Nurse Levi

'' Eren, you have to get your shot! Else we can't know if your Titan form is able to be triggered by chemicals!'' Hanji shouted, running after Eren.

'' I—I hate shots!'' Eren started to run even faster. He was frightened. He hates needles, but he knew that Hanji would catch him eventually.

'' It's an order from Levi-heichou!'' Hanji shouted after Eren. Eren froze and turned around with a anxious expression.

'' L—Levi- Heichou?'' Eren gulped as he imagined Levi with a needle that was bigger than his own body.

''NO! I WON'T BE CAUGHT!'' Eren screamed and started to run even faster.

Several moments later…

''If you go through that door, a nurse is waiting for you'' Hanji explained. Eren looked up in surprise.

'' W—Won't you be inserting the needle?'' he asked.

'' Nah, we have a special medical team who deals with shots and vaccines'' She smiled.

Eren felt relieved. At least there would be a professional who would insert his shot. He inhaled deeply and turned the knob in order to open the heavy wooden door. He heard it creaking as he slowly opened the door.

'' Hello?'' Eren greeted, as he walked in. He looked around, yet he couldn't see any nurse or doctor.

'' Sit down, brat'' a very familiar voice stood behind him. He jumped out of fright, and turned around. When he did, he saw something that would haunt his mind for years.

Levi. In a nurse outfit.

'' H—Heichou?! What are you wearing?!'' Eren shouted out loud, his cheeks going red out of surprise. Levi simply sighed.

'' You are too idiotic to comprehend why, kid, now unbuckle your pants, this shot is going into your butt cheek'' Levi said with a neutral expression. Eren felt his heart beat faster. Levi was wearing a female nurse attire. He simply couldn't believe his eyes. He tried to hold his laughter.

''W—Wait what? my butt?!'' Eren repeated, his eyes widening.

'' Did I stutter or something?'' Levi said, showing the long needle, and the shot of course. Eren fell onto his behind and started to back away from Levi until his back reached a wall.

'' Now.. Perk up, kiddo'' Levi said, raising a brow.

'' I—I WON'T SHOW LEVI-HEICHOU MY BUTT!'' Eren shut his eyes tight, whilst screaming.

Hanji couldn't stop laughing. She was the one that told Levi to wear a female nurse attire because it would be more hygienic. She had no idea he would actually do it. This shows Levi would do anything for hygiene.

'' Brat, you are getting on my nerves..'' Levi dangerously glared. Eren felt a shiver go through his spine.

'' I—I WON'T DO IT!''

'' Fucker, you better do it, or I'll do it for you'' Levi said, his tone even darker than before. He approached Eren slowly.

'' H—Heichou?''

'' Now '' Levi felt a vein pop on his forehead. Eren's eyes were as wide as a plate. Levi secretly enjoyed the fear in Eren's eyes.

''Y—Yes sir..'' Eren said, biting his lip.

Hanji celebrated her victory in silence when she heard Eren's cries.