A/N: 9/25/2017, I apologize for this very belated chapter that has only two scenes and no action. The next few chapters to end this part will have action and more scenes. I finally got over my months long writer's block. Finding out a way to work around Sabe's kidnapping in an interesting and believable way took longer to figure out than I thought it would. On a side note, life was itself which was also a distraction for awhile, but things have calmed down enough where I have had the time to finally finish writing out this chapter. Let me know if you can spot where I specifically make fun of this chapter, it's really obvious. Anyway, I hope you guys all enjoy this rather short chapter. -Ash.

Star Wars: A Different Choice

Part II: Attack of the Clones

Chapter 7: The Fate of "Amidala"

While Obi Wan and Anakin have been training, their female counterparts are talking politics inside the spacious but warm neutral colored summer home, well not only politics…

"So, Padmé?" asks Eirtaé sheepishly, "How did you deal with the whole "secretly in love with/married to" a Jedi thing, again?" The two lifelong friends are trying to stay on topic with important things like Eirtaé's safety and the fate of the galaxy, but the blonde woman's love life seems to have taken over other priorities, at least while the two friends are alone.

"Honestly, I only saw glimpses of that other life," replies the brunette thoughtfully, her mind in remembrance of a long ago dream, "Anakin and I were not as… stable as you and Obi Wan could be. At least, not in the same situation. You two seem to be more practical about things while Anakin and I have always been idealistic to a fault. We placed our jobs above our own happiness, but for us that was the worst mistake we could have made. We should have resigned from our positions, especially when I found out I was pregnant in that other timeline."

"Should it come to it, you and Obi Wan would hopefully resign sooner, especially you Eirtaé. I'm still a little surprised that you have acted on your feelings in the middle of such a crisis, but I could never judge you as I would have done the same," continues Padmé, "I just hope you two don't make the same mistake I would have made. Don't let your love for each other drive each other a part."

"We will resign when we can," replies the blonde woman almost defensively, "But I cannot run away while we are at the beginning of a war that can still be prevented…"

"I hate to interrupt you, but this war will start and all we can do is prepare for it," interjects Padmé forcefully, "I know you believe we have a chance of preventing it with siding with Count Dooku. But the truth is Palpatine controls everything right now. He won this war before it even began, but we will win the next war. The people side with him and his lies right now, it will be the next generation that grows up with the harsh reality that will actually fight for real freedom. We just need to survive long enough to raise them to do it and fight with them if and when we can."

"If we have no chance in preventing these "Clone Wars" you told me about, why even tell me about it in the first place," asks Eirtaé bitterly, the blonde woman feeling betrayed.

"Because, Eirtaé, for one, you are brilliant and if there was any hope, you would find it," begins Padmé with a sad smile, "But more importantly, you have been one of my closest friends, closer to me than my own sister. And I did not want to take you for granted again like I had done before. I tried to be as honest as I could with you. I did not even initially realize everything after I first had those visions either, it took me years to come to this realization. I am sorry I could not have warned you sooner. I do not believe all the work we have been doing is in vain. I just know we should not waste our time preventing the inevitable when we should be preparing for the worst."

"I still have to try Padmé!" argues the blonde woman, although determination has replaced the bitter tone of her voice as she rises up from her seat across Padmé and stares out the large bay window facing the lake with her turquois eyes, "Even if I fail. I failed against you many times, more in another future even, but to give up? That is something I still find it hard to believe that I did. Maybe it's because we have been so close these past few years, but now I could never have imagined giving up on my dreams of being Queen and then later Senator of Naboo. And I will not give up on trying to prevent this war from happening, even if it still is inevitable. At the very least I can take the Chancellor's support from Naboo away from him!"

"Perhaps the Resistance will have Nubians in it this time around," contemplates Padmé cautiously as she too rises from her seat and steps close to her best friend, caf colored eyes meeting turquois, "And Naboo might become war torn, but at least it won't cater to the Empire. Should we be successful in convincing Naboo to side with the Separatists, keeping in mind that Palpatine controls them from the shadows and will not allow it."

"I think he tried to kill you during that invasion, Padmé," reminds Eirtaé, "But that plan you came up with involving the Gungans, it not only won us back our planet, but I think our Master Mind friend had to rethink his approach. If we could change his plans once before, we could do it again!"

"Sacrifice me," Padmé states seemingly out of the blue, "The Separatists despise Naboo still mostly because they want "Justice against Amidala" for the Invasion. Trade me for their support and membership. They don't hate you and truthfully are mostly indifferent to our little peaceful planet. They might agree to it even without Palpatine's okay on the matter if we do it quickly enough. I still believe trying to change things is too risky, but if you are going to do it anyway, better to not do it alone."

"Even if you could convince me to agree to this, using you like this Padmé," argues Eirtaé dismissively, "Anakin would never agree to it."

