Title: Maelstrom
Rating: R
Pairing: Eleanor/Max
Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me.
Author's Note: This show…and these characters are becoming an obsession. : ) I have tried to keep as true to the characters as they are written for the show. With perhaps, some embellishments since we haven't seen a whole lot of character development in the four episodes there have been so far. However, it is important to note that this story is canon up until episode 3. It does not follow the show after that.
Summary: Sometimes it takes everything going absolutely wrong to realize what is truly worth fighting for. A storm is coming for Nassau and everything everyone holds dear teeters on the brink of being lost, loyalties are challenged and an unexpected ally comes to their aid.
Chapter One
"When the seas grow rough, you come to Max. Max is your harbor."
The words sank into Eleanor's gut like a cannon ball, remembering the tender way that Max had spoken them. The love that had come through her eyes. Before everything had gotten so fucked up that is. Now, her only company was the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing upon the Nassau shore. Her empire. The thing that she had sacrificed her heart for. And it stared back at her, taunting her. Reminding her with the coldness that settled deep in her bones of who was no longer on it.
Vane had taken his ship and crew to sea nearly two weeks earlier. And with them he had taken Max. Noonan hadn't complained much when Vane had come to inform him that max was now the property of his crew. Eleanor supposed it was some small comfort in knowing that Vane wouldn't touch Max. Not because he had any particular regard for whores or that Max wasn't his type. It was because in his mind Max was a trophy. A symbol of his victory over Eleanor and that was enough.
"Mistress Guthrie." Mr. Scott's calm voice interrupted Eleanor's musing but she didn't turn. It was late, probably closer to, if not past the middle of the night. Any business could wait until morning.
"Do you know what she said to me Mr. Scott?" She asked though how could he? She had told no one of the words they had spoken to one another in the privacy If Max's bedroom. Mr. Scott knew better than to reply. Instead he just waited. After taking a shaky breath she continued. "She said that all Nassau was, all it is, is sand. And that it could never love me back."
"She could not have expected you to give up everything you have worked for." Mr. Scott said. Always the realist. She used to rely on that. His cold, but no less truthful statements were always a comfort to her.
"Why not? Isn't that what someone should do for love? Give up the world?" It was the first time that Eleanor had said the word. When Max had told Eleanor how she felt, Eleanor had fallen numb she didn't know what to say or even how to say the words. She never knew how to love.
"Sometimes. But if you had done that, you would not be the woman that she loves."
"She doesn't love me anymore. I have seen to that. Because I was too weak she is now sworn to Vane and his crew. She is raped by them night after night and I cannot stop them. I could have protected her but she would rather have had that fate then stomach to be near me." Eleanor said utterly disgusted with herself. In all of her attempts to distance herself from her father she had ended up just like him.
"What are you going to do about it?" Mr. Scott challenged. He knew Eleanor would have moved the Sun and Stars for Max. They shared a love he did not understand and could only envy.
"There is nothing I can do. She is out there somewhere. I could have saved her. But I was too weak. I could have gone with her to some corner of the world and I would have had nothing. But I would have had her." Eleanor said feeling every bit of her heart that was breaking. It felt like she was slowly imploding.
"I was always taught that you should never give up on the one person who makes you better."
"What difference does it make now Mr. Scott? She will never have me back. And I am let with this ache that makes me want to rip out my heart just to make it stop. Tell me Mr. Scott how do I make the pain stop?" Eleanor pleaded, now looking every bit the youth she tried not to be. Her eyes shimmering with tears she would not allow to fall.
"For now, you seal off your heart. Pretend that it does not hurt you. And every day it will hurt less. Until one day it will not hurt at all." Mr. Scott said wanting to wrap his arms around Eleanor and comfort her like a father would. But that was not his place. Together they walked back to the tavern and he followed her to her room and stood outside wishing he did not have to hear the sobs that soon came through the doors.
It was another week until Mr. Scott received word that the Ranger had been seen. Eleanor did not make idol threats and when she had told his crew that none of them would ever make profit on the shores of Nassau, he had no doubt that she meant it. He did not relish the thought of telling Eleanor that the ship was soon to drop anchor.
