Crystal: *waves and smile* Welcome to all the wonderful naruxhina fans! This will be my new story about our favorite couple, brief mention of other pairings, yet this story is focus solely on Naruto and Hinata. It's different from my other stories because this is a time travel fic, yet they won't travel into the past, they will travel into the future. Anyway, I hope you all like it and review!

Summary: Naruto, Hinata, and Kiba are send on another mission by Tsunade, their mission is a simple D rank and wasn't supposed to be dangerous, yet things never go as plan for the three genin. The small team found a temple and decided to stay the night there since a storm was heading their way. They found in a lock room and decided to investigate, opening the doors, they only found a strange mirror in a pedestal at the center of the room and of course Naruto just had to touch it! Naruxhina!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!

The Mirror of Time

Chapter one: The mission that started it all!

Naruto Uzumaki grumble to himself, he was sent into another boring mission at another village, not only that it was with Hinata's team! Don't get him wrong; he likes the shy girl, she was his friend and if his being honest she was the only girl that didn't treat him like he was annoying her with his mere presence. The problem wasn't Hinata, she was the only good thing about the mission, it was Kiba that bossy, hard-headed and arrogant mutt! Oh, Kami, just because he has more experience off the woods, he thinks he can boss Hinata and him around all day! Naruto had to keep his temper in check for Hinata's sake, his friend hated when they fought and he didn't want to make her upset, so instead he did the next best thing... He kept himself close to Hinata and away from the mutt. Naruto notice that every time he grab her hand to help her or sat-down next to her, Hinata would turn red and sometimes faint, he was worried that his friend was too sickly for it to be normal because it happen all the time. However, when he brought up his concerns to Kiba the boy just laugh at him and call him an idiot before waking away from him, Naruto had been in a sour mood since then and that incident started when they were traveling to the other village at the beginning of the mission. Now their mission was complete and they are only a few more hours until they finally reach the hidden leaf Village, but it seemed destiny had other plans for the three shinnobi...

"It's raining." Kiba said as he felt the first couple of rain drops, the air was becoming colder and Akamuro barked loudly.

"What else captain obvious? Of course it's raining! Ugh, what's with the sudden change in weather?" Naruto asked in annoyance.

"There is a storm coming by the way Akamaru is responding towards it; I will say it's a pretty big one. We should find shelter and soon, it won't be a good idea to keep going Hinata see if you can use your Byakugan to find a cave or something." Kiba said as the rain came falling more rapidly around them.

"R-Right. Byakugan!" Hinata said as she scan the forest for shelter, her eyes widen when after a few minutes she saw something on the west side of the forest... it looked like a temple.

"Kiba, I found a temple a few miles away from our current location, it seems to be stable enough for us to spend the night." Hinata said softly as pointed on the direction where the temple was located.

"Alright, way to go, Hinata-chan! Let's go!" Naruto said as he grabbed Hinata's hand and began running towards the direction of the temple... unaware of the red-face and slightly swaying form of Hinata.

"Naruto, stop being such baka and let go of Hinata's hand before she faints! Naruto, wait!" Kiba yelled at he gave chase to the blonde boy and his teammate.

-After a few minutes-

"Wow, this place is a dump! There is no way I'm staying here, this place gives me the creeps, " Naruto said as he gaze the temple, his hair was soak reaching his forehead instead of his usual spikes, his blue eyes seemed wary as he gaze on the place.

"Naruto, stop being picky. Lets just go inside and stay it's only for toning." Kiba said annoyed, he hated the cold rain and now he was soaked in it.

"Oh, no! No way! I rather stay here and take my chances with the storm." Naruto said as he cross his arms.

"B-B-But N-Naruto-kun. You could get s-sick, and it's not safe out here at night. Please come with us inside." Hinata pleaded giving Naruto what Kiba name: 'The puppy dog eyes for suckers, like Naruto for example.'

