Disclaimer: I do not own anyone except for Dolores Plummer and Ester Plummer. I don't even own their family line, Polly Plummer and the rest of the characters belong to C.S Lewis. All plots go to the author. I do not own Alice In Wonderland either.

Ester hated the war as most teens did. Ester wanted her father to hug her and tell her it was going to be alright but even if he had been alive today, he would have been serving in the war effort. He wouldn't be at Esters house calming her during the bombing happening outside of her window. Germans were raiding London and Ester had to help move her gran, named Polly, to the bomb shelter with the help of her mother, Dolores. Her gran was older and was very slow but that didn't stop Polly from moving in with her widowed daughter and granddaughter. Polly Plummer had not been able to take care of herself alone in her childhood home so naturally she wanted to move in with her daughter and granddaughter for her last years. Polly wanted Ester to leave her and go into the bomb shelter immediately but Ester would rather get hit with one of the catastrophic bombs then leave her grandmother behind.

Ester had loved living with her mom and gran but she knew her mom was planning to send her somewhere safer for the duration of the war. Somewhere that was more safe with a less chance of air raids. Most parents in the larger cities in England were doing that as soon as they could. Ester lived in Finchley which was a high target area right now. Dolores was planning on sending Ester with the Save The Children program but Polly instead very persistently that Ester go stay with her very old friend, Digory Kirke, who lived far into the country. After Polly persistently presented the idea to Dolores she had no choice but to agree because Polly was interfering with the papers in a childish way anyway. Polly had taken to hiding the papers all around the house, including flushing them down the toilet.

They spent the night in their shelter trying to sleep over the impossibly loud bombs that were slightly dulled down due to the bomb shelters soundproof walls. Polly fell asleep quickly because her hearing was horrid anyway. Dolores stayed awake for a few more hours until the bombs had settled and even though they had seemingly stopped the safest thing to do was just stay in the bomb shelter overnight. Seventeen year old Ester didn't fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning. She had been up all night worrying about leaving. What if her family didn't make it out alive? What if Professor Kirke didn't like her? What if she got lonely? These questions rang in her mind as loud as church bells on Sunday, if not louder. When Ester finally did go to sleep she was woken by her mother not even a half hour later.

"Hurry up my love, you must pack some things." Dolores said rushing a very groggy Ester into the house. Dolores handed Ester a suitcase to fill with belongings.

"Mum, why can't I stay here? With you and Gran?" Ester asked trying to keep what's left of her family together.

"Out of the question, it is far too dangerous!" Dolores all but yelled.

Ester slouched her way to the room she shared with her gran and put a few of her favourite skirts and blouses into her bag. Followed by undergarments and her favourite book. She put a few other things into her suitcase and followed her mums words ushering her downstairs. Ester told her gran how much she loved her and that she would be home as soon as the war was over. Ester then got into her mothers motorcar and stayed quiet on their way to the train station. Neither Ester or Dolores knew what to say, not even when the train station was in sight.

"Ester dear, you know that I'm doing this because I love you right?" Dolores asked slowing the car to park it.

"I know. I love you too. I can handle myself from here." Ester said before she quickly left the car and made her way into the train station, pushing herself past the crowd of people and to the train. She made it to the boarding stage and handed over her ticket when the man asked for it. After getting on the train she sat in the first empty compartment she saw. She lifted her suitcase to put it in the over carry but she nearly dropped it on her head since she could barely even reach her target.

"Let me get that for you." A blonde boy said politely as he grabbed the luggage from her hand and stashed it above for her.

"Thank you." Ester muttered meekly sitting down to claim a window seat as her own.

"I hope you don't mind us joining you, everywhere else is full." The smallest girl said sitting across from me with a sad smile.

"Not at all." Ester shyly smiled and looked at the ground.