Max watched from the deck as Nassau grew closer and closer. A part of her was overjoyed to see land again. She was not meant for a life at sea. But the crew enjoyed having her. Many were much gentler now. Max had a suspicion that Anne Bonny had something to do with that. They had had a successful voyage. At least if the talk of the crew was anything to go by. Though there were whispers that Eleanor would not buy from them. Vane seemed to think that Eleanor might just be desperate enough.
"When we make land, you are coming with us." Vane said coming to stand next to Max.
"She will not be 'ny kinder to you with Max there." Max cautioned.
"She also can't say no to you. So you're coming along." Max didn't know who Vane was trying to hurt. Or if it was both of them. Max never wanted to be used against Eleanor. She had hoped Vane would take her far away from Eleanor and everything that reminded her of the blonde. And he had. He had taken her so far out to sea that they had lost sight of land for days. They had attacked ships, during which time she had found a new definition of terror. The sounds of cannons as they roared to life, and the sound of injured men's screams, the sounds of splintering wood and of ships being destroyed or sunk haunted her dreams. But when they were just sailing and the men would come to her, she would close her eyes and it would be Eleanor's face that came to her mind. Remembering the way that Eleanor would caress her as if she were the most precious thing in the world.
Max had not been able to allow herself to forgive Eleanor. Even if she could now realize now why Eleanor had acted the way she did. But Love, love was the one thing Max had never expected. Passion and lust in her line of work was abundant. Infatuation came too, but always on the side of the client and it always faded away when the effects of the alcohol wore off. But not with Eleanor. Eleanor looked at Max in a way no one ever had. She may not have said the words but Max never doubted that Eleanor felt deeply for Max. That was what made Eleanor's dismissal all the more painful.
"You ran." Max looked up sharply. She had not noticed Vane slip away. Nor Anne Bonny's arrival.
"She would have protected you. Tried even, but you ran."
"You do not know what you're talking about." Max said dismissively.
"Probably not. But that woman practically declared war on Vane and his crew. She must be some kind of crazy. And she did it for you." Max's head dropped. The night was kind of a blur. She remembered the pain, she remembered Eleanor shouting. And then she remembered telling Eleanor that what had happened to her was as much Eleanor's fault as it was the men who had abused her. Everything was such a mess now.
Eleanor stared out her study door leading down to the beach and saw the Ranger, anchored just off the shore. Turning around she saw Mr. Scott holding the manifest of what Vane had brought her. It was impressive; she had to give him that. But she didn't feel that usual thrill of excitement that came when she knew that they were going to make a rich profit off of some illegal haul. She had hoped when Vane had set sail that she would never have to see him again. The power she held was now slipping from her fingers because everyone had heard what had happened on the beach. They all thought that she had lost her mind. She didn't blame them.
"Apparently he has tried Port Royal, he has tried numerous ports but word has spread that you will not deal with him and so neither will any of the others. He is growing desperate." Mr. Scott said expecting to see some smug satisfaction on Eleanor's face but he saw nothing.
In the past week he had seen Eleanor go from the impulsive, stubborn, passion driven woman she was into someone he barely recognized. She tried to force Max from her mind by taking numerous other whores into her bed. From what he had gathered the encounters had not gone as well has she had hoped. She barely smiled anymore, spoke only when necessary, and had almost broken her hand when she had punched a pirate that had dared give her lip. He was beginning to suspect that in order to protect herself from the pain she was in she managed to become dead inside.
"Desperate enough to come here. Are we desperate enough to need him?" Eleanor asked.
"Financially we are secure. The other Captains have seemed to rally under the dream Captain Flint has about L'urca. They bring in hauls that have not been seen before. But I think that it would be important to make your peace with Captain Vane. The other Captains fear him, if they know there is a rift between you and he, they may feel the need to take sides."
"Perhaps you are right."
"Shall I turn them away when they come?"
"No. I will hear their proposal. And hear him beg."
"He has brought her with him." Mr. Scott saw a shadow cross over Eleanor's face at the mention. He had not spoken Max's name since that night on the beach and nor had she.