'Why does she always have to give me that look?' Naruto thought to himself hopelessly, knowing full well that he would yield, he sigh and nodded his head in consent much to Hinata's relief. 'Boy, that poor sucker is already whipt and he doesn't even know it. Poor bastard.' Kiba thought to himself amused at the scene. The trio made it at the temple, it was in ruins, but it was better than nothing. They climb the stairs of the temple and saw that inside it was larger than what it looked like at the outside. It was also strangely beautiful, the walls were cover with drawings and gems stone, the trio were shock. they all decided to continue searching, curious as to what mysteries the temple held, they searched all the rooms and notice that they look exactly like all the others. The last room though was lock, yet with a couple of kicks it was easily open, they all look at the room and saw a pedestal in it was a creepy locking mirror with a placate with faded words writing on it.

"That's it? I thought it would be something more valuable than just a scary looking mirror. The people that used to live here are weird, they leave treasure in every unlock room, but the only lock room hold just a mirror? Boy those people need to have their priorities check." Naruto said as he walked towards the mirror with Kiba, Akamaru and Hinata.

"I never thought I say this , but for once I agree with, Naruto." Kiba said as Akamaru bark in agreement. "This piece of junk seems useless." Kiba continue as he glance at the mirror.

"G-Guys, listen to this." Hinata said as she began to read what was carved in a piece of stone.

"The Mirror holds the knowledge to life most mysterious desire ,

it will use the power of water, earth, wind and fire

Water will rise when you touch the surface

Earth will crumble when the magic is done

Wind will take you back to where you belong

Fire will burn the place, ash is what will only remain

The mirror doesn't lie,

it will you show the truth of what's to come

you may stay and glimpse, but hurry back before the spell is complete,

Or Fire will turn your bones to ash and your future will be forgotten."

Everyone was silent as Hinata spoke, yet the moment she stopped the boys look at her in confusion. "That's it? What the heck is that supposed to mean? Life most mysterious desire? What the heck are they talking about! It's just a stupid mirror!"Naruto shouted in frustration, he went over towards the mirror and look at his reflection, Naruto touch it and nothing happen. "Naruto, are you insane stop messing with it!" Kiba yelled at the blonde. Naruto ignored him, he tried again and nothing, so annoyed he went to punch the mirror, but Hinata saw this and quickly tried to stop him their hands touch the glass at the same time and it turn to water. A whirlpool form inside the mirror and suck them inside, Kiba seeing this quickly jumped inside where the strange whirlpool of water took his friends. Naruto, Kiba, Akamaru and Hinata were now falling, when they whirlpool open again they all saw the ground, Naruto quickly grabbed Hinata by the waist and held her tightly trying to protect her from impact they were about to make. The guys all landed on their backs painfully while Hinata landed safely on top of Naruto with his arms around her.

"Ne, Hinata-chan, are you ok?" Naruto asked.

"Y-y-yes." Hinata stuttered at being so close to her crush, his face was only inches away from hers...

"Good, now can you please get off me? The rocks I'm laying on are painful." Naruto said sheepishly.

"R-R-Right, sorry!" Hinata said as she hurried off him, strangely enough her face turn red again and she played with her fingers.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're alright." Naruto said as he smiled at her making her blush darken.

"Oh, brother! Are you guys done with your little moment? We need to figure out where the heck we are." Kiba said as he got-up and glance around the trees.

"Oh, yeah, where are we anyway?" Naruto asked.

"How did heck should I know? You're the one that got us into this mess, Baka." Kiba yelled and Akamaru bark in agreement.

"Oh, yeah, you want a fight, Dog breath?" Naruto shouted as he waves his fist around.

"Bring it, Baka!" Kiba said and prepared to attack but before he could Hinata spoke. " G-G-Guys, it's alright, I will just use my Byakugan to see where we are." Hinata softly.

"Good idea, Hinata-chan." Naruto said giving her a foxy grin as he ignore Kiba.

"You think anything Hinata says is a great idea." Kiba mumble while rolling his eyes.

"So? She's smart." Naruto said simply.

"I'm smart and you never listen to me!" Kiba said annoyed.

