Author's Note: This story is ambiented after the end of the first season in the anime, I know the manga goes further than that right now, but I felt that a few weeks after the death of the Demon God was a good time to set the story at.

Medusa felt lonely.

She was dead, but she was still alive.

She was something like a ghost or a spirit, bound to the mortal realm because of an uncompleted task, or an unfulfilled desire. Medusa was trying to figure out what this task was, so that she could complete it and finally rest for eternity.

The problem was that she was running out of ideas.

At first, she thought the problem was that the Demon God had been defeated, that there was no New Order, and that the project she had been working on for years had failed. But it wasn't that. And Medusa knew that her objective lay somewhere inside Death City, near Shibusen.

She was now drifting, floating, flying towards Shibusen, and looking for answers. She flew over the roofs of Death City, over the irregularly distributed houses that made up the city. Medusa was deep inside her thoughts not noticing the houses she flew over.

She did not notice that she had flown over a very particular house, whose owners she knew very well...

Dawn broke, and Death City started to get flooded with light. Everything was quiet, the chirping of birds was the only thing that could be heard. It was a regular, peaceful morning for everyone in Death City, except for a certain meister.

Maka screamed.

She looked at her alarm clock, and saw the numbers "07:30".

"At least I'm on time, even when nightmares wake me up" Maka thought, as she tried to get up from the bed.

"MAKA! Are you alright?!" Soul shouted as he entered Maka's room.

"Yeah, it was just a nightmare" Maka answered, brushing the matter aside.

"Are you sure you are ok?" Soul asked, concerned about Maka's safety.

"Yes, I'm ok, stop worrying" Maka answered, slightly irritated, as she stood up, "Now move, I've got to dress myself" she said, while she pushed Soul out of her room.

Maka dressed herself in her usual attire, and went down to the kitchen to get herself some toast. When she got there she saw that Soul had already made toast, Soul offered her a toasted slice of bread, which she gladly accepted.

After having finished their breakfast, they got out of the apartment and started walking towards Shibusen. They took their usual path along the thin and irregular streets, which were kind of dark as it wasn't even near midday yet.

Then, they heard a familiar voice, belonging to one of their closest friends.


"Yeah, today we'll keep on training" Tsubaki answered, "Oh, Black Star, look, it's Maka and Soul!"

"You don't have to act surprised, you know. We meet each other every day at this junction." Soul said as he gave Tsubaki a strange look.

"It's just that I'm happy to see you guys. That isn't bad, right?" Tsubaki said with a worried tone.

"Jeez, she's just trying to be nice, you don't have to make a comment on everything she says" Maka said, telling Soul off.

"Yeah, don't try to outstage me with your snarky remarks, Soul" Black Star added, giving Soul an irritated look.

"Ok, let's move on, I'm just feeling strange this morning" Soul apologized.

Moving on from their argument, the group went forward until they reached Shibusen.

Once they reached Shibusen they met up with the remaining of their group: Kid, Patty, Liz and Crona.

They all went to the classroom, where Professor Stein started to explain something, but Soul didn't catch what Stein was saying, as he had other things in mind.

"A nightmare? That isn't like Maka, I've got a weird feeling about this" Soul thought.

Soul didn't understand what was so unsettling about Maka having a nightmare; he didn't understand why he was so worried. All he knew was what he felt when he was woken up by Maka's screams. Terror, urgency... It wasn't like him to lose his cool like that.

He had always been confident and calm, even during the most arduous of battles, sitting in the black room, while he was a scythe, he was always calm. But not now, he couldn't keep in mind in one place, he couldn't concentrate... Obviously listening to Stein during class was out of the question.

"Was what the nightmare about, Maka?" Soul asked, not being able to hold his curiosity back.

"It was nothing, Soul"

"Tell me, Maka"

"Since when can you order me around, Soul?" Maka responded, with a tone that made it clear that Soul was annoying her.

"Sorry" he apologized, "I was just, ehh, worried" he hesitated.

The class continued on, until the bell rang and all the students walked out of the room.

Maka was walking through the halls of Shibusen, lost in her own thoughts.

