I know it's been well over a month guys. Sorry, writers block! I'm also sorry but it's gonna be a short chapter and no Lara in this chapter. She's only mentioned.

I'm planning something different for the next chapter. Something that I hope you all will enjoy since its all you guys review about ;D

Hope you guys like this chapter and let me know in the reviews what you think.

Also, for any of you Captain America/Marvel fans!

It's been bugging me for a while but part of me wants to do a Tomb Raider/Captain America crossover. I dunno why but I've had this plot stuck in my head forever. The idea might sound mental but let me know if you guys like the idea. If that sounds too dumb, I'm thinking of doing just a plain Captain America story. With my own OC ;)

Anyways, on with the show!

As always, I do not own Tomb Raider(2013) or Uncharted. Those belong to the rightful owners!

Chapter 5: Conversations with a Pixie

Drake liked this.

He liked the fact that he knew this trip was going to be good. This time, he'd wouldn't have to be fighting off pirates and ancient zombie like demons just for some hunk of cursed gold. No, this was going to go well.

He knew he, Lara and the rest of the Endurance team would find Yamatai...or maybe just a piece of it. Whether it be a lost artifact or a piece of rock from the bloody island, They. Would. Find. It. He only felt bad that he wasn't going on this adventure with Sully.

Sully had his back since he found him in the slums of Columbia. He owed Sully and promised him that he'd stick with him through thick and thin. He'd just hope Sully was doing okay back in Tokyo and reminded himself to give him a call as soon as he could figure out to do so. Nathan didn't see a point in having a smartphone, cell phone or whatever the hell you called it. He was too busy making adventures out there in the real would to even use it.

He let out a sigh as he was leaning against the rails of the ship, looking out into the distance. It had been a couple hours since they'd left port and he'd already settled everything in his room(which wasn't that much) that was three rooms over from Lara. He didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He wanted to fix his relationship with Lara. It made him feel sick every time he thought about their last conversation before this day. He tried not to think about much but, once in a while, he would start to think of the littlest things about Lara. Her smile, her laugh even her witty remarks. Hell, he'd even remember all the smart ass comments she'd lash out at him whenever he'd open his big mouth.

The thought made him let out a chuckle.

He then began to push himself off the rails and turned his head when he heard footsteps coming up towards him. He watched Roth walk up to him with a smile spread across his face.

"So," Roth said. "How'd it go, boyo?" He walked over and stood beside him as he reached his arm over Nate's shoulder and give it a hard pat on the back.

"Uh," Nate started, still gripping onto the rails of the ship. "Okay...I think"

"What did she say?"

"Well," he let go of the railings and cross his arms over his chest. "She still hates me"

"Well, what you expect? She'd just get over you-"

"I know, Roth," he cut him off. "I know but," a smile cracked across his face as he looked at the older gentleman which made Roth worry. "I think that might change after this trip"

"What makes you say that?" Roth asked with a glare and cross his arms over his chest.

"I...I dunno," Nathan turned his body and started leaning against the rails, with his hands back on them. "I just...I just have this feeling. You know what I mean?" Roth still glared back into his soul.

"I'm not sure I do" Roth said which made Nate sigh.

Nathan knew he was stepping over some boundaries here. He knew Roth cared a lot for Lara. She was the daughter he never had. He had taken over as that girl's father figure when she had lost her parents all those years ago. It still pained Nate thinking about it. Nate had only crossed paths with Lady Croft(he knew she hated being called that but he couldn't help it) a couple times in the past and didn't have much of a bond with her as he did with her husband.

Richard Croft had such an impact on Nate's life. As much as Nate loved Sully, Richard was the kind of man that listen to reason. He also shared Nate's passion for adventure. He saw so much of the world and accomplish so much that Nate only dreamed of. Richard had promised Nate that they would find the secrets of Sir Francis Drake together (along with Sully and the others) but he and Lady Croft had vanished before they could do so.

Nate still remembered the day Sully got the phone call. The way Sully had to sit him down on his bed and explained what had happened. They had gone to England together to go to the wake but, at last minute, Nate changed his mind. Unable to pull himself together, he told Sully to go as he stayed behind. At the time, it was too much.

