Thank you to those who reviewed,favorited and followed!

I don't own Hunter x Hunter nor the lyrics to Why by Avril Lavigne.

Do you expect me to believe I'm gonna let us fall apart?

Chapter 3: Why?

"Kil, are you watching me?" My eyes darted from the scarlet liquid pooling underneath my shoes to my brother. I didn't say anything, and he reverted his attention back to the boy who was begging for mercy in front of him.

"See, Kil? This is what happens when you make friends." He said the last word as if it were poison and held something pointy up high in between his long fingers and targeted the small boy. The action was too fast, my eyes couldn't keep up. All I remember is his face distorting, blood splattering and suddenly like fire, the metallic smell lingers everywhere. I wanted to barf. But I'm used to it. I don't want to be used to it. I want to vomit, I want to cry, I want to run away and never look back, but I know I can't.

I didn't feel anything. I don't want to feel anything. I just wanted to go back, and regret my life. I was so focused on my thoughts and making ripples with the blood that was in small puddles now underneath me, I didn't hear the footsteps coming near. My head was pulled upwards by two long fingers on my chin, forcing me to look into the black pits which are my brother's eyes.

"Kil, how many times do I need to tell you that you do not need friends?" his face and voice are emotionless but I sense the sternness between every line. He leaned closer to me, putting his lips beside my ear. I shivered, but I remained stoic.

"You met her again yesterday, am I right?" My eyes widened, genuinely surprised. How did he know? I couldn't sense anyone else. But of course, then again this is my brother we're talking about. It's no surprise.

My eyebrows lifted up instantly. A look of surprise evident on my face.

What did he just say?

I was about to question him when suddenly, he spoke first.

"Pfft." He turned around, his shoulders lightly shaking as if he was holding out a laugh. Which apparently, he was.

"What?" I was really annoyed, and I barely even know the guy! First, he goes on ignoring me, then suddenly questions my family then now he's laughing? What kind of mood-swinging, white-haired, emo boy is he?

"That look on your face is priceless!" his back was still turned to me, and his hands were deep inside his pockets. "I was kidding, ugly."

Why would he kid like that? It wasn't even funny.


"You lonely old-man, how dare you?!"

I didn't know why I was so offended by such a tiny insult. He ignored me and started walking down the hall.

"Tch, whatever. I'm going to look for Gon. Don't you dare follow." And then he vanished instantly. Normally, I would go follow them just to spite whitey, but somehow his voice had a hint of threat and authority which is surprisingly…familiar. I decided to go my own way and I'll leave them to theirs.


I had to go far. I had to go away from her.

Dammit. I cursed as I turned to another dead end. Why is this place so freaking huge?

I didn't mean to say it, it just came out. But why? Why doesn't she remember me? I thought she was here because of the promise we made in that time.

Suddenly, realization hit me.

Of course!

I punched the wall beside me, earning a shout from a janitor and me, properly telling him to get lost.


It was always aniki. That man was always full of surprises.

But it didn't matter now. She doesn't matter right now. If he can move on and ignore her, he won't strain his brain as much.

I stopped as I reached my destination, the boys' washroom. I sighed in relief as I went in to look for Gon, then I felt something equivalent to a thousand needles.


I ran towards where the mysterious aura was. Gon might be in trouble.

My shoes screeched as I slid another corner, to my relief, I saw him standing there.


He beamed, "Killua!" I ran towards him in no time, as I did, I bended slightly, hands on my knees as I catched my breath as I muttered a quick, 'you idiot'.

"Did you follow that aura too?" I asked.

He pointed in front of him, "Yeah, it led me here."

I looked to where he was pointing, furrowing my eyebrows. "But Gon, there's nothing there-"

-Normal POV-

"Hello kids!" Netero screamed into the ears of the two boys, who immediately turned to the source in a battle stance. Netero rubbed the back of his sheepishly as both of his hands were in a 'calm down' motion.

"Now, now. There's no need to be so tight, we're all friends here, right?" he smiled at the two boys who seemed to relax now. But Killua didn't buy it.

"What do you want, old man?" he asked in a narrowed gaze.

"Killua, don't be so rude!" Gon scolded. Killua tsked and turned away, digging his hands in his pockets again. Netero merely laughed.

"It's alright, it's alright!" he grinned. "Gon-kun and Killua-kun, right?"

Gon beamed at him, "How did you know our names?" Netero waved the question off.

"Now, I can see you aren't doing anything. Would you like to play a game?" Killua frowned.


"We'd love to!"

Netero shook his head, chuckling. Young ones these days…

"Now that's settled, we better go! We shouldn't keep the little lady waiting." Gon looked pleased as he knew who he was talking about, meanwhile Killua looked the opposite.

"Aw hell."

Aw will you look at that. Pet names...already! Nah, jk. Ask me weird shizzles on Tumblr-roo. I love weird. Oh yeah, REVIEW PU DU GU GU LU RU SHMU DUGU I'm shutting the hell up now.