"So, Eleanor, tell me something about yourself."

She smiled softly. "Well, I'm seventeen years old and I like to play music in my free time. I'm also a little bit shy; I never really volunteered in class because I was afraid to say something dumb in front of everyone."

I chuckled. "You don't seem shy to me, at all." I commented as we continued to sit peacefully in the library. The smells of books, both old and new, swirled around us and all was silent. It was peaceful and exactly what I needed after a long day spent in meetings with my dad and our advisors.

She blushed and ducked her head. "I find it easy to talk to you."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"So…what about you? I've heard all about you and your family from the television, but who are you really, Prince Damon?" she asked curiously.

"Well, there isn't much to tell. I'm afraid that I'm dreadfully boring. But I like spending time with my family when I can and training with the troops as well."

"You train with the military men?" she questioned, appearing somewhat surprised.

I nodded. "Yeah, it's a good workout and a good stress reliever. Besides, getting to know some of the soldiers is nice, it's not like they're just mindless machines for our protection. I'm grateful to have all of them here to protect those I love, but I also can't ever repay them for the huge sacrifice that they have to make just to be here."

"Yeah, when my dad went into the military, it was hard on the whole family. Right before he left, he made me promise to take care of my family and I've been doing my best to follow his last wish ever since."

"If you don't mind my asking…how did he die?"

She shook her head and frowned. "I wouldn't have brought it up if I wasn't willing to answer your questions. He was murdered by the rebels, two months away from his retirement from military service."

"I'm sorry." I murmured softly, taking her hand and rubbing my thumb across her knuckles. "I can't imagine the pain that must have caused you and your family."

"It's okay. We've been able to get by and that's what's important. I miss him every day, but I know that he'd want me to be happy."

"And are you happy?"

She smiled again. "I'm getting there."

"I'm glad to hear that. What about the rest of your family, do you have any brothers or sisters?" I asked, trying to gently steer the conversation away from her father's death.

"No sisters, but I have a younger brother. He's growing so fast, I remember when he was six and I was twelve, he climbed up a tree and got stuck up there. I had to climb up and carry him down and we ended up falling. I broke my arm because of his big butt." She giggled at the memory and shook her head. "He's grown up so fast; he's starting to get taller than me. It's crazy to see him shoot up already."

"Yeah, watching your siblings grow up is a little weird, huh? I remember when my youngest sister was learning her first steps and now she's six years old and learning how to be a princess." I shook my head in wonderment over where all the time had gone. "I still remember holding her for the first time; I was a little freaked out because she was so red." I chuckled when I thought of the scolding I'd received from my mother when I'd commented on it, right before I'd realized just how perfect she was.

"Imagine when it's your own kids, I have a feeling that the time will go by even faster."

"Probably, but it'll be worth it. I want a lot of kids so that they can all be as close as my siblings and I are. I actually need to start spending more time with them, I feel like I've been neglecting them lately."

"I couldn't agree more, I want as many kids as I can have so that they'll always be able to depend on each other. And as for your siblings, I'm sure they understand that you're busy, you'll be able to spend more time with them once things calm down a little bit."

I shot her a grin. "Thanks." I glanced at the window and noted the setting sun. "I suppose I should escort you back to your room, Eleanor."

She, too, looked at the window. "Yeah, that's probably best. I'm sure that you'll have a busy day tomorrow."

I stood and held out my arm to her and began to guide her out of the library once she'd looped her arm through mine.

"I'm glad that we were able to spend some time together today, Eleanor. You're definitely an interesting woman. Will you accept another date with me tomorrow for lunch? We could go out to the gardens to eat and talk, if you'd like."

"I actually don't really like the outdoors thing; I have a severe allergy to bees so it's kind of dangerous to be around flowers and other plants.

"I'd still love to go out with you tomorrow," she hastily added, "but maybe we could do it somewhere more…indoors?"

I thought for a moment and then smiled. "I know the perfect spot. There's a balcony outside of a meeting room which overlooks the garden. We'll be away from the plants, but we'll still be able to enjoy the view. Does that sound better?"

"It sounds wonderful. I'd love to have lunch with you tomorrow."

I grinned and released her arm once we'd reached her room. "I'll come for you around noon then, I look forward to seeing you again." I said softly and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Her face began to turn red, but she nodded and returned the gesture before scampering off into her room. "Good night, Prince Damon."

"Good night, sleep well."

She gave me one last small smile and then shut her door quietly.

I stood in the hall for a moment and rubbed my face, this whole thing was not getting any easier. I'd been on several dates but none of the girls really stood out to me, they were all lovely but none of them truly understood me.

But then, maybe that was just because I wasn't giving them a chance to. I'd have to start opening up more with these girls if I wanted them to open up to me so that I could get to know them better.

This whole process was becoming stressful, especially with my advisors breathing down my neck and Grace mad at me and the training my father put me through to prepare me for the crown. Everything was just a mess.

I'd try harder though. I would find my wife in this competition, I just had to look a little harder.

Okay, so that was Eleanor and Damon. I know that this chapter was a little boring but I want to start going more in depth into the girls' personalities. Next chapter, we'll have lunch with Eleanor and maybe a date with another girl. Is there one specific character you'd like to see as Damon's second date in the next chapter?

After I post the next chapter with Damon's two dates, we'll see what Grace's decision is. What do you think it is going to be?

Also, I know that this chapter was a little short. Hopefully, the next chapter will be a bit longer. I also can't make any promises as to when the next chapter will be out, just know that I post them as soon as I finish writing them so please be patient with me as I try to manage my time.

Please leave a review and let me know what you think! And, as always, thank you for reading :)