Chapter 1

Another day at the Watterson house and Gumball has spent the whole day on the computer looking up viral videos.

"Seen it. Seen it. Seen it," he repeatedly said to himself as he clicked through each video. "Seen it. Seen it. Se-Oh wait, haven't seen this one." He clicked on the video only to be stopped by an age gate.

"Aw what?" Gumball groaned to himself, "Guess I'll have to find another one," he said, oblivious to the fact that he could just click the "View Anyway" button.

A few more minutes passed and he was really getting bored, his head rested on his palm, ready to nod off…

"Gumball, Gumball! Check this out!" Darwin ran in the room shouting, snapping Gumball out of his drowsy trance.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Okay, first a question."


"Have you ever heard…" Darwin paused for effect, "…of fan fiction."


"It's stories from people on the Internet that are based off of things they like, like movies, games, cartoons…"

"Okay?" Gumball said, not understanding the fuss Darwin was making over this.

"And people just write this stuff during their own free time," Darwin said, still excited.

"I still don't get why I should care," Gumball said in a dull voice.

Darwin sighed and got straight to the point, "I found one that was based off of "Alligators on a Train" called Alligators on a Train 2: More Chomping!"

Gumball gasped, "Dude, no way."

"Yes way!"

"Dude look it up, look it up!"

Darwin rushed to the computer, accidently knocking Gumball off the computer chair.


"Sorry." Darwin typed in the URL and got to the site; a long wall of text appeared on screen. Gumball got up from the floor and saw the screen, immediately groaning.

"Reading? You didn't tell me there would be reading!"

"Dude, I told you people WROTE this stuff!"

"Yeah but I thought you would read it to me or it was like an audio reading or something."

"Just read it."

"Fine," Gumball purposefully knocked Darwin out of the chair and sat down. "But if I'm not entertained in 10 seconds, I'm closing out of the page."

-10 seconds later-

"Oh my god, this is awesome!" Gumball said, completely into what he was reading.

"Told you," Darwin said.

"It's like…the movie…but it's in words."

"It's the sequel we never got!

"The awesome sequel we never got."

In only a few minutes, Gumball got to the end of the first chapter.

"Dude, there's another chapter."

"Click it," Darwin whispered.

Gumball clicked and read the chapter, with Darwin reading over his shoulder. The fic was 10 chapters long, each chapter just as cheesy and awesome as the movie. The two were still amazed that a normal person just wrote this.

It was close to dinner time and Gumball and Darwin were nearing the end of the tenth chapter. Their eyes were glued to the computer screen; they're faces getting closer for the anticipation of what would happen. The tens-

"Gumball, dinner is ready!" Nicole Watterson shouted from downstairs.

"Okay coming!" Gumball shouted back. "Dude we have to finish this," he said to Darwin.

"Let's read faster!" Darwin suggested.

-One faster read later-

They finally were getting to the end, with smiles on their faces, but their smiles disappeared once they saw the following Author's Note at the end:

[To be continued]

Gumball and Darwin were at a loss. They wanted to know how they could follow up with story as soon as it updated.

"It says it was updated on February 23, 2014. That's today!

"Duh. Look," Darwin pointed on the screen. "There's a follow button. Click it."

Gumball clicked it, but it only led to a page saying "Need an account". They got to the sign up page and brainstormed ideas for a user name.

"How about Gumball and Darwin?" Darwin suggested.

"Too obvious. How about…" Gumball began typing, "CatandFishKungfuMasters"

"That's so dumb…it's perfect! Darwin exclaimed. They continued to set up their account, putting a profile pic of themselves in their kung fu outfits and linked to their email.

"Okay, we're set," Gumball said. The fic was now on the follow list.

"Gumball! I said dinner was ready, I won't say it again!" Nicole yelled.

"We'd better get down there," Darwin said.


"Dude I can't wait for the update," Gumball excitably said.

"I know, me too," Darwin added.

Nicole, Anais, and Richard remained confused at the dinner table with what those two were talking about.