an idea presented by Kyouningyou
here ya go, hun~
also just a note: if you saw 'It Began as a Game', this is totally seperate. but it is similar
Normal POV
"I can't believe we're finally going to be assigned today!" Purple chimed up, beyond excited. "Seems like only yesterday we became Elites and began training,"
"Mhm. I heard you the first dozen times, Pur," Red replied, tired. He loved his comrade's company, but Pur had been practically jumping off the walls for eleven night cycles.
Eleven. Night. Cycles. Dear Irk...
"Aren't you excited at all? We get to find out what skills they've been tracking and find us best suited for," Purple went on, trying to get some reaction from his partner. After all, if Red was in a bad mood, Purple would most likely be the one that had to deal with it, being roomed with the other.
Red shrugged. "It's...okay. Personally I just want to be Tallest. And if the first actual step to it is going through with all of this," he spanned his gloved hands out in gesture to the large hall where all the Elites were gathered, "then so be it,"
Everyone was down on the lower level, looking up at the stage, upon which there were several door ways: Medic, Pilot, Tech, Scientist, and Drone. Any minute now, Tallest Miyuki would arrive with her gaurds and the top instructors for each feild and would call the name of each Irken until everyone was put through their doorway and led to their new studies and given their new uniforms. The only thing that would remain the same were the room assignments.
This brought only one thing to mind to Red. "This is going to take forever,"
Finally the lights dimmed and a hush filled the large auditorium. Lights focused on the stage and the instuctors strode confidently out, standing to attention, a silent request that all the Elites were to do the same. The collective sound of boots being shuffled filled the air for a brief second before once again, silence. Then the ceiling broke up above the stage and light flooded in. Cheers broke out as everyone wiggled their antenea in salute to the form on the lowering platform who was waving to them all: Tallest Miyuki. When the platform settled, Red's curiousity was peaked. Miyuki was accompanied by not only her gaurds, but another tall Irken.
Miyuki raised both arms, silencing the crowd. Smiling, she stepped closer to the edge of the platform, though not dangerously so. "Hello, my dear Elite Irkens! To all of you standing before me, I say congradulations. Your presense here is reassurance that you survived our extensive training. As you know, you will all be sorted to be further educated as seen fit. Those of you with high scores in aiding your fellow Irkens will be Medics. Those of you that can take charge and manuver large machinary, you will be Pilots. If you gained high scores in repairing machinary and building, you will be trained as Techs. For those we trust to research and help design military equipment, you will Scientists. As for those that we cannot place, I am sorry to say that you will be Drones. Meaning you will be sent back to Irk. Hopefully, we will not have many of those." Staying quiet for a moment to be sure there were no misunderstandings, Miyuki moved closer to the unidentified figure dressed in a yellow robe with black pants. What appalled Red the most was his robe was sleeveless and he wore no gloves! What the hell kind of Irken was that? And that yellow robe was cut to a low v...Miyuki smiled beside this male and placed a blue gloved shoulder on him. "This year, I will not be announcing your next position. That honor will go to this Irken. This is Spork and he is next in line to be Tallest. I am training him to take over for me, as I was trained by the Tallest before me. Please show him the same respect you give me,"
"Oh my..." Purple gasped quietly. "Do you think Tallest Miyuki is sick?"
Red frowned. "There must be something wrong with her to appoint a Tallest so improperly dressed!" Purple said nothing in return, but did make a point to smack Red in the arm for the disrespectful commet. "For real, Pur. He may be tall, but looking like that...He's supposed to be the next Tallest and he looks a whore,"
"Red! Shame on you! We must respect Tallest Miyuki's decision," Purple lectured, turning back to the stage with a huff.
Not bothering to argue, Red followed in suit, waiting for his name to be called. After what seemed like an eternity, finally there was a dent being made in the audience as Irken after Irken was sorted out. Countless Medics, Techs, Pilots, one laughed as Drones were picked out, as Red expected. It seemed...wrong...The way Spork seemed genuinely saddened at seeing them go...the way he patted them on the shoulder and gave a small encouraging smile to each one...Red found himself realizing why Miyuki had seen this man as a worthy Tallest. He commanded respect.
As Purple's name was called, Red patted his partner's back in reassurance. He smiled when he saw Pur's face light up once Spork assigned him as a Medic. As Pur left the stage, he turned back to wave excitedly at Red before rushing off. Understandable, since Pur had been praying for the Medic position ever since orientation years ago. Red kept assuring Pur he'd be a one...The other was only good at taking care of others.
