So long since I have updated this story, and for that I apologize. Other stories have seemed to overshadow this one, and some of it is due to the lack of people interested in this tale, but no worries I will continue to write it despite that, for the few who wish to read it!
Please remember to review at the end! :)
Liz turned her head, and Lily nodded in encouragement. Slowly, she headed up the stairs, and was about to push the door opened, when Lily stopped her. Instead, Lily walked through the door, and into the room. Liz swallowed and entered the room. Her eyes widened as she took in her past self, sitting beside a groaning Bonnie, trying to soothe her as she rocked on the bed.
"Bonnie, you need to calm down." Liz whispered, wiping the girl's forehead.
Bonnie shook her head. "Where the hell is Kol?!" She shouted, arching her head backwards.
Liz sighed, and smiled softly. "He's on his way, Bonnie." She whispered, soothingly. "You just have to remain calm." She whispered, moving her up in a sitting position.
Bonnie nodded, and groaned as she clamped her eyes shut. "Oh God!" She screamed, throwing her head back. "I'm going to kill him!" She screamed, sweat drenching her brown hair.
Liz smiled, and shook her head. "No, you won't." She responded with a laugh. "You love him, and he loves you." She added, with tenderness.
Bonnie nodded, and groaned. "I want him here." She stated, groaning.
Liz nodded. "I know, and he will be." She soothed, stroking the young girl's hair.
Bonnie shook her head. "I can't do this! Why did the Spirits do this? Why am I having children? I'm a vampire!" She shouted, throwing her head back as a contraction hit her.
Liz sighed. "Because the spirits see the same thing as I do, Bonnie," She began, urgently. "They see a woman who loves her family, who protects them, who sacrificed so much to save them, and who gave up her life so she could continue to do so." She stated, with a smile.
Bonnie panted, and smiled wanly. "Do you really think so?" She asked, nodding her head, as she let out a groan.
Liz nodded. "I do, and you know what?" She asked, moving to sit in front of Bonnie. "You are going to be an amazing mother." She added, smiling as Bonnie let out a loud sigh and propped her legs up. "You're going to have to push, Bonnie." She finished, gazing down.
Bonnie, who had been in labor for eighteen hours, groaned, and began to sit up as much as she could, "I'm going to kill him." She screamed as a pain ripped through her abdomen. "I'll set him on fire. I'll give him a massive aneurysm for doing this to me!" She shouted, throwing her head back as she pushed.
Liz smiled, and shook her head. "In the end, you'll forget that you want to, Bonnie." She replied, moving into position.
Bonnie shook her head, and groaned. "I won't." She ground out, pushing as hard as she could. "He should be here." She replied, easing up. "Where is he?" She asked, turning her face to the door, and sighed when Caroline entered the room.
"Hey, Bonnie, how are you…" She paused, when Bonnie screamed and the room shook slightly. "Holding up?" She asked, glancing around her.
Bonnie tilted her head back in pain, and lifted her face, and Liz could see that Bonnie's features were transforming into her vampiric traits.
Caroline moved next to her mother, and glanced at her. "I take it; she's not doing so well." She whispered, watching her mother smile.
Liz nodded, and glanced in between Bonnie's legs. "She's doing fine. It's just the pain of childbirth talking." She replied, glancing up at her daughter.
Caroline nodded in understanding, well, semi-understanding, and moved to sit next to her friend, whose face was turning back to normal. "Kol's on his way. I just called Nik, and they are heading back here as fast as they can." She replied, wrapping her arm around her friend's shoulders.
Bonnie nodded, and smiled faintly. "When he gets here, I'll kill him." She stated with a growl as a contraction came harder than before. "Oh God!" She shouted, throwing her head back.
"Come on, Bonnie, you have to push." Liz encouraged, looking up at her daughter's friend.
Bonnie groaned, and pushed down as hard as she could. "Kol! I need you!" She shouted, screaming as she inhaled deeply.
"I can see the head, Bonnie. We're almost there." Liz stated, with a big smile on her face.
Bonnie smiled and glanced at her friend. "He's almost here." She whispered, sweat falling down her face.
Caroline nodded at her friend, and squeezed her shoulder. "Bring him home, Bonnie." She whispered, smiling.
Bonnie's smile faded, and she closed her eyes. "Where is he?" She whispered, biting back a groan as yet another contraction hit her.
Caroline looked at her mother, and Liz frowned. "I'll go call Nik again." She whispered, standing up.
