It was a miracle both had not expected, for the auburn haired girl to find the blonde amidst the snowstorm so easily. The two had kissed and the spell utterly broken, but so did the snowstorm.

The sound of a blade cutting through flesh was heard; both Anna and Kristoff spun their heads to the source of the sound. Kristoff jogged ahead punching the lights out of the wicked prince. Anna felt all air leave her.

"Elsa!" Anna rushed to her sister's side, taking the heavily wounded body into her arms, taking a look at her sister whose eyes were close to shutting all life left from the owner's body.

"A-Anna?" Those icy blue eyes opened; slowly found their way to meet her sister's tear strained ones. "Y-You're… alive…"

A hand tried to reach for Anna. Anna took it gently trying to smile. "Elsa please… Please stay with me."

Elsa weakly smiled back, "I-I'm… glad…"

Anna snapped her head at Kristoff. "Kristoff… Kristoff please… Do… Do something! Anything!"

Kristoff looked away along with the others, knowing it was far too late. Elsa shook her head. "No Anna… It's… It's too late… Just stay… with me… until the end…"

Anna felt her tears come faster. "Don't say that Elsa… Not when… Not when you still owe me an explanation of 13 years…"

Elsa moaned in pain as more blood gushed out from the heavy wound. Her eyes starting to close once more and her breathing becoming more heavy and slow, "I-I'm sorry…"

"Damn it Elsa! Don't be sorry! You can… You can do something about it!" Anna shouted.

Elsa smiled. "Arendelle… Will grow… With you… as queen…"

"No Elsa… You… You are Arendelle's only queen… You're my only sister… My only family…" Anna hugged Elsa's body close now.

Elsa felt everything starting to fade, and knew it wasn't long. A tear fell down her cheek as she whispered her final wish to the younger girl's ear. "Say it to me… Just one… More time… Ask me to… to build…"

Anna didn't have to hear the rest of the statement. "Do you wanna… build a snowman?"

Elsa slowly nodded as life left the body of the queen.

Frozen is owned by Disney. Just a regular fan contribution here :))