criticism is welcome so please read and review. Please be kind since it's my first fanfic plus this isn't my native language. Thank you!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything from the Sons of Anarchy. I write this purely for my own entertainment and don't make any profit writing this story.

Gwen stretched herself at her kitchen table covering up a yawn with the back of her hand. Her kitchen table was full with random sketches, her laptop flipped open showing some reference pictures and in another window a couple of photos that still needed some minor editing. It was around 2am and she had finally found her inspiration back that had been missing the last month. Gwen's eyes were almost falling shut, but decided to continue for a bit longer her hand quickly flowing over the paper, creating random sketches. Some were hideous as hell, but at least it was something right?

"Okay, fuck it." She mumbled as she looked at the huge mess she had created after she had stopped for a couple of minutes. Her coffee was now cold, nonetheless she was drank it anyway. Her hands were smudges with charcoal and her pencils were randomly scattered across the kitchen table, she closed her laptop shut with her elbow, afraid to smudge the black all over random objects. Gwen walked into the kitchen and opened the tab, after she had generously lathered her hands with soap. Soon they were clean from all the black besides the nasty bits that would be under her nails for another one or two days.

Gwen put her blonde hair in a messy bun, trying to get some of the annoying hairs out of her face. It was incredibly warm that night and nothing she did seemed to help to help the place cool down. She turned off the lights and was about to walk to the bedroom when she heard the sound of motorcycles close to her house. Since when did one of her neighbors have a bike? The motorized kind, that is.

"Open the door!" Somebody shouted, he was now in front of Gwen's home.
"Shit." She quickly walked towards the bedroom where she pulled out her gun from her nightstand. She slowly walked back towards the living room and walked towards her tiny hallway.
"I said open the goddamn door!" The same voice repeated.
"Who are you?" Gwen shouted back, quickly checking if her gun was loaded.
"Just open the door!"
"That doesn't work that way. Get the hell away from my door or I'll call the cops." The man on the other side snorted.
"It's me… I got shot." A familiar voice cut the other man off. She wanted to swallow, however her mouth suddenly turned dry, her hands shaking.
"You've got to be kidding me…" She mumbled trying to keep her breathing under control. "Alright." She said a little louder, so they could hear. Gwen made sure the security was on her gun again and tucked it away behing her back. She quickly opened all the locks on her door, revealing a menancing looking biker together with a familiar face.
"Hello little sis…" The familiar man muttered.