"Because he thinks I will not say no to her. I will not want her to starve or fall on hard times. I expected as much." Eleanor said. She had to commend Vane for his thorough plan. There was a time when he would have been right.
"We could refuse them. Half of Nassau expects you to refuse even to see him."
"Wasn't it you that told me I need to learn how to separate my personal feelings from the business. If I had my way then Vane would never sell on Nassau again. But from a business standpoint we must trade with him. You said so yourself."
"So you do listen to me."
"Occasionally." Eleanor said with the ghost of a smile.
"When they arrive, I will bring them in again."
"Make them wait a little." Eleanor added when he reached the door.
When Vane arrived at the tavern with Max, Jack Rackham, and Anne Bonny in tow the whole tavern fell silent at the sight of him. Word of what had happened on the beach and Eleanor's rage against Vane had spread. No one expected Vane to dare show his face again. Mr. Scott watched how confidently he walked into the tavern. Like he was not as desperate as Mr. Scott knew that he in fact was, he was relying on the fear that his reputation inspired.
It seemed the only one that was outwardly uncomfortable was Max. She did not have the same prestige as Vane, nor the protection of being one of his crew. Each man in the tavern knew what had happened on the beach and they all knew that she was no longer under Eleanor's protection. She was vulnerable. Even the whores that still belonged to Noonan turned up their noses at her.
"You have a lot of nerve coming back here Vane." Max recognized Mr. Scott's voice and it filled her with more shame.
"I need to speak with her." Vane declared his voice unrelentingly hard.
"She is busy." Max could feel Scott's eyes on her. Disapproving where they had almost once been warm. Scott had admitted to her once that he thought the two women brought the best out in one another.
"We'll wait. Have a drink even." Vane said looking around as if daring anyone to deny him that. These pirates were all loyal to Eleanor. But none of them would cross Vane. Each knowing that Eleanor could not protect them out at sea.
Behind the door to her study Eleanor waited. Trying to collect her thoughts and reign in the panic she felt swelling in the pit of her stomach. She had tried to prepare herself for this, for seeing Max again. For seeing Vane again and not wanting to kill him. Drinking the shot of rum she had poured herself to steel her nerves Eleanor stood and went to the door, opening it before she could change her mind.
"I thought I told you I never wanted to see your fucking face in here again." Eleanor was proud of herself. Her tone portrayed the anger she felt and her words masked the pain that had metastasized within her like a cancer. She even heard a few of the pirates laugh softly to themselves. Enjoying watching someone step up against Vane.
"Can we talk?" Vane asked choosing to ignore the harshness of Eleanor's first statement. Eleanor's gaze hardened in a way that even made him nervous. Max saw it too, a look that she had not seen before. Eleanor would not look at Max. Instead she gestured into her study, Mr. Scott stopping Rackham and Anne Bonny. They would wait outside.
Once the door was latched such Eleanor sat down behind her desk, reclining back into the high backed chair with an air of disinterest. Vane was the first to sit with Max at his side.
"What do you want?" Eleanor demanded.
"We have cargo."
"I know. Port Royal wouldn't even let you drop anchor. That must be frustratingly terrible for business."
"You did that." Vane growled.
"You overestimate my interest in your affairs. I don't give a shit where to off load your cargo as long as it is not here." Eleanor said watching Vane shift uncomfortably. He was trying to behave. But his resistance and his confidence were beginning to fade.
"Eleanor, be reasonable."
"I have received the manifest. Impressive." Eleanor said reaching for it. Looking it over as if she had never seen it before.
"I know that things between us grew heated on the beach and I am willing to look past it. If you are." Vane tried.
"Forgive and forget for the sake of business?"
"If I refuse you, you have nowhere to sell your goods. Your crew will not get paid and they will decide to back a captain that has my support. Like Rackham. You know this, so you bring her here. Does she even know why she is here?"
"Max can hear you." Max stated indignantly.
