"Debut as a male."

The words resonated in the room. I sat, frozen on the couch, staring at Shining Saotome, as well as my teacher during my years in Saotome Gakuen, Tsukimiya Ringo-sensei. Blinking for a few moments, I had wondered if I had heard him properly.

"Excuse me…? Mr. Shining… I don't understand what you're trying to tell me." I replied. I had been told that I was more like a male than a female, both in appearance and in voice before, but I had never expected anything like this to happen. Tucking my short, chestnut brown hair behind my ear, my eyebrows scrunched together.

"Debut as a male, Miss Tsukino." The headmaster repeated, "I can not let you debut as a female. Though impact is good, very good, but too much is a no-no~! Miss Tsukino, female idols are known to be 'cute'. You don't fit in that category. I will only allow you to debut as a male."

I looked down, biting my bottom lip. It was my dream, to become an idol. But I didn't think this was what would happen.

Honestly, I didn't know what to do, but I had cut off so many things to come here. I couldn't possibly end it at that.

Slowly, I gave him a nod.

The deal was made.

The contract was signed.

That was the end of Tsukino Misa.

But was the start line for Tsukishita Misaki.

Groaning, I turned, grabbing the sheets. Why was I dreaming about something like that now? It felt as if it was from deep in the past. Well, though in reality, it really was only half a year ago.

What time…? I slowly opened one of my eyes, gazing at the ceiling for a moment, before glimpsing at the clock which lay by the bed.


4 am?!

My eyes wide, I tumbled out of bed, my bed covers flying to the other side of the room.

"No, no, no!" I repeated under my breath as I tripped around the room, getting ready while trying to look for my phone and scripts. I had no time to comprehend the coldness that had overtook me as I left the bed.

In one corner of my mind, I hoped I wasn't too loud to wake up my neighbours, or the people on the floor below mine. Especially since a single mother with a baby lived next door, I didn't want to meet an angry mother's face the first thing I leave the house.

As I calmed down after getting ready and finding my lost objects, I sat down at a small low table after taking out a sandwich I had bought from the convenience store the night before. I can't cook, not would I even have the time to.

" I love you, tsui-"

I picked up the phone before the first phrase half finished.

"Hello? This is Tsukishita."

"Ah, Misaki. 'Morning." It was my manager, Kanda Ayaka, "I'll be a bit late, so prepare yourself you leave as soon as I get there."

There was a small pause as the thought for a moment. I could almost hear her snickering on the other end of the line.

"…Don't forget anything."

I sighed, frowning half-heartedly. Looking inside my bag, I nodded though she couldn't see, "All ready, Aya-san."

I could hear the car's engine in the background as she told the driver to go faster, "Okay, then. We'll check your schedule and talk about job offers in the car. See you."

The phone call ended quickly, and I dropped my phone in my bag.


For once I had gotten ready in time.

AN: For this story, I've made the names in the order in Japan (Surname then name). I've also published this story on WattPad, so I'll be thankful if you can comment either here or there :)

CC is welcomed, but however flames and hate are not. Please be aware of that. Thank you.