"But that's just it, he will not only agree to it, but he'll help me fake my death," announces Padmé, sounding like her old, ambitious self, "It would be the best way to seal away my alternate identity, to straight up kill it off. If we do it right Naboo will come together, we are not a war fighting planet, but we do have a strong sense of justice. I become a martyr (not for real) and Naboo will stand with you as you expose the Chancellor as corrupt and behind the cause of my death. We disown the Chancellor and fight a real war, which we will still probably lose and have to go into hiding, you more than Anakin and I since the two of us have managed to stay under the radar this time."

"Well, Padmé," Eirtaé changes the subject, and sort of breaks the fourth wall, "As much as I enjoyed this talk, I think we've gone on this subject long enough for today. If this were a Holofilm, our viewers would be bored of all this talking. Let's go back to "Her Majesty-"

"I agree, when we get back here our brave Jedi should be done with their training for today," agrees Padmé happily, glad for the change of subject as well. The shorter woman is quick to embrace her taller friend in a warm and much needed hug. Padmé is aware she is going to have to have an uncomfortable talk with her fiancé later that night about her great plan. But as the brunette looks at her worried honorary sister, she could not help but silently hope that she is wrong, that somehow they could find a way to stop this coming war without hurting the future worse than it already would have been if they had done nothing at all.

Meanwhile, on the desert planet of Geonosis, inside one of the massive cave like structures, a prisoner is brought before several prominent Separatist members including the leaders of the Trade Federation, as well as Count Dooku himself.

"This vile Nubian is not the Amidala we are looking for!" angrily yells the Namidian official, the fake Queen sticks her tongue out in a younglingish "I told you so" manner towards the armor clad bounty hunter only he is not wearing his helmet, revealing his short cropped dark brown hair and coppery tanned skin. Count Dooku is also in the room, a man with graying almost white hair, a short beard, and very tall height and slim body dressed in black robes with an amused expression towards the former handmaiden on his face at her antics towards his bounty hunter, "She was and still is a only a decoy. Your precious bounty hunter Fett has given me nothing of value!" continues the official furiously.

"I assure you it was an honest mistake," replies the bounty hunter shamefully, "She was proclaiming herself to be the one and only Former Queen Amidala. How can you be sure she is only a decoy?"

"Because I encountered her over ten years ago when the real Amidala fooled me and then captured me, it was humiliating," bitterly remarks the official, "I mistook her for the real Queen Amidala myself. I have since learned how to tell them apart. This is not the Real Amidala!"

"Perhaps you should leave and continue your search back on Coruscant," orders Count Dooku distractedly, "Obviously the Trade Federation is not pleased with this "Hostage", and perhaps you should return her to Naboo. I doubt this female will cause any trouble for us, she appears to be a simpleton." Count Dooku's odd protectiveness towards Sabé goes unnoticed, by most except the brunette woman herself, although it does not hold her tongue.

"Who are you calling a simpleton!" angrily comments the gaudily dressed Sabé, still shackled and wearing the same dress almost three days in a row, her once elaborate makeup now almost completely rubbed off her tired face, "Just because I don't care much for politics does not mean I am stupid!"

"Silence!" yells one of the Geonosian guards. The bounty hunter was about to make another comment when everyone, Count Dooku, the Namidian Officials, Fett, the guards, and "Amidala" are interrupted by a holo com in the center of the round room…

The blueish green nearly transparent three dimensional, life size image of Senator Jade of Naboo appears before them. The confused mix match of beings are quiet as the figure speaks, "I have been transferred directly from Cato Namidia to this location. I am Senator Eirtaé Jade of Naboo. I have a proposition for the leaders of the Trade Federation. I propose a provision in which an alliance can be made. In exchange of your support in joining the Separatist Organization fully, I will personally deliver you the Real Amidala, Former Queen of Naboo and the person from our planet you all feel most hatred towards for the whole "invasion" fiasco ten years ago. Under my leadership, our relations have improved greatly since that dark time of miscommunication. I believe with your help and our involvement in your organization lead by the intelligent and wise Count Dooku, should a war come about we would be on the greater side. I understand a great bounty has been placed on Amidala's head, far greater than mine even, and with this exchange your people will save a large amount of money, something the Trade Federation is most well known for. I have no personal attachment. Amidala is a former rival of mine whom had placed my planet in great danger because of her naivety and bold actions. That is all she is to me. Our negotiation would of course be with the uttermost secrecy with only involved parties here in the know. Naboo citizens may have a strange fascination with Amidala, I however know the real woman behind the mask, and she is no friend of mine. Naboo is not a warrior planet, however without our support, the Chancellor will at the very least, be questioned by his own supporters and highly embarrassed, with his own home planet turning against him. If you great officials of the Trade Federation as full members of the Separatist Organization will even simply consider my offer, please send the coordinates for a secret location in which we can meet and discuss further details. I would bring a pilot, one Jedi Bodyguard, whom Count Dooku will know from experience will remain a neutral party in this meeting, and Amidala herself. As not only a rival of Amidala, but also one of her former handmaidens, I can assure you she will be the real Amidala, not another imposter. I hope by the end of this, Naboo can become a Separatist Planet and that Cato Namadia and Naboo can go from former enemies to allies. Again, not only will you have Amidala to do to her however you wish, but you will also take away the Chancellor's home planet away from his power. Naboo does not condone the actions of the power hungry, too long in power Chancellor who has broken his promises to us, we must join the Separatists fully in order to survive. War seems very likely at this point in time, consider your next actions carefully. We will be awaiting your reply, Senator Jade of Naboo, end transmission…"