"Does she?" Eleanor asked her voice louder. Vane shook his head. She stood suddenly and came around the desk leaning back against it and she leveled Max with a stare. Emotionless, Max barely recognized the woman behind those eyes. "Then lets enlighten her shall we? Max, the reason that Captain Vane brought you here is because if I could not be persuaded to trade with him based on his mediocre negotiation skills he was going to bargain you to me. He was going to offer you to me in trade for opening up my warehouse and resources to him. Like a slave. A piece of property to be bartered over. She chose you over me Charles, your men over my protection." Max looked over at Vane indignation written all of her face though she did not know what she expected from him.
"This is true?" Max demanded.
"If Eleanor would not be reasonable." Vane said. Eleanor looked between the two of them, a small glimmer of satisfaction that Max was beginning to see the man that she had so quickly allied herself with in order to get away from Eleanor.
"Are you going to buy me Eleanor? Purchase me like some whore who will always be there to service you?" Max demanded angrily. She expected Eleanor would take such a bargain. It was the only way that Eleanor would be able to get Max back.
"Mr. Scott, take Captain Vane to the warehouse and check in his cargo." Eleanor said after a long moment.
"Yes ma'am."
"Now get the fuck out. Both of you." Eleanor said. Vane followed Mr. Scott. Still confused as to what had just happened but he wouldn't question it. He had gotten what he wanted. Max had not moved, and before long they were alone. Exactly the situation Eleanor was trying to avoid.
"Does this mean I belong to you now?" Max asked confused if that was the deal that had been struck or not.
"You wished to be free from me Max. Now you are." Eleanor said defeated. Her façade fading like every other mask she tried to wear when she spoke with Max. There was no use, Max would always see right through it. "Perhaps now you'll think slightly better of me than those men."
"Why was Max not enough for you?" Max asked finally. Eleanor looked up startled by the question, that thought had never even crossed her mind.
"You were always enough Max. More than. I wanted to give you the world and this was the only way I thought I could. I was going to take the share of what I got from Flint and I was going to whisk you away from all of this. We could have gone anywhere you wanted to go, England, Spain, America, anywhere you wished to go. And I would have had the money to provide for you. To treat you like you deserved to be. I know you can never forgive me for what happened between us, I betrayed your trust and for that I can never apologize enough." Before Max could say anything Eleanor walked outside, finding sanctuary in the calmness of the afternoon air.
Max knew not to linger in the tavern any more than was absolutely necessary. Even the women that had been considered her friends would not even look at her. She had wronged them when she had wronged Eleanor. Eleanor was their champion. Their one defender against Noonan and kept the other pirates in check. It filled her with sadness that things had turned out so poorly. She had lost her home because of her wounded pride.
Night fell over Nassau and the noise of the boisterous cheers and drunken pirates filled the warm air. Max took in the night around her, since they were back in Nassau and a tentative peace had been struck between Vane and Eleanor most of the crew of the Ranger were in the brothel. They could have new pussy, from someone that probably looked like they were enjoying themselves. She had a night of freedom. And she remembered that not long ago when she would spend any free night with Eleanor. And there would be no money. On those nights Eleanor insisted on treated Max like a proper lady. They would dine on foods so delicious Max thought she was dreaming. They would talk about anything that came to mind. And if the mood struck them, as it usually did they would fall into Eleanor's bed and make love until sunrise.
The memory made Max want to cry. She could try and pretend that she did not love Eleanor. Her hurt, her anger, and her shattered pride kept her from forgiving Eleanor for all that had happened. But she could never stop loving Eleanor.
The first time they met was when Max was still new to Nassau. She had just come in on one of the pirate boats, a smaller operation. Mr. Scott had handled that manifest so Eleanor didn't even know Max was on the island. It was after one of her first nights of work. One of the men had been rougher than normal and she sported a bruised cheek and a split lip. She had decided to run. Take her chances away from Nassau. The sand felt like freedom under her feet. But she didn't know her way around. She ran for what felt like forever until her legs could not carry her anymore. And she fell, at the base of a tree and she wept. This had not been her plan when she had set out from home.
