Me: And the last chapter of this story.. The sequel will be listed at the end of this chapter, though it may not be posted up for a while... Only because I wanna get a little further in my other stories before throwing out another sequel in the mix of it all... After it all gets calmed down a bit, I may even go back start finishing my other stories that I put on pause... Just be patient, I promise I'll get around to everything eventually... I realize that I've been spacing out to reply to reviews, but just know that I do read them all, and I'm very grateful to everyone who reviews, it's just that my brain is so scattered, I forget a lot of stuff sometimes... XD Anyway, Enjoy~!
I do not own YGO, Resident Evil or anything pertaining to the two. This is a fan made fic made for entertainment purposes only. Happy labor day!
Chapter 12
Rex walked back to the entrance of the Hive, Weevil close behind him. Rex kept his hand on his neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding from the woman. He quickly reached his destination, hurrying to pull out the silver briefcase from where he'd hidden it.
He typed in the code after sitting down so he could properly cure himself. Weevil walked away to keep an eye open for any more zombies.
Keith chuckled as he watched the case slide open. He took off his belt, tightening it around his upper arm. He clenched his fist a couple times smacking his index and middle finger against his inner elbow as he pumped his veins to the surface. He pulled out one of the needles, his belt now in his mouth to keep it tight against his skin. As he got ready to put the needle into his skin a rumbling and clanking earned his attention, and he stopped.
He dropped his belt from his mouth as he began to look around. The noises didn't stop, and Weevil was nowhere to be found. A metal door slammed shut and for some odd reason it caused Rex to look up.
Rex looked up in time to see the beast crawling out of an opening in the ceiling. It's ridiculously long tong whipping out of it's mouth as it's talons and slimy hands held it to the ceiling. "Oh, my God" the brunette said, his voice shaky as the beast growled at him. It had the eyes of fly, the body of a human, the flexibility of a beast, the nose like that of a human skull, and it wasn't covered in anything but the meat that surrounded it's unknown organs.
The group watched in horror as Rex was ripped to pieces by the beast. Once done with him, leaving a large portion of his body to hang on the metal railing, it turned and growled in the direction of the screen.
"What the fuck is that?" Duke asked.
"One of the hive's early experiments" the girl answered. "Produced by injecting the T-virus directly into living tissue. The results were.. unstable.. Now that it has fed on fresh DNA, it will mutate."
The beast growled as it's body shifted and changed forms, becoming more like that of a dog, yet only tissue not covered by skin. It's nails and teeth got longer, sharper. It's body got longer, yet shifted so it would walk on all fours with ease, much like that of a canine. It's head changed shape as well, and the tissue looked as if it had been covered with cords of muscle in certain areas.
"Becoming a stronger, faster hunter" the Red Queen continued.
"Great" Anzu groaned.
"If you knew it was loose, why didn't you warn us?" Bakura growled.
"'cause she was saving it" Yami answered. "For us.. Isn't that right?"
"I didn't think any of you would make it this far" the girl answered honestly. "Not without infection" she clarified.
"Why didn't you tell us about the antivirus?" Anzu asked.
"This long after infection, there's no guarantee it would work."
"But there's a chance, right?"
"I don't deal in chance."
Anzu got up, picking up an ax she'd located on the wall. Bakura walked over and began entering numbers into a keypad.
"Fuck it" she grumbled as she stood with the ax. "No pressure, guys"
"You require the four digit access code" the Red Queen reminded them. "I can give you the code, but first you must do something for me."
"What do you want?" Yami asked.
"One of your group is infected. I require her life for the code."
"The antivirus is right there on the platform" Duke argued with her. "It's right there!"
"I'm sorry" the girl said "But it's a risk I cannot take."
A clock was ticking very loud off in the distance, and it was giving the whole group an ominous feeling.
"She's right" Anzu said, earning all eyes on her. "It's the only way" she continued, tossing the ax she held to Yami "You're gonna have to kill me."
"No" Yugi whimpered.
"Otherwise, we all die down here."
A growling and a bang brought all of the group to the far corner and away from the conversation as they saw the beast up against the glass. Yugi hid behind Yami, tears beginning to gather in his eyes, but he quickly swatted them away. Now was not the time to cry.
"The glass is reinforced, but it won't hold forever" the girl said over the growling from the beast.
Anzu wiggled free from Yami's grasp, holding out her neck as she bent over. "Do it!"
"No. Get up."
"Just do it!"