Roth then cleared his throat, wanting an answer, which pulled Nate out of his deep thought and shake his head, making him look back up at the older man.

"It's...uh..it's just," he stuttered as he rubbed the back of his head. "Just uh-"


Nathan was cut off when a small, pixie like, Asian girl walked up to the two of them and stood beside Roth. Nathan recognized her as the girl that ran after Lara after their encounter. She skipped her way over to Nathan and Roth, taking a place between the two of them.

"Roth," she began, turning towards him. "Grim looking for ya" She said, using her right hand thumb to point back towards the ship.

Roth let out a sigh as he looked at Nate. "Fine," he said to Sam while still looking at Nate. "We'll talk about this later" Roth said, sternly, as he pointed his index finger at Nate before turning and making his way to Grim's location.

Nathan let out a groan, which made Sam turn around and smile at him.

"You owe me one" she said as she leaned back against the rails of the ship.

"What?" he asked as he raised his eyebrow at her.

"With Roth," she said as she gestured towards Roth. She could see the confusion that was still planted across Nathan's face and began to roll her eyes. "Look, I saw the way he was making you sweat in your boots. Believe me, I've been in your spot too. I just...thought you need saving" Nate let out a scoff and turned towards the railings, looking out towards the sea.

"Thanks but, that ain't the first time I've been caught in that position with Roth before" Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sam nod her head. She then slowly turned around and positioned herself on the railings the same way he did, just a couple inches away from him.

"So I've heard,"

There was an awkward silence. Nathan didn't know if he should of broken it with a comment or one of his silly remarks but he was afraid it would lead him into telling this girl, a total strange to him, the past of he and Lara Croft and he didn't feel like going into it.

"Lara told me a little bit about it," Sam broken the silence.

'Oh great' Nathan said to himself.

"She...she said you guys had a hard outing"

"She did?" Nathan said, making him turn his head slightly towards her and raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah and some other nasty things," She said, looking sheepishly towards the sea. He guessed she was too ashamed to look at him in the eyes to say it. He didn't blame her, it was sort of an awkward situation. "But what's your side of the story?"

He looked over at her funny.

"My side? What do you mean?"

"Well, from what Lara tells me, you were a selfish, excuse my French, asswipe that only cares about two things, women and making money and you're will to screw anyone over for either one of them" Sam said with a no expression, which surprised him. He looked at her funny before he coughed up a question.

"Okay...why are you telling me this? Aren't you and Lara friends? I saw you two come up the ship together at the docks"

"Yeah, Lara's my best friend and I'll always take her side but there's always two side to every story. So, tell me, what's yours?" Nate let out a chuckle before he began to push himself off the rails.

"Lara put you up to this, didn't she?"

"What," Sam jumped up as she looked straight up at him. "No she-"

"Look," he began to cut her off. "I'm not up for this, sorry" he then turned and started walking away.

"Wait," she began to run after him and grabbed his arm, making him turn to her. "Please, I'm not setting you up"

"Yeah, how am I suppose to believe that"

"Please just-"


She was cut off by the younger man making their way towards the two of them. He ran up to them and stopped just in front of them and pushed up his glasses that were sitting on the bridge of his nose.

"Whitmans looking for you"

"What does he want, Alex?" she snapped back at him. She was in no mood to come to Whiteman aid at the moment. They had only just sailed off, what in the world would he want?

"He wants to discuss with you on production value or whatever he was complaining about back in the kitchen. I dunno. All I know is, he's looking for you" Alex said.

Sam let out a sigh before turning back at Nate. Still holding onto his hand, she leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I'm right beside Lara's room. We can talk about this later...with shots" she pulled back with a wink before she turned around and moved along.

Nate stood there, dumbfound as he watched the pixie like girl walk away. He then looked over at the man, who Sam called Alex, who was standing there looking at Nate. Was he...glaring?

"Everything alright there, pal?" Nathan asked him.

Alex didn't say anything but just turned his heal and made his way in the direction Sam was making. Nathan let out a sigh as he shook his head and began to make his way towards his quarters. He'd had only been on the bloody ship for an hour and he'd already made a bad impression with almost half of his was wrong, this wasn't going to be a good trip.

"This is going to be a long trip" he whispered to himself.