"Oh, Erik!" She was upon him before she could stop herself, the carriage was off at a steady gate as she threw herself into his lap, kissing at his face in a manner that surely embarrassed Raoul. He did not reciprocate; instead he placed strong hands upon her shoulders and coldly shoved her away, refusing to meet her eager gaze. It took strength not to shed tears at his coldness, but Christine understood Erik's thought process. She could not imagine ever having to see Erik in another woman's hold, even if only for pretend.

"Monsieur, will you remove your wife from my lap?" A guffaw that hid a snort erupted from Raoul,

"She is not my wife, man, she is to be yours. Christine, the ring, please," Without a second thought Christine yanked the diamond from her finger and pressed it carefully into Raoul's extended palm, "This was all to save you, or Christine might have killed me." Erik sat in silence, but even as Raoul spoke Christine splayed her hand to the back of his neck and traced her fingers across his skin. Oh yes, he was very real and safe under her care.

"Thank you, Raoul, I could have never done it without you." The words held more meaning behind them than Erik noticed, but a flash of recognition passed in Raoul's eyes before he nodded his response.

"Not at all, anything to keep you and your teacher as far away from me as possible. Tell me now, Christine, is there anything I should expect to find in the dungeons that I shan't want to find?"

"Not that I know of, Erik?" Again she turned to face her love, but now he was slowly trying to put their conversation into order.

"Pardon. angel?" It was a gruff whisper that made her smile, to hear his name for her was a treasure she thought she might never be given again.

"You're off to America, my friend, you set sail at dawn. Christine has given me instructions down into your home, when you arrive and send an address I shall have your effects shipped. Will I meet danger down there?" Raoul's words were firm but gentle, helping Erik catch up without revealing any emotion behind the plan. Suddenly, Christine knew that Raoul and she would never be on the same page again. The man would always be an enigma and never would she know how he truly felt about helping her, was he as scared to lose her friendship as she was to lose his? Especially now, after he had so bravely risked his life for her happiness and created an even stronger bond between them, how did he feel about her permanent absence from his life?

"I thank you, monsieur, for your kindness to our Christine."

"Your Christine, monsieur, she is yours. I trust she is in safe care with you."


The rest of the ride to the dock was made in silence as Erik sat processing their situation. His hand was tucked between Christine's gloves, as she stared anxiously out the window, excited for their next great adventure together. It was only when they arrived to the crowded docks, the noise of sailors hurriedly preparing ships, that Raoul stepped out to speak to the driver and left Christine and Erik alone.

"I must apologize for jumping to conclusions, you must understand-"

"I do. I do understand," His face was between her hands and the silk of her gloves traced his lips with a gentleness that could have brought tears to any man's eyes, "you had every right to assume, I just hope you trust that nothing happened. I hope you trust that I would never do anything to hurt you or make you unhappy, I just wanted you safe."

"I just wanted you, Christine, of course I trust you." Their embrace was desperate, his hands wrestled deep in her hair and her arms tangled heavily around his neck. Their mouths locked so fully upon each other that Christine briefly wondered if she would ever kiss him the same after knowing such a consuming kiss existed. He was a sweet wine that demanded to be slowly enjoyed, but she guzzled him down without second thought, only wanting more, more, more as quickly as possible. She would not cry with relief until she had him in her arms safely upon the ship, until there was no possible way for his safety to be ripped from her grasp. They finally pulled away when Raoul opened the carriage door with a grim smile, the ring visible in his palm.

"The Captain needs proof that he is allowing a married couple upon his ship, here is your wedding ring, use it wisely. Come quickly now, he wants an early start."

The ring was once again shoved upon her finger, this time by Erik, before the left the carriage and stepped foot upon the wooden dock. Raoul accompanied them upon the ship, introducing Erik to Captain Turner with a formality that Christine had not expected to here from the rough looking seaman. The ship was a merchant vessel that transported wine and other barreled goods and Raoul had bargained with the Captain to have his brother and his brother's wife stay in a cabin below deck until the ship reached America. The meeting included a small tour of the ship, which Erik ensured was unnecessary as he would prefer to remain with the cabin, before the Captain disappeared to his own cabin for a few minutes before they would take leave.

"Thank you, monsieur, I cannot thank you enough. I owe you my life."

"All I ask if that you make Christine happy. I do not understand your life but I respect it, do not hurt her." Their handshake made Christine slightly nervous, the exaggerated jerking of their hands lasted longer than a normal goodbye would have, but she could not complain at the newfound respect the men had for each other. It was what she had wanted, after all, for Raoul to understand her love and for Erik to realize Raoul was no threat to their relationship. She had not, however, ever thought that she would be seeing her wants occurring on the deck of a large ship. Wind billowed through the sails and a whistle was blown, sending sailors scurrying around them as they prepared to sail.

"Thank you, Raoul, for everything." She buried her face in his chest one last time, a bittersweet pang running through her as she stepped away to see his hurt smile.

"And you, Christine, thank you. I will love you, always." The words sunk in as he walked the ramp leading to the dock, shoulders straight and walk orderly as he turned to watch sailors pull the ramp away. The boat was rocking beneath them, sailors bustling around Erik and Christine in annoyance as the water began to move beneath them. A few sailors helped push off the dock as the anchor was being rested away on deck.

"Find a girl, Raoul, I know that Meg is more than interested!" It was the last time she would hear his cool laughter, as he waved them one final goodbye before walking off toward the carriage. The water beneath them was a cold black as the sky slowly lit from blue to a gentler purple, and the last few hours truly settled within her brain. Christine grew exhausted quickly, hardly able to keep her eyes open as they set sail toward the sky that was slowly transforming into yellows and reds. Her eyes welled up as she felt Erik's hand within her own and she could not contain her burst of laughter as the man she loved pulled her into a comforting hug.

"Come on, my love, let's get you into bed."

"About time."

Her whisper was met with a shocked laugh and a kiss to her forehead. It was all real, his kiss promised, their happiness and freedom and love were all real. As they laid in bed after a rushed session of lovemaking, that embarrassedly included her crying and Erik kissing away her tears, the future seemed a sunny, large thing that was exciting to plan.

"Perhaps in America, you will sing."

"Perhaps," She smiled at his promising suggestion, "and perhaps I shall sing your music."

"Of course darling, as you very well know, after last night I never wish to do anything apart again." His words were so laden with emotion that they brought a fresh brew of tears to her eyes, and those he kissed away too. The very thought of spending the rest of her life with him brought forward a thought that she never would have thought to belonged to herself, but it did and the thought brought immense joy to her too-full heart.

"Perhaps we will start a family, Erik."

"Yes Christine, perhaps we will."

Her smile was met with a large grin from his bare face before Erik pulled her into a deep kiss. Family, there was no other way to explain the bursting love that filled her pounding heart, she had found family. The cycle had been broken, finally the future ahead of her was bright and open, and mainly because Christine had Erik on her arm.

Thanks for reading and going on this journey with me. I hope you're happy with the ending, please review and let me know. I will miss writing for you all!