DISCLAIMER:I do not own these characters. They are all owned by J. K. Rowling, the only creative control I have is the plot.

Blurred Lines

Chapter One: The Party

Harry's POV

Hermione and I had been together for over a year now, and we had been keeping it a complete secret: absolutely no one knew, and it was for the best. If Ron found out he would go ballistic, and if Ginny found out she would probably lock herself in a dark room and cry herself into a coma, after having crushing on me for so long. It wasn't that we wanted to lie to our friends, it wasn't like we enjoyed it by any means, but, Ron and Ginny weren't the only ones who would be hurt from it…

Neville had confided in me back in third year that he fancied Hermione, and to this day I still caught him at attempt flirting with her. And Luna had confided in Hermione in fifth year that she fancied me: for my bravery and courage and authority, as Hermione had relayed to me. And for her kindness, patience, ability to understand and at always being a great friend, as Neville had told me. Oh, and not to mention how she was the most beautiful women he'd ever seen, and it had only become more so over the years. And Merlin, we he right.

Oh, and not to mention Cormac McLaggen. He had been drooling over Hermione all year, and it was really starting to get on my nerves…

I had discovered my own feelings for her in the middle of our fourth year, during the Triwizard Tournaments, but kept it quiet, thinking it was just a crush and would fade away… Instead, it only grew stronger. By the beginning of last year, our fifth year, I had broken down when we were alone one night in the library, studying, telling her that I was in love with her. I had expected her to tell me she was flattered, but only had feelings towards me as a sister would her brother… Instead, she had turned crimson, and admitted that she loved me too, and had only been pretending to be interested in Ron because she never thought I could possibly like her as anymore than a friend or adopted sister. I said, "You don't know how wrong you are," and I kissed her, and we had been together ever since, agreeing that very night to keep our romance to only ourselves, for the sake of our friends. And, we were such good friends that it wasn't that difficult to pretend to be anything but around other people, except, of course, in those times where she would say something so brilliant or so adorable, or do something so her that I would have to fight off the urge to pull her into my arms and kiss her; tell her how much I love her. Now, in our sixth year, I loved her more and more every day - ever so much more than I ever thought possible when I first fell for her.

Tonight, I knew, was going to be one of those nights. It was the Christmas Party for all of those of us in the Slug Club; each of us was allowed to bring a date, but, Hermione and I already being together, decided to just go together: as friends… sigh.

"Ron?" I asked as I stepped into the elaborately decorated classroom of Slughorn's. "What are you doing here, I didn't know you were invited," I smiled as I walked up to him, to see him in a crisp, clean white suite and gloves.

He shook his head. "No, I thought Hermione would, but…" he trailed. "Anyways, Neville and I are waiters. Slughorn wasn't going to let me in first, but I begged Neville to put in a good word for me, so, here I am," he smiled triumphantly. "Want a drink? It's actually Champaign, can you believe it?"

"When it's Slughorn there is little I won't believe," I shrugged as I took a stem glass, full of tan colored liquid. "Anyways, seen anyone you recognize yet?" I asked him, taking a sip. "I mean apart from stranger-faces. Any of our friends, I mean."

He shook his head. "Apart from yourself and Neville, no," he told me. "I was hoping to see Hermione, but I guess she hasn't shown up yet. Besides, it is still early, party only just started after all. Anyways," he added, going to turn in the other direction. "Best be off to walk the room, don't want to be kicked out for being lazy, seeing as it is a favor I am in here to begin with," and he was off, offering drinks to people as he walked by.

I made a half circle, bringing the Champaign to my lips again and looking around the room. Her voice came from behind me, chipper and feminine. "Thank you, I didn't really want anything that made me stand out too much, so I went with pink. I know, Yule Ball reminiscent," she was talking to Neville, who held a tray of Champaign and a wide smile on his face; his suit a twin to Ron's. "But anyways, it was good to see you, Neville. I'm off to find Harry."

"Oh? You two come together?" he asked her with a bit too much interest.

"As friends, yes," she nodded. "But really Neville, I don't want to keep you from your duties, and Harry is probably searching for me, so I'll see you late–"

I set my Champaign on the table beside them, cupping my hand around her shoulder. She turned to me with a bright smile on her face; her eyes glowing. "Harry," she smiled, stepping into me and wrapping her arms around me. "I was just going to come looking for you," she told me as we parted.

"Yeah I heard," I told her, subtly taking her hand in mine and hiding it between our hips. "Hey, Neville," I smiled at him, who smiled back, nodding.

"Well," he said. "I was about to do my rounds. I will see you too later, enjoy the party," and he was off, a defeated look on his face.

She turned to me, running her fingers through my hair above my left ear. "Harry you really shouldn't do that."

"Do what?" I asked her curiously. "All I did was walk up and say 'hi Neville'," it was so hard not to kiss her; the way she looked tonight outshone all other times I had ever seen her dressed up. She was absolutely radiant.

"I know…" she sighed. "It's just, whenever you show up you make it all too clear he'll never be with me. Not with words," she quickly corrected herself, "just the way you present yourself, the way you look at him, how you always place your hand on me."