Bonnie groaned, and gripped the sheets next to her, in the hopes the pain would be sent to the bed. "He promised he would be here." She strained, pushing once more.
Liz sighed, glanced at her daughter, who had a phone to her ear.
"Niklaus, you bring him back here or else you will wake up with a stake plunged into your freaking heart!" Caroline threated, and Liz smiled at her daughter's words. Only her daughter could threaten the most powerful creature on this earth, and get away with it.
"Kol!" Bonnie screamed, throwing her head back.
Liz frowned, and moved her hands to help guide the baby out of his mother. "One more push, Bonnie." She encouraged, and just as she did, the door flew open, almost off the hinges, and a frantic Kol raced into the room.
Bonnie opened her eyes, and growled at him, but Liz could see the love and relief in her eyes at the sight of her husband.
"Oh, Bonnie lass," He whispered, running over to his wife, and sat down next to her.
"You're lucky I'm delivering a baby at this moment, Kol Mikaelson, or else I would set you on fire for being late!" Bonnie shouted, groaning as she pushed once more.
Liz smiled and held her newborn grandchild in her arms. "You have a son." She whispered, cleaning off the child who was screaming as a newborn would.
Kol sagged in relief, and moved his eye to his wife, who was smiling brightly. "Am I forgiven?" He asked, as the baby was placed in her arms.
Bonnie rubbed her son's face with her finger, and smiled. "Not by a long shot." She stated, lifting her head to look at him, and Kol saw the determination on her face.
He swallowed hard, and felt a force push him off the bed, and he landed on the floor with a loud thump. "Well, at least you didn't set me on fire." He muttered, causing Bonnie to stick her tongue out at him.
Suddenly, Bonnie felt another pain in her abdomen. "Caroline, take my son!" She screamed, handing her friend her son. "Kol, get your ass back up here!" She shouted, throwing her head back.
Liz looked back down, and sighed. "There is another one." She replied, lifting her eyes to the young couple.
Kol frowned, and closed his eyes. Wrapping his arm around his wife's shoulders, he held onto her tight as she proceeded to deliver their second child.
Thirty minutes and a lot of cursing later, their daughter was brought into the world. Liz watched the newly formed family as they cooed over their twin children.
"Isn't it wonderful, mom?" Caroline asked, wrapping her arm around her mother's.
Liz nodded, and squeezed her daughter's hand. "Yes, it is." She replied, with a laugh as Caroline's head hit hers lightly.
"Mom?" Bonnie called out, beckoning Liz over. "Come and meet your grandchildren."
Liz let go of her daughter, and walked over to the newly formed family, and smiled at the newborns. "They're beautiful." She whispered, watching both parents gleam with pride.
"Kol and I discussed it, and we would like to name our daughter Sheila Elizabeth, if that's alright." Bonnie replied, glancing at her husband.
Liz felt tears fill her eyes, and she smiled brightly. "I would be honored." She whispered, repeating the words she had said so many months ago.
Kol shook his head, and stood up to embrace the woman he thought of as mom. "No, mom, we would be honored." He whispered, bringing her in for a swift and gentle hug.
Liz watched the events unfold, and tears fell down her face as she remembered every moment that had transpired.
"You see, you mean so much to them, Elizabeth." Lily replied, placing her hand on Liz's shoulder. "If not for you, Bonnie wouldn't have had the strength to hold on, and become the mother you always said she could be." She added, smiling.
Liz wiped the tears away, and she bowed her head. "They mean so much to me, but…" She trailed off, looking at the family she loved more than life itself.
"There are no buts, Elizabeth." Lily replied, shaking her head. "You gave them the strength to become a family, and without you they would have no guidance nor would they have survived as long."
Liz shook her head. "The family survived longer than I have." She replied, strongly.
Lily shook her head. "They wouldn't have. Do you remember when you were taken by Tyler?" She asked, watching Liz stiffen. "Well, it's time to show you just how much you meant to them after it all." She added, turning out of the room.
Liz sighed, and took one last look at Bonnie and Kol, bending over their newborn children, and smiled, before following Lily out of the room.
But what she walked into left her blood cold, and her face pale.
"Caroline, everything is going to be alright. Trust me, love."
Please be kind!
I'll try to be quicker with my updates, but I'm not going to promise anything. :)
Next Chapter: Take a guess... It'll be angsty.
Until Next Time...