Red looked around once Pur disappeared from sight, noting that there weren't many left to be called, the remaining having moved to a comfortable distance to the stage. Red moved closer to the stage, accidently bumping into a form. "Oh, excuse me-"
"No, it was Zim's fault-" Red perked, locking gazes with the smaller Irken. Zim stood to reach Red's chest...a bit smaller than every other Elite Red had met so far. Someone with sparkling pink eyes. Just as Red was about to say something else, Zim scowled and turned to face the stage again, his arms over his chest and his chin held high. Red frowned a bit, but looked away as Zim had done. He had a history of scolding the other and Zim hated being told what to do. If only he could just get the smaller one to see that he only did it because he cared for Zim's safety.
He didn't have much time for reflection before a commanding voice caught his attention. "Irken Zim, please come up for your assigned title," Spork spoke out, his eyes scanning the remaining crowd, looking to see who would step up next. He was pleasantly surprised when the smallest Elite he'd ever laid eyes on stepped onto the platform. Spork smiled, liking the way this one carried himself. He projected such confidence, but Spork would see a small flutter hinted in the way his chest rose and fell...This one was nervous. Once Zim stood before him, he saluted with a hand to his chest before bowing. A formality to the Tallest...Spork chuckled. No other Elite had done this as Spork was only training to be Tallest. "Irken Zim, I presume?"
Zim stood again, nodding firmly. "Yes, Taller Spork. Here to recieve my next title, as was asked of me," Zim made sure to lock his eyes with the yellow-slippered feet, feeling a little nervous. This Irken was! And his voice so deep...and those eyes before had Zim heard of an Irken with such gold eyes...
Spork nearly shivered. Such a wonderful voice...
Red was struck, his jaw nearly dropping. Did...Zim just bow to a non-Tallest? Unbelievable! Red shook the thought, listening intently. He prayed Zim would stay in training. Please don't declare him a Drone, please don't declare him a Drone...
Spork looked to his list of names, reading the prepared comment beside Zim's and finding it a bit interesting. "Irken Zim: Your scores were a bit difficult to place. Though you have caused some trouble in the past, we will keep you in training. After careful deliberation, we have decided you are best suited for the role of Scientist. Should you accept, you will begin as soon as the ceremony is over," Spork looked up, seeing a very relieved face. Interesing...He must have expected to be declared a Drone... Spork smiled. "So, do you accept, dear Zim?"
Zim perked, blushing a bit. "Dear..?" Zim shook his head, flustered. He knew for a fact that Spork was not supposed to say that! "Y-yes...Yes, of course I accept. Thank you, Taller Spork," again Zim bowed before heading straight to his assigned door, biting his lip. For some reason he had this strange urge to smile...
Red was fuming. He didn't care about the curious chatter from his fellow Elites or the way Miyuki narrowed an eye in question, a knowing smile on her face. All he knew was Spork was taking his sweet time watching Zim leave. He didn't know what that...over-exposed filth said, but he saw Zim blush...and that was going too far! He almost missed the next name..."Irken Red, please come and get your assignment," Red glared openly at Spork as he strode onto the stage.
Spork hummed in interest. "Irken Red, I presume?"
"Obviously," Red hissed. "Here to get my assignment,"
Spork went on to read the comment beside Red's name, that glare not leaving the other for a second. It didn't take long for Spork to know why. "...we have decided you are best suited to the role of Pilot. Should you accept, you will begin as soon as the ceremony is over," Spork looked back over, leaning down just a bit and whispering quietly. "Hopefully, you'll still be able to see your...lover, was it?" He smiled, seeing the way Red's shoulders tense.
"He isn't my lover," Red admitted, his tone harsh, but quiet. "But he does belong to me," He turned on his heel, nearly stomping to his assigned doorway.
Spork smiled to himself, going back to his list of names and mutering to himself. "We'll see..."
Once everyone was sorted out and the auditorium was empty, Spork stepped off the platform to hand the device with the list of names to a random instructor, nodding to them in thanks.
"I must say, that went much smoother than expected," Miyuki spoke up, moving to stand by Spork. "Well done,"
"Thank you, My Tallest," Spork replied, smiling and giving a nod of respect. To be honest, he was almost the same height as Miyuki. Exactly the same if you didn't go by molecular measurement...
"I suppose I should get back to work, though...I'm needed to verify some treaties,"
"Yes, I'm aware..." Spork looked away for a brief moment before stepping a bit closer to Miyuki. " also make a point to...oversee training, do you not?"