"Well," I nodded in agreement. "You're my girlfriend, Hermione," I said softly. "And I know you'll never do anything, but I can't help but get jealous whenever I see another guy flirting with you. I know we need to keep it quite, but, sometimes I just wish that… I just wish that…"

"We didn't have to," she finished for me. "I know, Harry," she sighed, taking my hand back into hers, but keeping a safe distance at the same time. "And one day we won't have to keep it a secret, but until then…"

"Keep what a secret?" asked Ron as he stepped up to us. "Champaign?" he offered.

Hermione smiled as we dropped our hands, each taking a glass. "Oh, you know, the usual," she mused while taking a sip and looking over at him. The look on Ron's face as she took her drink, I couldn't quite place it, but there was just something off about it. "Anyways," she went on, oblivious to Ron's facial changes as she looked towards me. "I am going to let you two talk; I'm going to see if I can find Ginny anywhere. See you boys later," there was something definitely different as Ron watched her walk away, and as I looked after her, there was a subtle difference in her stride. I furrowed my brows, looking back at Ron.

"Well, it was good to see you," he told me. "But I've duties to attend to. We will talk later, I will be around," he was off before I could say a word.

Something was not right. The way Ron had been acting, talking, smiling since Hermione had taken that drink; the way she walked, they way her eyebrows drew in together as she walked away. How Ron had left just has she had, after not saying so much as a "Hi" to either of us. I set my glass down, as was beginning to make my way towards Hermione, to talk to her and see if something was going on, but was stopped by a firm hand on the shoulder. I turned around, looking up at the face of none other than Snape.

"Mister Potter," he said slowly, quickly pulling his hand away and holding it across his stomach. "I have a message for you from the Headmaster," he told me, he was about to go on, but I cut him off.

"I am sorry, Professor, I have got to see about Hermione, I am sure whatever it is can wait, If you'll excuse me–" he stopped me by placing his hand along my shoulder, and as I looked in the direction of Hermione I could just make out a white shape with a tuff of red hair disappearing behind a wall that was shrouded by curtains and hanging plants. I looked around, but I couldn't see Hermione anywhere.

"That'll be ten points from Gryffindor, and I will double that and add a detention if you cut me off again, Mister Potter," he told me. I balled my fists at my sides and let out a long sigh through my nose.

"Sir," I obeyed.

"As I was saying," he went on slowly. "Professor Dumbledore asked me to inform you that he has left, and is unsure of when he will be returning to the school," he told me. "That is all. I know nothing else. Enjoy the party," and he was off, walking away slowly with his hands still folded over his stomach. Annoyed, I downed the rest of my Champaign, and finished off another that had been abandoned on the table.

I ran my hand over my hair, and looked over to see Ginny, looking plain in a metallic green dress, a simple thing. Not ugly, but certainly not an eye-catcher. "Ginny," I said as I strode over to her, determined. "Have you seen Hermione?" I asked her quickly. "She said she was going to go talk to you… I just wanted to make sure she was okay, she seemed a little…"

"Weird?" she finished for me. "Yeah, I noticed that, but, no," she added, shaking her head. "I saw her, but then she just took off. I think she might have left or something, too much Champaign, maybe. I did see Ron, though. He said that he'd keep an eye on her. Such a sweet guy, I really think they would be–" she cut herself off, looking behind me. "Oh, there he is now."

I nodded my thanks, and ran off in his direction. But wasn't about to get a word out as I watched him readjusting his shirt around his pants; his hair completely disheveled. "Harry, Harry," he smiled, taking my arm into his hand and pulling me towards him while he took us across the room to a secluded section. "I did it!" he proclaimed softly. "I finally did it! Me, Ron Weasley, I finally did it!" he we practically bouncing.

"Ron, wait," my gut twisted into knots, threatening to reject all the Champaign I had drank. "Ron, did what, exactly? And, where's Hermione?"

His smiled widened. "I go the stuff from Malfoy, if you can believe it. Well," he mused. "Actually that isn't that hard to believe…" he trailed.

"Ron!" I brought him back. "What are you talking about!?" my voice was nearing hysterics: I did not like where this was going.

"She won't remember a thing," he drew a line with his hand. "Not a thing. I slipped it into her drink when she was looking away. And then I did it!"

My teeth were clenched. "Did - what."

"She has been stringing me along for years, and a man has needs, Harry… I slipped this pill into her drink. I found her nearly unconscious; mumbling to herself and rolling on the floor. No one was around… I did it," he said again, smiling. "I finally shagged her! And hey, did you know that she was a virgin? Guess it means we took it from each other, doesn't it?"

"You…" I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see; my body was shaking, red filled my vision as my fists clenched at my sides. "You raped Hermione?"

"Wow there, calm down," he told me. "Like I said; can't be rape if she won't remember it. Damn Harry, I thought you'd be happy for me," the look on his face, it was truly confused.

"You," I told him, baking away and forcing my hand to stay at my side; else I would pull out my wand and kill him. Violently. "Ronald Weasley; you are dead to me. And If I ever see you near my girlfriend again, I will kill you."

I left him standing there, staring blankly and silently, as I set off to find Hermione. And those words were just the beginning – Welcome to Hell Ronald Weasley, I am Harry Potter, and I will be your tour director.

To be continued…