"Hmm, this is interesting," states Count Dooku thoughtfully, "So, that Senator is still determined to rebel against her own former Senator. She seems desperate, so she will easily agree to our terms. Very interesting indeed. Perhaps Naboo would make a good ally, if nothing else it would be a great embarrassment to have the Chancellor fight against his home planet."

"Also, her offer is more than fair," points out one Namidian official, "Actually we stand to benefit more than her. And we have been rather patient enough with these bounty hunters, when a bitter rival of Amidala's would give her to us in revenge almost for free."

"I suggest we give them a meeting and arrange it within the week. Soon the Senate will have vote on that military creation bill that is almost a formal declaration of war in itself. Before they will even declare war on us, we will have the Chancellor's home planet on our side! My master would be pleased," announces Count Dooku, who is in the know of a lot more information about the real state of the galaxy. He is sure his master would NOT be pleased, but it would give him an advantage. He could maybe actually win this war and save the galaxy like he had originally planned when he became Darth Tyranus and left the Jedi Order ten years ago. "Jango Fett, return that imposter back to Naboo! I do not want them to back out of their agreement and go to war with us instead over a mediocre actress."

"Hey, I must be a pretty convincing actress if your golden boy bounty hunter brought me here instead of the real former queen," laughs Sabé cruelly, "or he is just not too bright. Not too many brains with this bounty hunter, he was lucky I was out of shape or I could have escaped really easily."

"Why can't I just do with her what I please?" angrily asks Fett.

"Because she professes to be a former Handmaiden to Senator Jade and if she goes missing for a long period of time and is in anyway discovered to have been harmed by us, the Senator of Naboo will of course back out of her rather reasonable deal with us. I will not let that happen, understood Fett!"

"Yes, sir!" states the bounty hunter bitterly, "Will I still be paid in half for my troubles?"

"You brought us an imposter, Fett. I should pay you nothing. But since I need you to return this Nubian unharmed and alive back to Naboo, I will pay you a third of our original agreement. And in the future only focus on your actual target and be sure they are who you said they are and not some former decoy! I suggest you leave to bring her back to Naboo immediately."

"Oh and Sabé, was it?" Dooku addresses the former handmaiden, when she shakes her head yes he continues, "I would rather you not speak of this to your Senator or to anyone back on Naboo. Senator Jade herself said that what we have been discussing is classified, I suggest you make up a lie about where you have been the past three days. Fett will return you to Naboo, and you will go back to your simple life as if nothing had happened at all. You being here was a mistake I deeply apologize for. Could you come a little closer child…?"

Sabé walks closer to Count Dooku, the tall older man still remarkably fit for his age with hard chiseled muscles beneath his tightly fitting robes. When she turns slightly back towards Fett, Dooku places a bag full of precious metals worth more than she could possibly imagine into her hidden pocket in the enormous dress she is still wearing as he whispers in her ear with his war, baritone voice, "For your troubles. Don't let him see it and keep quiet, the fate of the galaxy might be in your hands." The former handmaiden shakes her head yes before walking back towards the bounty hunter.

"Return her safely to Naboo and I will pay you another third of the original payment we agreed on," announces Count Dooku regally, "Miss Sabé, have a safe journey home. I pray we meet again under better circumstances."

"Thank you Count Dooku, I hope things work out between you and my Senator," replies Sabé respectfully, bewildered by the fact that she went from prisoner to almost a sort of honored guest in less than an hour, but wanting to keep in the Separatists' (specifically Count Dooku's) good graces, "I'll just go back to my restaurant and make no trouble." She begins to walk off, with odd feelings towards a man clearly more than twice her age who to other girls of her age would seem creepy but to her he seems mysterious and, maybe the slightest bit attractive.

"Before you go Milady," interrupts Dooku, "What is the name of your Restaurant?"

"The name of my restaurant is an inside joke among some old friends of mine," replies the Brunette cheekily, "It's located in Theed and is called Her Majesty's Lost Bet. I usually impersonate Amidala and work mostly weekdays." She winks at him before walking out of the room behind Fett. Count Dooku stares at Sabé's retreating form with his dark obsidian eyes before he dismisses his fellow Separatist members. This new information must be kept far away from his Master, and the timing could not be more than perfect. The Galaxy might be saved after all, although there are still a few hurdles remaining…