The shorter of the two boys sat on the same bench as Ester but as far away as he could have. She sat quietly while the train began to roll along. After about three stops when they were going around a bend the boy beside her fell onto her lap startling her slightly. The blonde boy that helped her earlier told her to just wake up him up she told him it was fine and he must need the sleep.

"I'm Peter," The blonde boy, Peter, said. "This is Susan and Lucy," Peter pointed to the two girls while saying their names. Susan was the older girl and Lucy was the youngest. "The boy on your lap is Edmund. You're not tagged, are you not with save the children?"

"I'm Ester and no, my gran is sending me to one of her friends, Professor Kirke. They were childhood friends and she doesn't seem to trust me with anyone else." Ester said louder than before, warming up to this family.

"That's where we're going, quite the coincidence." Susan mentioned looking at Edmund and caught him opening his eyes but closing them again quickly.

Susan scoffed at her very immature younger brother but still fought the urge to rat him out. Susan would surely give him a talk about respect or honesty that he most likely wouldn't even listen to. The train came to a halt and Ester watched as a few girls were ushered away by there home stay families until the war has ended and their homes were once again deemed safe. The train began to roll forward yet again and Esters anxiety doubled as they neared their destination.

Ester was a little satisfied that she'd met the people she would be spending her days with on the train. It would seem that luck was on her side at the moment as the four children seem to be alright with Esters company. Lucy, who was leaning against her brother and hugging his arm, even made Ester promise that she would play with Lucy during their stay away from home. Peter smiled at her in a friendly way multiple times and Susan was ecstatic about Ester's knowledge of other languages. Her Gram taught her a couple languages when they both had spare time. Edmund was happily napping on her lap so she assumed he was okay with her being around.

The Pevensie children and Ester got to know each other during the rest of the train ride. They told her of their large family and she told them of her small family. The train rolled along and stopped occasionally to let off children and eventually it stopped at a small run down platform that wouldn't be able to hold more then ten people without collapsing. Ester was happy to finally be able to stretch her legs so she gently shook the dark haired boy laying in her lap. Edmund pressed his eyes closed tighter before actually opening them. When Edmund realized they were about to exit the train he jumped up and grabbed his trunk quickly, knocking down someone else's causing it to fall and hit Esters shoulder.

"Ow." Ester muttered after a pathetic attempt at protecting herself from the falling luggage.

"I'm so sorry." Peter loudly apologized grabbing his trunk off the seat next to Ester.

"It's fine." Ester assured grabbing her own trunk. Esters bag nearly came crashing down but she caught it in time.

They quickly got off of the train and walked across the rickety platform and looked to see that there was no one around to transport us to the house. Had they been forgotten? Ester felt bad for doubting the professor when she heard a motorcar come driving down the dirt road that crossed the train tracks. The Pevensies grabbed their things and rushed down the three creaky steps and watched as the car zoomed right past. The car honked at them as it rocked across the train tracks. Ester let her trunk rest beside her as she played with the waistline of her skirt and looked at her feet.

"The professor knew we were coming." Susan muttered setting down her trunk and crossing her arms looking down the road.

"Perhaps we've been incorrectly labelled." Edmund cynically sighed as he looked at the tag pinned to his jacket.

"I know I'm in the right place though." Ester reasoned but no one heard her awkward murmuring.

That's when everyone standing on or around the platform heard the sound of hooves and a lady instructing horses. A older looking lady, hopefully Mrs. McCready, was sitting atop a carriage while two horses galloped up to the train station. Peter asked if she was in fact Mrs. McCready and she confirmed the assumption.

"Is this it then? Haven't you brought anything else?" Mrs. McCready asked looking around and pulling an undecipherable face.

"No ma'am, it's just us." Peter politely told her in a quiet but polite voice.

"Small favours." McCready said mostly to herself while turning to face ahead of her. "Hop in then."