"Anzu, please, get up."
"Do it!"
"You don't have long to decide" the Queen reminded them.
"Get up, please!"
"You have no choice" Anzu argued.
"Kill her!" The girl ordered.
"Anzu, get the hell up" Duke pleaded.
"Kill her now. You don't have any choice" the Queen's voice ordered.
"Get off!" Anzu yelled at Duke, forcing him off her. "Just do it now!"
The mutant was roaring at them, attempting to break through the glass.
"Kill her now" the girl ordered.
"Please" Anzu begged.
"Do it. Kill her."
"Do it."
"Kill her now!"
"Now!" Anzu screamed, a crack now in the window that would bust any moment.
Yami swung the ax back, slamming it forward and smashing it into the computer screen. There was a loud, resounding whirring noise, before all power cut out, and all the motors were shut down. Anzu looked up, a very confused look on her face.
The beast was gone from the window, but a distant growling was followed by banging and a loud roar. It let them know that the beast wasn't gone, and that it would return. The door opened up, Yami held the ax ready to swing if it was the beast. The one person he didn't expect, was Imori.
"Bitch wouldn't open the door, so I had to fry her" he said, holding up the remote that Duke had so carelessly dropped.
The sound of glass being hit cut the reunion short, and they all looked over to where the beast had returned. It was a different window, but the same room.
"Move" Yami ordered, hurrying everyone out of the room. He held the ax ready to strike in case it broke through before everyone was evacuated. It managed to break through just as he was running out the door, but they were able to seal the door shut, locking it inside.
"Whoa!" Imori yelped after backing away from the lock. "What the fuck was that?"
"It's a long story" Mai yelled back.
Yami was soaked to the bone, his usually gelled back hair was now laying back only because it was wet. He carried the ax at his side, leading the way while the others followed. His clothes clung to his body like a second skin, and his skin looked a lot like he'd just gotten out of the shower. He was cautious, but quick. He had to make sure everyone was safe, even though it appeared that no one was around.
He looked side to side as he quickly walked forward, making sure to look back so he could keep an eye on the group. They finally came upon Rex's mutilated corpse. The antivirus still lay in the case on the platform beside him. The 'platform' was the back of the armored train that they had to take out of the Hive.
"Start it up" he ordered the others, placing a hand on Yugi's shoulder when he looked at him. "I'll get the virus."
Yami leaned over the corpse, shivering from the sight of it. His throat had been ripped out and he looked like an over-sized, bloody chew toy. He pressed a button on the case, allowing it to close while he kept an eye on the corpse. The case made a noise, letting Yami know that it had been locked. He reached forward to pick up the case only to jump back when Rex's corpse suddenly screeched and reached for him.
He backed up as the man tried to crawl to him and get him. Blood poured from his mouth as he continued to screech at him. His eyes had turned a very un-human-like blue, one that almost looked white, and his face was barely visable under all the blood.
Yami remembered what he had said to Serenity as his hand reached his boot. So he tilted his head to the side in a sinister type of way. "She's missing you already" he said softly before raising the ax and slamming it down into the back of his head. The screeching cut out with a cold slicing sound as metal hit concrete.
Duke went to work getting the train up and running, pressing all sorts of buttons while everyone else found a seat towards the front of the train. Imori and Anzu sat off to the side with Serenity and Mai.
"Okay, we're in business" Duke said quietly. "Full power! We're leaving!"
The train screeched as it went down the tracks, heading for the exit. Yami pressed the needle into Anzu's arm.
"I don't want to be one of those things" she said, her voice shaking as she shivered. "Walking around without a soul."
"You won't" Mai told her softly, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"When the time comes... You'll take care of it..."
"Hey. No one else is gonna die.. Okay?"
Imori grunted as he was injected with a different needle. Sighing once the antivirus had been released into his veins.
"Here" Anzu mumbled, handing Yami a watch that had a timer counting down on it.. Eight minutes to go. "Its..."
Yami and Mai watched as Anzu's head went limp, her whole body seemingly just stopping where it was. "Anzu?" Yami whispered. "Anzu!"
"Anzu?" Mai said, looking at her with tears in the corners of her eyes. Mai began sobbing, but looked over at the woman's gun as she remembered her promise. She picked it up off the ground, aiming it at Anzu's head, and cocked it back.
Anzu's arm shot up, pointing the gun away from her. "I'm not dead yet... I think I'll have that back.."