"Why is Soul worried? Why do my nightmares worry him? I'd understand that he could be worried if we went into a difficult battle, but this... He seems more worried about this than he was when we fought the Demon God... Stupid Sou-"

Maka's thoughts were interrupted by Stein's voice blasting through the loudspeakers.

"Maka Albarn, please report at the Shinigami's office"

"Shinigami's office?" Maka thought "Why? What have I been dragged into this time?"

Maka hurriedly walked to the Shinigami's office, when she finally got there she found that Soul was also there, and he was chit-chatting with Prof. Stein.

Maka also saw her father, who had a hysterical look and seemed to be out of his mind. And of course, the Shinigami was there, as it was his office.

Soul noticed she was there, and tried to explain the reason for their reunion, "Well, Maka, you see, ermmm, I told Professor Stein about the nightma-" Soul was interrupted by Spirit, Maka's father, who was obviously out of it.

"MAKA! Are you ok?! What kind of horrible curse has befallen you?!"

Maka didn't care to answer; she just hit her father on the head with a book she had skilfully taken out of her backpack. She then gave Soul a menacing look, a look that made his blood freeze. "Why did you tell Stein about that? There was no need to"

"Are you sure about that? Haven't you sensed a strange aura lately?" Stein said, as stroked his chin.

"What are you on about?" Maka asked, rising an eyebrow at Stein.

Stein hesitated; he needed to choose his words carefully, so that they wouldn't affect Maka and Soul. He considered what way was best to let them know that Medusa wasn't dead, even after she had been killed, twice.

"I've been sensing a familiar soul wavelength, but it doesn't belong to anyone alive" Stein explained.

"Is it a ghost then?" Soul asked, as he moved towards Maka and Stein.

Maka, who was wondering what ghosts had to do with her nightmares, asked "Who is this ghost, and why is it around Shibusen?"

"It's Medusa" Stein answered, in a cold tone that covered up his worries about the matter.

Maka and Soul were both shocked by Professor Stein's response; Soul's jaw dropped about 10 centimetres and Maka's eyes were wide open.

"I saw that bitch die!" Soul shouted; his incredulity could be felt from just looking at him, "how can that bitch still be alive?!"

"She technically isn't alive..." Stein specified, "But her ghost seems to be influencing your dreams"

Soul was clearly worried about his meister, and he wasn't trying to hide it.

"What can I do to help Maka?" Soul asked.

"By you I meant both of you, Soul" Stein answered, "as for help, I have no idea what to do... Maybe you two could cuddle when you sleep." Stein suggested.

Everyone in the room went silent; they were all trying to assimilate what Stein had just said, as they weren't expecting something like "cuddling" coming up in the conversation.

"W-What? No!" Maka shouted, as her cheeks reddened rapidly against her will.

Soul tried to hide his own blushing cheeks by looking away, trying to make his blushing face go unnoticed.

Spirit's reaction was the most violent, as he tried to tackle Stein, who had suggested that his daughter should cuddle with someone.

Stein, however, dodged the tackle, and Spirit fell face first to the floor.

Lord Shinigami was giggling uncontrollably and thought it was a good idea.

"Allow me to explain myself," Stein demanded "I think that being close to someone you trust will make you feel more secure, and holding someone close also can make you feel like you care for someone and someone cares for you, which is exactly what you need to feel to make this nightmare situation easy on yourselves."

Maka thought about what Stein had just told her, it was true that she trusted Soul, and she knew a feeling of security was what she needed to avoid the nightmares... Maybe Stein was right, it wasn't a bad idea...

Wait a second, was she actually fine with that?! She didn't know why, but she couldn't find anything to complain about...

"Ok, seeing as no-one has complaints about this, we will go ahead with the plan" Stein announced, as he took a glance at Spirit's unconscious body.

Cuddling together... Soul couldn't believe it.

Author's Note: Hello! Just so you know, this is my first fanfic, so feel free to leave any suggestions that can maybe improve my writting style!

Also, this chapter is a little bit slow, but I'll make sure to pick up the pace in the next ones.

P.S: Cuddling here is meant in a non sexual way, just to clarify.

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