Hello readers! This is 300Pasta! I know I have other stories I should be working on at the moment but I couldn't stop myself from posting this! I already had the story planned out i just had to write it. So far this story has no pairings. I would like to keep most of it this way. I might hint at random pairings if I feel like it. But for now there are none.

This story will mostly take place in the Avatar world. More specifically the Fire Nation because this story opens around Book Three: Fire. Everyone's favorite Avatar group will be in this story of course as well as multiple nations. Well, I hope you enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender or Hetalia Axis Powers. If I did Zuko would end up with Katara and there would be more female nations. (these desires will not affect this story in any way for I am sticking strictly to what's canon for both series. Minus the fact that there will be the UK brothers and the idea of the Magic Trio)

Chapter 1: Intro

The world meeting was now commencing and by commencing I mean going nowhere at all. Everyone was arguing and shouting at each other. They accused one another of wars and treachery. What they didn't know however was that a little 71 year old boy was planning something dumber than they all could imagine.

"Italy, get off me! I'm trying to control the meeting and-"

"Frog! Stop bloody touching me!"


"Dude, this burger *chew* is like totally *chew* amazing!"

"Aiyah! You spit on me, aru!"

"America will not be so fat after my pipe pounds him down a few sizes, da?"

"Kesesese! My awesomeness is exceeding at an alarming rate even for someone as the great and awesome Prussia!"

"My Mariazell!"

"Gil! You disgusting pervert!"

"Mariazell's originated in Korea, daze~!"


"Oh, seriously?"


"Oh, seriously?"


"Oh, seriously?"


"I sense the mood and refrain from speaking."

"Then stop talking, mate!"

"I miss my dolphin …"

"Wait, why are you here?"

"Any nation could come right?"

"C-Could we start the meeting now?"

"Who are you?"

" … Canada, your owner …" *starts sobbing dramatically*

"Norge, give me my beer back! Please!"

"Go fetch."


"Ah, Denmark! That's the-" *sigh* "… window ..."

"H's alr'ht, m' w'fe. H' h's a th'ck sk'll."


"Estonia … that guy is kind of scary. Almost like Mr. Russia."

"Shh! Don't let him hear you!"

"And then the waitress was all like, dogging me out and stuff. And I said like, back off bitch, and- Aw! I just, like, broke a nail and-"

"Please stop talking Poland …"

The ruckus seemed to never end. That is, until Sealand jumped atop the table and screamed, "YOU BLOODY GITS! SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO MEEEEE!"

Everyone's heads turned his way.

"For those of you who don't know, my name is Sealand and-"

"Sealand, what are you doing?!" cried Finland.

"G't d'n fr'm th're," ordered Sweden.

"Sorry mama, papa but this is the most important day of my life! The day … that I make HISTORY! Mwahahahahahahahahaha-!"

"Just shut up already, wanker!"

"No, you shut up!" Sealand shot back. "Anyway, I am a nation! And you will all soon have to acknowledge me! After today, you will regret every treating me like a nobody! And no one can stop me!"

The rest of the nations just stared at him with uneasy looks. England frowned. "Sealand, get down from that table this instant! And whatcan't we stop you from doing?!"

"THIS!" Sealand pulled out a ball of some sort and before they knew it, a swirling circle of rainbow colors appeared out of nowhere. Sealand immediately jumped in. "See you later, suckers! BANZAI!"

England immediately grabbed for him. The blonde Brit, however missed and fell in after him. Germany who was closest immediately found himself being swooped in with Italy clinging onto him. "GERMANY! DOITSU! Don't leave me!"

And soon one after another, a chorus of idiot nations jumped in.

"Itary-kun? Germany-san?" *looks around nervously before jumping in* "I Run into battre!"

"Japan, aru! I'm coming!"

"Yao-yao, don't leave me, da?"

"Whoa! Japan dude, don't forget the hero!"

"No America! Don't go!"


"Canada! I'm coming!"

"No, my Seychelles! Matheiu! Big brother France is coming!"


"Get back here Prussia!"

And then, the swirling circle closed. The remaining countries looked on in shock wondering what the hell had just happened.

Well, that's the first chapter. Don't worry there'll hopefully be more. And please Review! I want to know if people like it or not so I can continue. Thanks for reading! :)