"I could kiss you, you bitch!" Mai sobbed.
Sparks erupted from the side of the train car, Imori quickly moving away from where claws had just shot through the compartment.
"What the hell's going on back there?!" Duke shouted.
Yami tried to target the beast, but every time he thought he had it, a new spot would be clawed open. He made everyone stay away from the walls, which was pretty hard with the pipes that hung in the middle over the trap door. So they had to pile up against the wall that led to the engine room that Duke was in. Imori was against the side, the claw marks in his shoulder a bright red from where he'd been scratched.
"Get us the fuck outta here!" Joey yelled.
"Any faster and we're gonna come off the rails!" Duke reported back.
Keith moved him aside in an attempt to take over the train, unfortunately he only managed to save Duke's life, as the beast ripped the door off the compartment and yanked Keith out.
"Keith!" Duke yelled, his eyes widening before he backed away more, the beast leaning back in with a growl. Duke backed completely out of the engine room, shutting and locking the door behind him. The beast banged on the door, snarling as it attempted to get in the back with them.
The beast's footsteps went across the roof, and Imori noticed then that the back door to the train wasn't locked. He jumped between Yami and Anzu as he raced for the back door, quickly slamming down the lock as the beast slammed itself against the door. Yami had his gun aimed as Imori was thrown backwards, but the door had been locked.
Imori stood back up in time to receive the broken metal door to the face, which knocked him backwards as the beast came inside. It jumped to get Imori and Yami released a handful of bullets into it's cranium. It didn't do much of anything though. Imori got behind the pipes that hung in the middle of the train car.
The beast's tongue flicked out, wrapping itself around Yami's leg to cease the firing. It pulled on his leg, pulling them out from under him so he landed on his back, his gun landing across the train car. "Yami!" Yugi cried.
Yami rolled over, his fingers sliding between the openings of the trap door, to stop the beast from pulling him out of the train car.
Imori screamed as he ran forward, shoving the pipes against the mutant. It allowed Yami to escape, at least until the pipes fell to the ground and it flicked its tongue out again. The tongue smacked Yami in the head as it lashed out, knocking him to the ground once again.
Yami looked over, finding two pipes, one with a sharp end to it. So, he grabbed the first one, and held down the beast's tongue, while using the sharp one to stab into it's tongue and lock it to the trap door. "Open the doors!" Yami yelled.
Imori turned around only to be met with a very pale Anzu, cracking her neck. She opened her eyes to reveal the same blue eyes that Rex had had. Imori's eyes widened, the rest of the group backing away as much as they could.
Anzu growled as she tried to bite Imori, but he fought her off, pushing her against the wall and backing away, pulling out his gun and taking aim. "Open the doors!" Yami screamed again.
None of the others dared to move, they were too afraid. They'd let their guard down, and now they were in danger.
Anzu began to come back after him. Imori looked over at Yami as he screamed "Now!" He turned his head back, and shot. A bullet went into Anzu's forehead, causing her body to stumble back and hit the button, opening up the trap doors.
The beast tried it's best to hang onto the rail car, but it's claws fell through, and it was dragged along under it, it's body creating sparks that erupted into flames. The flames shot up into the train, all eyes going wide from the events.
Yami stood from the ground as Imori pushed the button, closing the doors and cutting the monster's tongue off, leaving the body to stumble and fall behind them.
Mai walked over, looking at Anzu's body, a sad look in her eyes. She had to look away.
The brakes screeched as they reached their destination. The group quickly unloaded, walking up the long stairway they'd used to exit the dining room. The countdown had finished, and the doors closed as they reached the top. The group split up, Imori keeping close to Yami and Yugi. Yugi began to whimper, almost running into a door in their attempt to escape. Yami was quick to grab him, holding him as he let it all go.
"We failed... All of them.." Yugi whimpered. "We failed.."
"Listen to me," Yami told him sternly "there is nothing else you could have done.. The corporation's guilty here, not you, not me... Not us. And we finally have the proof. That way, Umbrella can't get away with this."
Imori winced behind them, earning Yami's attention.
"And then we can... We can"
Imori fell to his knees, making Yami stop his sentence. "Ow" he whimpered.
"What is it?" Yugi asked.
Imori fell over to his side, holding his arm where he'd been scratched. The skin beneath it was moving, and it caused him great pain.
"You're infected, but you'll be okay" Yami said, sitting down the briefcase. "I'm not losing you."