The Pevensie children got into the back before Ester even got off of the platform. Ester rushed over not wanting to keep them waiting and she hoisted her trunk into the back. Peter grabbed her trunk with one hand and held his other out to help her into the back. Ester gave him a friendly smile and accepted his helping hand. Peter pulled her up without using too much effort as Ester was light and easy to pull up.

Ester stayed quiet as did the others during the short trip back to the mansion. The only things to be heard were sound of hooves, and McCready murmuring things along the lines of good girl, and c'mon to the horses that gracefully pulled them across the large lawn. The horses slowed then stopped at McCready's commanding them to do so. She told them to grab their things and follow her into the house for a brief tour of the mansion.

Ester was the first to hop off of the cart pulling her trunk to the ground with a slight crash. Lucy was about to jump off but Ester let her trunk go and grabbed under Lucy's arms to help her off gently instead of her jumping. Lucy thanked her and then grabbed her own suitcase from Susan's waiting hands. Ester picked her trunk back up and dragged it up to the large house. It was one of the most beautiful buildings Ester had ever seen. With a grand luscious yard and vines crawling up the side of the mansion with such elegance. Ester wondered if Digory had held beautiful parties in his youth.

Ester was so caught up in her imagination of a ball where people were dancing and laughing that she didn't notice the Pevensies and McCready had passed her and begun the tour. Ester rushed in to hear McCready yell at Susan to not touch the historical artifacts. Edmund was the only one who noticed that Ester had just appeared behind the group and he smirked a little at her tardiness but said nothing.

"Above all, there shall be no disturbing of the professor." McCready sternly said pointing at them with a very serious look in her eye that made Ester flinch back a bit.

McCready led them to their rooms for the time being. Lucy and Susan would share a room, Peter and Edmund would share a room and Ester would be by herself in a two bedroom. Ester sighed as she pulled up her suitcase up to place it on the bed she wouldn't occupy.

"Do you like your room?" Lucy asked with a straight face from the doorway before rushing over to Esters window. "You have a nice view too. I think you, Susan and I got the good rooms. The boys can only see the shed out of theirs."

"Yeah," Ester said opening her trunk to pull out something she could wear in bed. "It's a very nice place."

"Lucy!" Susan scolded appearing in the doorway. "You ought to be in bed." Susan walked over and grabbed the small girls hand and carefully tugged her out of the room.

"Goodnight." Lucy waved over her shoulder as she was pulled from the room by her older sister.

Ester waved as a signal of goodbye and changed into her night clothes. Ester wore a simple pink nightgown and put on her slippers to protect her feet from the harsh cold of the hardwood floor. Ester grabbed the book she packed and turned the full room light off using the switch by the door. Ester walked over to her bed and turned on the dull lamp that was settled on the bedside table. Ester tucked herself into the sheets on the bed so her legs were covered by the blanket but her back rested on the head board. Ester opened the book where she had last left off and began to fly through the pages with a small smiling tugging at her lips. Ester heard a light tap on her door and looked up to see Peter Pevensie standing at the door looking sheepish.

"Your shoulder okay?" He asked entering Esters room and walking over to lean on one of the bed posts at the end of her bed.

"It's fine." Ester replied closing her book so her four fingers were still keeping her place.

"Sorry about Ed, I's sure he just misses our dad. Anyway, I don't know if you want to hear this but there were more attacks tonight." Peter told her while he tapped his long fingers on the bed post.

"Uh," Ester didn't know what to say as she didn't need the extra worry pinging at her heart tonight. "Thanks, for the update." She said so she didn't come off as rude.

"Sure. Goodnight." Peter muttered scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably as he turned and left the room. Peter closed the door behind him.

Ester looked at the book in her hands and opened it again to read with less excitement as she previously had. Ester let her mind take her into the fantasy that was; Alice In Wonderland. Ester let her self believe she was as innocent and brave as Alice. Ester put herself into the story, letting her mind imagine her speaking with the giant blue caterpillar sitting on a mushroom. Ester put the small scrap of paper back into it's spot as a bookmark and put the table on the side of the bed. Ester turned the lamp off and crawled under the blankets so only her head was visible.

