Disclaimer:  I don't own DBZ

This is just something that popped into my head (actually the last line did) so thought I'd share it with somebody.



            This is Gohan.  Your son.  Do you remember me?  It doesn't seem like it.  Do you even know you have another son, Goten?  You would love him.  I do.  He's perfect.  He reminds me so much of you and it hurts that you're not here with him.  It's not fair.  It's not fair for him that he has to grow up without a father.  He only has me, the painfully inadequate brother.  Did you know that sometimes he asks about you?  He asks me why you left and when you'll come back.  And I have to tell him that you're an angel and that you'll never come back.  He cries sometimes.  He thinks that you left because you didn't want him.

            Do you know that as soon as he learned about the Dragon Balls he went out and found all of them so he could bring you back?  Do you know how much it hurt when he came back, his face shining and saying that nobody had to be sad now because he could bring Daddy back?  I was the one who had to break the news to him because mom locked herself in her room and wouldn't come out.  He thought it was his fault.  And I had to hold him in my arms and press him against my chest so he wouldn't see the tears streaming down my face. 

And then he apologized.  He apologized to me, Dad.  He said that he was sorry he had made everyone sad and he wouldn't ever do it again and that he wouldn't ask for his Daddy anymore, that I was enough for him.  But I know it isn't true, I know I'll never be enough for him, because he deserves so much more.  He deserves everything he could ever want.  Except all that he wants is a father.  I love him so much, it hurts that the one thing he wants, I can't give to him.  Only you can.

He would hate you, you know.  If he only knew how.


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