The door to the right of them opened, revealing a bright white light and a bunch of people in white suits with masks, every inch of their body hidden from sight. All you could hear is the breathing that came from the masks.
"Help" Imori pleaded.
"Help him. What are you doing?" Yugi asked as one of the people grabbed him. He pushed them off and began fighting them off. "No! No! Get away!"
Yami attempted to help him, but he was fighting off his own group. Yami got his own group off, smashing together two of their heads before targeting Yugi's group. He kept them all distracted as Yugi tried to locate where they moved their comrade to.
"Imori!" Yugi yelled, looking down the long white hallway where they'd taken him and sat him on a gurney.
"He's mutating" one of the masked men said. "I want him in the Nemesis program."
Imori's head shot back as he screamed in pain, spikes beginning to wiggle out of the cuts in his arm.
"Get off!" Yugi screamed, fighting off the guards that had returned.
"What's happening?" Imori asked as he was strapped down to the gurney.
"Imori!" Yugi yelled as reinforcements came to help the guards the two were fighting off. Imori was being wheeled away from them, and they didn't want to lose him too. "Imori!"
He continued kicking and screaming for his comrade, but he was quickly being outnumbered and overpowered, as was Yami. "Imori!" He screamed before everything went blank.
"I want them quarantined" a man said. "Separately" he added. "Close observation, and a full series of blood tests. Let's see if they're infected. Take them to the Raccoon City facility. Then assemble the team. We're re-opening the Hive."
Yami continued to stumble in and out of consciousness, continuously hearing a man talking.
"I want to know what went on down there."
He saw a set of eyes above a doctor's mask, they looked at him weird.
"Just do it."
Crimson eyes shot open, observing his surrounding before he sat up. As he did he discovered there were needles almost everywhere on his body. He was wearing nothing but a thin paper towel-like cover over him. He screamed as the wires moved the needles in his body. Two in his head, one on his cheek, a bunch on his torso and legs. He quickly removed them all, ripping them away from his body. The needles were at least an inch and a half long, and a little thicker than a needle used for shots.
He grabbed ahold of the two tubes in his head, screaming as he ripped them out. He attempted to stand, only to flop to the ground. His paper gown wasn't doing much to keep him covered. He used the bed he'd just gotten off of to attempt to stand once again.
The room he was in only had that one bed, a strange array of lights hanging from the ceiling just above the bed. The tubes that had been connected to him hung from somewhere above the lights. A television screen sat on the wall behind him, mirror wall sat in front of him, and he was able to view himself clearly.
He was a mess... How long had he been here? Where was he? And for that matter... Where was Yugi? He limped over to the mirror, attempting to see behind it, but all he could see was his reflection.
"Who's in there?" he screamed, but he was in a sound proof room.. No one could hear him. "Let me out! Let me out!" He ordered, pounding on the glass.
He walked back over to the bed, picking up one of the needles that had been in his skin moments ago. He made his way over to the door and began to work his magic with the card reader. He jammed the needle in, before slamming it upwards and overriding the system, unlocking the door.
He walked out of the room, wandering around the facility and searching the rooms for his beloved. "Yugi... Where are you?" He found a lab coat and wrapped it around himself, deciding to grab a second one for Yugi when he found him. His searching didn't take long, as he opened yet another door and was greeted with the sobbing, yet smiling face of Yugi. He wasn't hooked up to machinery like Yami had been, so it made him relieved.
"Yami! I'm so glad you're alive."
"Of course I'm alive. Let's get out of here."
The two walked together out of the broken doors. The city looked as if an apocalypse had just hit. Cars were crashed, fires were burning, buildings were spattered in blood. "Wh-Where are we, Yami?"
"I dunno... Apparently Raccoon City... But that's just going by what those doctors said, and that sign over there. Where we really are, I have no idea.. I've never heard of Raccoon City..."
Yugi hugged onto his arm, looking more afraid than ever. "I sure hope the others are alright..."
"Yeah... Me too. Let's keep moving.."
The two walked forward, Yami finding some abandoned weapons in the front seat of a police cruiser. He handed Yugi two pistols, while he grabbed the shotgun. He pumped it once, just to be prepared in case anything came at him.
Me: And that's the end of the first one. I sure hope you guys and gals enjoyed, I actually managed to stop on 12 that time ^w^ So anyway, I'll see you guys with the sequel. Keep your eyes open for Duelocalypse! And I'll see you guys then! ^w^ Until the next story * waves * Goodbye!