"Blah, blah,blah stop complaining. Hinata-chan, use your Byakugan. I want to get home soon and away from the Mutt. I already plan on heading towards Ichiruka's ramen when we got back home!" Naruto said happily.

"H-hai, Naruto-kun! Byakugan!" Hinata glance around and gasp.

"What? Where are we?" Kiba asked worriedly.

"We're home!" Hinata said softly.

"Home? You mean the leaf village?" Naruto asked surprise.

"Y-Yes w-w-we're only a few miles away, I saw the gates entrance of the village." Hinata said quietly.

" Then lets hurry!" Naruto said as he grabbed Hinata and practically dragged her away with him...

"Seriously again?!" Kiba yelled angrily as he gave chase to them... again!

~~~~~~~At the gates~~~~~~~

When the teammates finally reached the gates they were surprise to see that the village seemed different, what surprise them more was that they could see the Hokage mountain and next to Tsunade face was...

"N-N-Naruto-kun, is that your face up there?" Hinata asked while the dumbstruck Naruto nodded dumbly.

"What the heck is Naruto's face doing up there?" Kiba asked to none is particular.

"A better question should be what are you guys doing here at this time?" A man with a resemblance to Shikamaru Nara asked.

"Shikamaru is that you? Wow, you grown!" Naruto said shock.

"Shikamaru ignored the idiot. Tell me what the heck is going on?!" Kiba said as he grabbed the much taller man shirt.

" I don't know, but my guess is you all traveled in time. This is the future... twelve years ahead from where you come from seeing you all still genin. What a drag." Shikamaru answered.

"What?!" The three yelled in surprise.

"You mean I actually get to be Hokage?" Naruto asked feeling giddy.

"You mean the idiot actually gets to be Hokage?" Kiba asked surprise.

"It's Naruto-kun married?" Hinata asked in spur of the moment, gaining surprise looks along with Shikamaru amused one, she always knew Naruto's dream would come true and she wanted to know if hers came true too...

"Eh, Hinata-chan, what that has to do with anything? But now that were in that case... Did I married? I bet I did! I bet me and Sakura-chan are very happy together!" Naruto said unaware of the heartbreak he cause to the girl who love him.

Hinata felt tears welled-up in her eyes and tried to hide it, but Shikamaru and Kiba saw, both said shinnobi proceeded to hit Naruto at the back of his head with enough force to send him flying a few feet away.

"HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Naruto asked getting himself painfully of the ground.

"For being an idiot." Both answered with an annoyed glared.

"Hinata-chan, can you please explain to me why I was hit for being an idiot?" Naruto asked as he focus his attention to his friend only to see tears in her eyes before she hide her face away from him and went over to Kiba to bury her head on his chest. Naruto felt a painful tug in his chest when he saw her tears. "Hinata-chan, are you alright?" Naruto asked worriedly. "I-I-I'm fine." Hinata mumble shakily still hiding her face on Kiba's chest while he stroke her hair in a soothing motion. Kiba glared at Naruto, didn't that idiot get it? His sister loved him!

"Look, we need to take you all to the Hokage tower to talk there! We will see what to do with your questions later. My day off and it figures I get stuff like this to happen to me. What a complete and utter drag. Seems I like to work again, that troublesome woman will give me hell when I get home tonight." Shikamaru said while sighing.

" Wait, Shikamaru, you're married?" Naruto asked in shock.

" I said question later, you're not the Hokage yet so that means I'm in charge. Now stop with all the marriage question before you dug your own grave." Shikamaru said annoyed.

"So, what should we do, Shikamaru?" Kiba asked.

"You guys should probably disguise yourself as civilians kids, try not to draw attention while we walk towards the tower and pray to Kami that we don't run into anyone that can recognize a disguise, explaining this to the future you will be bad enough for me to explain this to everyone will be to troublesome." Shikamary said he sigh and took out a cigarette.

"SHIKAMARU, YOU SMOKE?" Naruto shouted.

'Long, troublesome day ahead. I feel a headache already forming.'

The end of chapter one! Hope you all like it and review :3!