The sheets were less than soft. Ester slightly pouted at the creaky sound the springs made with every turn she made trying to get comfortable on the bed. Ester closed her eyes and tried to think of something calming; like sheep grazing in a farmers field. Sleep didn't seem to want to come to Ester. After a few hours of tossing and turning in the noisy bed she finally drifted into dreamland.

Ester woke up with a start as she heard a loud crash coming from the hallway. Ester hesitated but took the blankets off of her body and slowly walked to the door that lead into the hallway. Ester opened the door and was instantly confused at the sight. There were great trees with pretty pink and purple leaves. She stepped into the hallway and looked down when her bare feet hit something soft. The hardwood floor was replaced with vivid green grass making a wide smile replace Ester's tight lipped expression. After taking a few steps into the foreign territory she turned in hopes to retreat into her room and put on some shoes to wear while exploring this new land but the door behind her was long gone. Ester walked back towards where the door stood only moments before.

Suddenly a little white rabbit in a fancy vest murmuring about being late rushed past with a little blonde girl right on his tail. Ester watched their form retreat before looking in the opposite direction. She decided to see where the girl came from in hopes to return to the mansion. Ester walked for a few minutes before there started to be more and more trees. Eventually she had to change her course with every step because of the amount of trees. Ester soon lost track of which was she was trying to go. Ester turned again thinking she'd chosen the wrong way to go but behind her was now a brick wall that seemed to go on for ages either way. Ester huffed before turning again and seeing a large mammal of some sort staring at her. The animal had the beak and wings of an amazing eagle but it had four legs like a horse of some sort. She stared at it before taking a courageous step towards it.

The animal looked at her suspiciously before reaching over her and grabbing the back of her night gown with it's beak and pulling her up and onto his back. He jumped off and started flying towards the clouds. Ester screamed and kept her eyes closed tightly but the feel of the wind on her face made her open her eyes. She saw them approach a cloud and she felt her cheeks get wet while passing through it. Ester smiled an award winning smile and stretched her arms out on either side of her. Then the animal spun around in a barrel roll sort of way and that sent Ester flying toward the ground and at fast speed. As she fell, Ester only got faster with no way to save herself. Ester screamed as she watched the ground get closer and closer.

When she hit the ground she shot up and out of her bed, for real this time. She looked around her room until her eyes rested on the book that was on her nightstand. She opened to the twenty third page and read the middle paragraph. It was about a blonde Alice chasing the rabbit who was late. She rolled her eyes and closed the book putting it right back where it was before. Ester felt a dry feeling in her throat so she made her way to the kitchen for a glass of water. She opened the door to the hallway and instantly looked to the ground which was in fact a hardwood floor. As she walked down the hallway Ester let her fingers linger on the wall of the hallway with a stoic expression.

Once at the kitchen Ester poured herself a glass of water and leaned against the counter while slowly sipping her drink. She heard footsteps and saw Peter walking into the room and he slowed when he saw her. She gave him a small smile and set her drink down so she could hoist herself on to the counter to sit.

"So, have you actually met the Professor?" Peter asked trying to make small talk while holding a glass under the tap to get himself some water.

"No, he and my Gram were just really good friends when they were younger." Ester explained watching Peter turn to face her.

"Oh, that's lucky. Not having to go with a complete stranger." Peter sighed letting a look of disappointment cross his face while speaking.

"I suppose but, I mean, I think you're the lucky one. You have your siblings, I have a man that I've heard stories about." Ester complained and she visibly frowned. Ester hopped off of the counter and left the room before Peter could get a single word in.

Ester returned to her room and closed the door behind her. She laid back onto her bed with such heartache for her family. Ester didn't know what time it was when she fell asleep but this sleep was dreamless. Ester was peacefully sleeping for hours before she woke up again.