"Are you alright?" Max jumped at the sudden intrusion. Grabbing a heavy rock in her hand and standing Max saw that a few feet away a woman had been sitting watching the beach.
"Who are you?" Max demanded.
"I think I should ask you that since you are on my land." The blonde woman replied with a teasing tone. As if finding a woman wandering around in the middle of the night was a normal occurrence.
"My name is Max."
"Hello Max. I'm Eleanor." Max recognized the name and now remembered she had seen Eleanor before at the tavern. Max looked behind Eleanor and saw a large house with several rooms lit, regardless of the hour. Eleanor took in the dark haired woman's appearance and knew without asking that Max was one of Noonan's girls.
"Are you going to make me go back?" Max asked. She had to admit when she had heard from some of the girls that Nassau was run by a woman she had been skeptical.
"Come inside; let me take care of that cut." Max followed without any further prompting. Something about Eleanor made Max trust her. Trust in her kindness. The inside of the house was as Max expected. Rich and impressive, meant to show off a person's station. But Max couldn't help but notice that Eleanor seemed almost uncomfortable there. Max was very good at reading people. It was one of the things that made her so good at what she did.
Eleanor led Max up the staircase into the master bedroom. Since her father left Eleanor had seen no fault in moving into the master bedroom. She had given Mr. Scott her old room, slightly less in size but more luxurious than he was used too.
"Mistress Guthrie?" Mr. Scott asked having clearly just risen.
"Mr. Scott, would you please have someone draw a bath." Eleanor requested, with a nod she told him without words that she would explain later.
"That is not necessary." Max protested.
"I insist." Eleanor said pulling Max into the bedroom and shutting the door. With a nod she sent Max to the bed to sit while she prepared a damp cloth to clean around the wound. "This might sting." Eleanor cautioned as she dabbed Max's lip with the cloth. Max gasped but did not move away.
Otherwise no words were spoken while Eleanor cleaned the wound. Satisfied that the bleeding had stopped Eleanor left the soiled cloth in the bowl. Max now refused to meet Eleanor's gaze. Instead her eyes remained trained on the ground.
"Do you remember who did this to you?" Eleanor asked. She could arrange to have whoever it was killed. She knew the right people.
"Non. I did not ask 'is name. You know what Max is?" Max asked wondering if she would be receiving such care if it was known that she was one of Noonan's whores.
"I know you work for Mr. Noonan." Eleanor said.
"And you still offer me care?"
"I never paid much attention to a woman's profession." This time when Eleanor smiled Max returned it.
"You are too kind to Max." Max stated. A knock interrupted them. It was Mr. Scott informing them that the bath was drawn. Eleanor led Max through the French doors into the bath room where the large ivory tub lay filled with steaming water.
"Please, enjoy." Eleanor said turning and giving Max her privacy.
Once alone in the bathroom Max began to tug on her dress, leaving it in a heap on the floor. It had been a long time since she had had a bath. Especially one that she could enjoy leisurely. She stepped into the tub and with a hiss lowered herself into the hot water. Feeling each muscle relax into the water. Tilting her head back Max glanced at the French doors. Pleased at her ability to see Eleanor through the glass. The blonde was sitting in one of the chairs with a book open in her lap. In the lamp light Max thought she looked every bit the Angel she was.
The water had begun to turn cold when Max rose out of it and wrapped herself in a robe that Eleanor had left out. Eleanor looked up when she heard the door open. She had been trying to read but her thoughts went to Max each time. She had read the same page five times and had no idea what it said. Max was by far the most beautiful woman Eleanor had ever seen. Just the thought of her filled Eleanor's stomach with butterflies and a nervousness she didn't entirely understand. She had always known of her attraction to other women but she had never been so tempted to act on it before.
"You may take the bed tonight." Eleanor offered.
"Max could not impose-"
"You are not imposing. You are my guest."
"I am a whore that ran away from her pimp. I do not deserve this kindness." Max said as Eleanor stood and crossed the small distance between them.
"Deserve it or not, I am offering it. Or, should you prefer I could give you a map of the island and you could run. Either way, the decision is yours." Eleanor said decisively. She would not force Max to stay if she did not want to. But Eleanor wanted Max to stay. Wanted just to be close to Max because just the proximity was making her head spin. Never had anyone affect her so much, so instantaneously.
