** This is MysteriousMelissa working with SodasGurl on a lemon ( gonna be good!..we don't own anyone who's name you recognize..we hope you like our story**

Pony's POV

I rolled over looking into my brother Sodas shut eyes. Boy, did he look peaceful when he slept. I wish I looked like him.

I walked out into the kitchen without surprise to see our gang spread among our house Steve, Two-Bit, Johnny, Dally and Darry all 5 of them. Then I looked over at Darrys desk to see my sister, Melissa doing her homework on our spring break.we werent going back to school for another month and she was doing her homework. She was a brainiac but didn't look the part, her straight brown hair looked just right against her creamy, tanned complexion, and her bright green eyes stood out of her soft face. Ever since my mom and dad died 1 and a half months ago she has been introduced to the gang and for the worst part, rumbles. Melissa and Dally had hit it off right away, we all wanted to make it clear to Dally that she wasn't easy like Sylvia, but for some reason we think he knew that.

"Hey, Pony theres some girls moving in next door, maybe you should introduce yourself," Steve said smiling.

Some dumb girls to move in here I thought. Who would want to live here. I decided to get dressed and grab something to eat and go introduce myself.

"Darry, im going to introduce myself to the new neighbors"

"ok be back in 45 minutes" he yelled from the kitchen

I walked out the door to meet our new neighbors. I walked down the street to their sidewalk.

"Hi are you one of the moving guys?," a girl long red hair and hazel eyes said

" No, im your new neighbor, Ponyboy Curtis" I said

"Oh, hi I'm Rina Jansen and this is my sister Carly Jansen" she pointed over to a thin girl with blond hair and green eyes.

I just waved. " I know we are new neighbors and all but would you and your Mom and Carly like to come over to our house later and meet my friends?"

"Sure but I don't have a mom she and my dad died in a car accident 2 months ago. We live with my 19 year old sister Isabella"

"Oh I'm sorry my parents died the exact way 1 and a half months ago, my 16 year old brother brother Soda, my 15 year old sister Melissa and I live with my 19 year old brother Darry." I said apoligetically.

"Sure we would love to join you and your friends later on tonight but I have to finish unpacking now," Rina said.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"YES" She said.

** Yes I know this is a lemon but its gonna be a lemon with a actual story dudes..who will hit it off? Yes every character in The Outisders will do some sick stuff with a girl hehe ( that's why it's a lemon. Will the guys open up to their gals? Or will they have to do some.stuff to get their guys to open up?**
