Woah, the reception for last chapter was amazing! Thank you to everyone who followed, read, favorited, and reviewed! I haven't read the books in like a year, and the GoF movie gets on my nerves, so if I get something wrong please comment and I'll correct it.

"I can't stop you from doing this, old fool. But I can and will help my last living descendant," Godric muttered angrily, his translucent form watching Albus Dumbledore, current headmaster of Hogwarts, place Harry on a doorstep. The doorstep in question belonged to Petunia Dursley, Harry's aunt, who hated magic so much it stunned the dead founder.

The ghost was appalled that this was the headmaster's grand plan. Leave a powerful wizarding baby who had taken down a dark lord, and lost his parents during the process, in the care of a family that was made up more of zoo animals than of people? Godric knew that wasn't what James would have wanted, and was sure that in the man's will it stated so. Gryffindor had watched the last of the Potter clan since that day at the hospital, and had seen firsthand the love that had showered young Harry; there was absolutely no possibility that James or Lily would have their son raised by those muggles. But alas, Dumbledore had withheld the wills, and now Harry had no choice.

Godric was pained to know that this was the last of his grandchildren, or Rowena's, or Salazar's, or Helga's. The tired child, who would most likely grow into a life of awful servitude and malnourishment, was alone in the world. No one would be there to tell him stories of his heritage, of magic or of his family. No, he would live in a world of darkness, only knowing what was allowed to him. Godric knew this was precisely Dumbledore's plan, and it infuriated him. He also knew something would have to be done about Harry's particular, hidden, inheritance. If Harry's inner Veela nature were to be revealed at such a young age (most Veela reach puberty at seven), there would be dire consequences. The boy would have to reproduce almost immediately, and that, to Godric, seemed far too much pressure and responsibility on a child.

Since Gryffindor's own parents had kept his natures hidden, he hadn't had to go through such things. They had halted his inner blood until he was already well past normal wizarding puberty. Only very few knew of him being a Veela (Rowena, Helga, and Salazar), and since he was too in love with the former, he didn't even consider unveiling his heritage and fulfilling the destiny of the prophesized male Veela. To the world he died a wizard, not a Veela. Godric watched as Dumbledore apparated away, inwardly seething. He stomped over to the stoop, the plants around him freezing as he passed. As he reached the small, shivering bundle that was his grandson, his anger dissipated slightly. Harry would grow up an unloved orphan, and there was no way for Godric to change that.

"Are you as upset at this as I am, Godric?" the low, quiet voice of Salazar Slytherin asked, his silver body shimmering under the porch light. The handsome, aristocratic features on his spectral face were pulled into a deep, infuriated scowl. Gryffindor did a double take, he hadn't seen Salazar in millennia. Of course he knew that the parseltongue was also the ancestor of Harry, all the founders were, but Godric assumed that he favored Voldemort over the small Potter. Godric regained his bearings quickly.

"I'm outraged! How dare Dumbledore leave such an important, innocent boy at the hands of these muggles?! I've watched them, Salazar, they'll make him their slave, if they don't kill him first!" the dead male Veela fumed, looking back and forth from Harry to his fellow ghost, who was equally as angry.

"Boys, I don't like this anymore than you do, but we have to be rational about this. We have to do what's best for Harry," Rowena Ravenclaw's calm voice reasoned as she suddenly appeared next to them, along with a shorter, plumper ghost.

"I agree, Rowena. It's certainly an awful situation, but we have to figure out a way to help him," Helga Hufflepuff spoke, as she gently rubbed Salazar's back. The two had secretly eloped long ago. Her hardworking loyalty had evened out his cunning ambition, and the two had fallen in love after she was divorced. Slytherin had even allowed his child to be claimed by her ex-husband, as he didn't want his slandered name to harm either her or their daughter. It was one of his noblest moments.

"I don't know how or why the Veela genes decided to skip so many generations, but they did, and now they are within him. I have to buy him time, at seven he won't even know what magic is, much less why there's a horde of beautiful, older woman who want to shag him. Sweet Hogwarts, he won't know what shagging is!" Godric exclaimed. He was on the ground, his corporeal fingers softly stroking Harry's forehead.

"How much can you give him?" Slytherin asked.

Godric grimaced, "I have to rely on my core magic alone, which is obviously diminished as I'm dead, I won't be able to get him 25 years, like my parents did for me. Maybe emancipation age, I can't be sure. I'll give him as much as I can, but I know the bind will begin to weaken as soon as he's near large stores of ambient magic."

"Hogwarts," Helga stated, knowing that the school's power was what Godric was referring to.

"Godric, if you do this, you'll be severely exhausted, you won't be able to take form for a decade, at least!" Rowena worriedly warned him, "That much use of magic without a wand, as a ghost, could yield potentially disastrous results. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"If it means saving him, than I'll do anything. He's all we have left. I won't allow him to suffer for my mistakes. By my calculations, I can get him thirteen years. It's actually fifteen but, due to Hogwarts, I'm sure it'll expose itself during the beginning of his fourth year, maybe late third," Godric said, looking at all three of his fellow founders. The look that Rowena had classified as his "determined face" was set in stone on his ethereal features. She knew that once he made that look, there was no changing his mind.

"We don't hold you to blame Godric," Salazar laid a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Never did, never will. Without you, we wouldn't have this little angel in the first place," Helga smiled at him, before gently turning to coo at the boy. He stirred, and as if he could see them, smiled and giggled a baby's laugh.

Gryffindor beamed with pride, and nodded at the others. He smoothed out the hair on his grandson's head before kissing Harry's nose. Putting his hands on the boy's temples, he called upon his inner magic, and focused it on Harry. Willing himself not to scream at the pain, he felt himself grow weaker and weaker every second that passed. He felt the inner Veela in the boy shrink until it was miniscule, and then it all went black.

Line isn't working... Grr...

Yet another filler chapter, I know, I'm evil. Next one's a serious time skip, right to that famous day at the zoo. It's where we begin to give Harry a little more fun... It'll be longer, I'm hoping at least 1.5k words.

Anyways, thanks to everyone who read, followed, favorited, or reviewed!