"Max will stay. But on one condition."
"What condition?" Eleanor asked her eyebrow rose in question.
"Max will not steal your bed. Max will sleep there." Eleanor followed where Max pointed. The chaise lounge chair was comfortable; Eleanor had fallen asleep there many times while reading.
"Agreed." Eleanor said if only to get Max to agree to stay.
The two women went to their respective beds in what they would almost call a domestic way. Eleanor provided Max with a blanket though in the tropical heat it wasn't really necessary and Eleanor extinguished the lights.
When Max awoke the next day it was to the soft ocean breeze washing over her face. The sun ad risen long ago and Eleanor's bed was empty. Max could not place her feeling of sorrow that claimed her heart. Not when Eleanor owed her nothing. Still Max sat up and looked for the blonde hair woman determined to thank her.
On the table as she passed Max saw there was an arrangement set out for her. To the right was a map that clearly showed the whole of the island including every port. And to the left was a small piece of paper, on it was written in elegant penmanship.
"Or you could join me for breakfast"
Max lifted the paper, a smile pulling almost painfully wide at her lips. She walked out of the room and down the stairs when she reached the parlor Mr. Scott, who had clearly been waiting for her to arrive nodded for her to go into the dining room.
Eleanor sat at the large wooden table, papers spread out in front of her alongside a cup of tea and a so far neglected feast.
"Ah, good morning." Eleanor greeted. Her gaze moving over Max appreciatively.
"Surely Max is dreaming." Max mused as she walked into the dining room. "Or she has died and is now in the presence of an Angel." Max continued watching a deep blush cross over Eleanor's face and down her neck.
"Neither I think. Join me." Eleanor said gesturing to the seat diagonal from her. She sat at the head of the table where she had memories of her father sitting.
"'opefully Max is not keeping you from something important." Max asked trying to keep her tone light but her sentiment sincere.
"Not at all. Most pirates don't bother getting up until midday. Even then I find I am most enjoying my stay here."
"Why are you doing this?" Max asked. Her every instinct telling her that no one was this nice to a stranger. No one gave without wanting something in return.
"I don't know." Eleanor lied. The words were there on the tip of her tongue and she wanted desperately to say them. But she couldn't. The coward in her would not allow it.
"Please do not take offense. But in my experience people do not give without wanting something in return." Max said hoping not to offend Eleanor with her words. Only to make Eleanor understand her hesitation.
"Maybe I do want something." Eleanor said her gaze directed at the table, afraid to look upon Max.
"And what is that?" Max expected to hear that Eleanor wanted sex, or a spy within Noonan's girls. Either way, Max expected to have her hopes dashed.
"Friendship." Eleanor's voice was barely a whisper. Barely loud enough for Max to hear. But she did. She heard that Eleanor Guthrie, most powerful person in all of Nassau was asking her to be her friend. It seemed like such a trivial request and yet such a genuine one.
"Look at me." Max requested reaching for Eleanor's hand. Eleanor slowly lifted her gaze to meet Max's and Max saw the vulnerability in Eleanor. How this was not a side Eleanor showed anyone. "Max would be 'onored to be your friend."
Eleanor's elation at hearing Max say that was so absolute she could have jumped up and hugged Max. But she managed to control herself. If only just.
*End Flashback*
Max woke on the beach to the brightness of the sun beaming down upon her face. But that was not what had woken Max. It was the commotion that was being raised at the tents. Wandering over Max caught sight of Mr. Scott. And she had never seen him look so afraid. That only meant one thing. Eleanor.
"Captain Flint!" Mr. Scott called, looking for the one man Eleanor had sent him to find. Pirates made the best doctors when out to sea and no one there to stitch them up, they had to rely on themselves. And the Walrus had the best physician.
"What's going on?" Flint demanded. He too was alarmed by the obvious panic in the usually calm man.
"Mistress Guthrie has been shot."
A/N: Please let me know what you think. : -)