Miyuki smiled knowingly, seeing where he was going with this. "Yes...Normally I would be on the Massive so I could remain close by and stop in at my leisure, but I'm needed elsewhere. My shedule is full now that people know I have someone to aid me,"
Spork shrugged, trying to look casual. "So, it would be helpful if I remained here, yes? I'm sure I could make arrangments to stay here so you can still use the Massive for travel,"
Miyuki nodded in approval, not bothering to say that she knew exactly why he wanted to stay. "Yes, I don't see any problem with that," She then turned away, motioning to an instructor nearby to come over.
Quickly, the Irken strode over and bowed in respect. "Yes, My Tallest?"
"I need you to make arrangments for Taller Spork. He'll be staying in my place to oversee training while I'm away taking care of business," The instructor nodded, bowing again and leaving to make arrangments. Miyuki then turned to Spork. "I will be keeping in touch. Feel free to call me should you need help or just want to talk," She patted Spork's shoulder. "Take care, Spork," She then turned and strode back to the platform, gesturing to the guards that she was ready to leave. The platform rose, leaving Spork on the stage to follow the instructors out.
It was a long time before Red was able to go back to the room he shared with Purple. Normally he wouldn't have noticed, but his mind was still reeling from what happened earlier between Zim blushing and Spork's comment. His blood was boiling thinking about it. He was just greatful that it was soon going to be the night cycle. Maybe if he slept he wouldn't think about least for a while.
When he arrived at the room, Purple was already inside, laying on his stomach on his bed, reading something. When Purple heard the door open and close, he looked up and smiled at Red. "Hey! I was hoping you were coming back,"
"As though I'd be declared a Drone," Red scoffed, flopping unceremonisly onto his bed.
"Speaking of Drones," Purple went on, setting his reading device down, "what happened to Zim? Were you able to find out?"
"He was called before me...They made him a Scientist,"
"Well that's good...I was worried he would be sent back to Irk,"
"Why were you worried?"
"Because if Zim left, you'd be in a bad mood and I'd have to deal with it," Purple answered honestly, watching Red for any reaction.
Red frowned, looking at the ceiling still. He had confided in Purple a long time ago that he had feelings for the small Irken, knowing his partner would keep his secret. "I think things are even more complicated, Pur..."
"Oh? Why's that?"
"It's that Spork..."
"I thought you were beginning to like him,"
"I was," Red clarified. "But you didn't see how he behaved when Zim was called up on stage,"
Purple narrowed an eye in question. "What, was he rude to him or something?"
"Rude I can handle..." Red turned to lay on his side, giving Purple his attention. "First off, Zim actually bowed to this guy like he was already Tallest. That blew me away. Then Spork...I don't know what he said, but he said something and Zim...blushed! He actually blushed!"
"Maybe Taller Spork just said something embarrassing," Purple suggested.
"Nu-uh," Red denied. "Because I was called next. I got sorted into Pilot and then Spork leans in and says 'hope you still can spend time with your lover',"
Purple's eyes widened at that. He could certainly see why Red was so pissed. "What...What did you say?"
Red bit his lip, a blue blush sneaking up on his features. "I said...that he wasn't my lover...that he just...belonged to me..."
"Oh, Red," Purple groaned, burying his face in his crossed arms beneath him. "You should have lied. Then Tallest Spork might not have done anything,"
"I couldn't lie to him! What if Zim found out?"
"Better than loosing Zim forever, you idiot!" Purple scolded, looking back up and giving Red a stern look. "Now you don't have a choice! You can't wait anymore. You need to tell Zim how you really feel about him,"
"That wasn't in the plan at all!" Yes, Red had actually set up an entire plan about how to get Zim to be his. First, he'd try to help Zim become a better Elite by keeping an eye on him, scolding him when something went wrong and giving small praise when something went right. So far, he'd only managed the scolding...Then his next move would be random compliments throughout the day, every time Red saw him. Then Red figured that Zim would hunt him down, wanting more random praise. Then once Zim grew more comfortable with Red, the Taller would act more and more romantic, before finally professing his love and claiming Zim to be his and his forever.
That was the plan, anyway...But Purple has always hated it, claiming it was too slow paced and beat around too much. Even now, he was scowling at Red. "Damnitt, Red, either you do something soon or I'll tell Zim myself!"
"But the plan-"
"Red, do you really think that's what you should be thinking about? If Taller Spork is interested in Zim, he's not going to take it that slow!"
"It's not as though he can spend any time with Zim," Red insisted. "He's busy with other things. Tallest Miyuki probably keeps him on a tight leash..."
Purple frowned but said nothing. Red did have a point..."I guess,"
Red nodded-more to reassure himself-and laid back down, again looking to the ceiling. "I'm just jittery...but it will work out. You'll see,"
"I hope so," Purple muttered, getting a bad feeling in the pit of his digestive-spooch.
okay, that's chapter one
plz review~