The camera flickered into life and an older version of Sam appeared on the screen, she had her jet black hair pulled back into a pony tail, she was covered in a mixture of a fine layer of dust and sweet, her purple eyes were dull and had bags underneath them "So today is my 48th birthday," she muttered. "Yeah right," she said with a lack of enthusiasm. "I know I have survived 48 years on this planet. It is kind of an achievement but I don't exactly feel like celebrating. I know I haven't made a video blog in about two months now but a lot has happened. We are losing the ghost wars. I don't know what happened but we are simply being overrun. I guess that is what a twenty year war will do to you but the sad thing is I don't think I will even be sad if we do lose because I'm tired of fighting. I'm slowly losing hope," she says quietly before her voice hitches and tears slowly start streaking down her face. She brings her hands and wipes the tears away before continuing. "Hmm, Tucker died two months ago. A battle near Nashville he was struck by a pair of skeletal knights. I miss him badly. I just lost my other best friend. I still haven't found or heard anything about Danny. I know it has been 30 years but. I made a promise I won't stop looking till I found him. But now that tucker is gone. I have to be realistic he is most likely gone to, hopefully he has found peace and has passed on," she says quietly. "Losing the both of them has made me realize one thing. Life is short and difficult without the people you love. So to whoever finds this camera, makes sure you tell the people closest to you that you love them. If you have a connection with someone go for it. Otherwise you will regret it. Trust me I know from experience," she says before reaching up and clicking a button on the camera. The screen goes black.

"I love you too Sam."

I know it has been months since I lasted uploaded something but this should mark a change, I have started writing again, so it shouldn't be too long till I upload a new story