I AM BACK! I want to start by saying I am so, so, so sorry for disappearing for so long! I honestly just got kind of blocked with my stories but I am now back! Thank you to all of you who are still reading this story and a thank you as welcome to those who have just joined! I hope this next chapter makes up for my long absence! I am super psyched; honestly, this is the longest chapter I have written like ever. I didn't realize how long it was until I finished and realized I had made it over 6,000 words which is kind of crazy especially for this story which has been super short. But I am super happy and excited for it. Hopefully you all enjoy as well though! Thanks again!

Special thanks for reviewing to: lunar and solar girl, ilovecartoonsgirl & Guest!

Ilovecartoonsgirl: And I can't wait to introduce each one heehee! Thank you very much!

Lunar and solar girl: Not quite yet, but indeed soon (*attempts to smile innocently*)

Please enjoy and until next time~!

Chapter 5: Reasons to Fight

Tsuna groaned as he stretched out his body. The newly formed pair had walked for the rest of the night. They hadn't really spoken, and Tsuna couldn't but help but feel awkward. Tsuna still wasn't sure why this wolf pup had decided to come with him; it was obvious he didn't like Tsuna for whatever reason. As they walked, Tsuna wondered if Hayato had just been as lonely as he had.

"So, where's your din at?" Tsuna's head jerked up in surprise. They hadn't talked a single word all night. Once in a while, they'd pause when they'd hear a bird flutter or a tree branch which moved with the wind. They were both still a bit wound up from their near-death experiences.

Tsuna looked at Hayato who walked ahead of him and asked, "What?"

Hayato rolled his eyes much to Tsuna's dismay. "I asked where your din was at. You know where you sleep at? Or where you go back to?"

Tsuna paused as he walked and continued to look at Hayato in confusion. "I, um, I don't have a din. I usually just sleep wherever I end up by daybreak." Hayato widened his eyes in surprise and disbelief. Tsuna continued though and asked, "Do you have a den?"

Hayato continued to look slightly surprised but frowned and shook his head. "No I've always migrated and never really had any place to stay either." Tsuna nodded his head. He understood; it was surprising how alike the two of them were really. "Come on; I'm sure we can find somewhere close by to stay at."

Tsuna let his lips on his muzzle turn upwards. "Okay."

They had continued to walk by the cliff areas when they heard thunder from up above them which caused them to both jump. They could sense there had been a storm that was on its way but had hoped the storm wouldn't be here until daybreak. Tsuna noticed as Hayato started to look frustrated, no doubt over how they didn't have a place to stay with a storm about to begin. Tsuna quickly scanned his eyes along the cliffs when he spotted it; a small cave at the edge of the cliffs! It was small but it should be big enough to fit two wolf pups. "Hayato, over there!"

The other pup perked up to where Tsuna jerked his head at and they both sprinted over towards it. They had just reached the opening when the sky let loose and water began to drip onto them. They darted into the hole before they could become any more soaked. The two shook off what water had fallen on top of them. They both looked outside to see that the little rain that had started to come down had already progressed to a bigger storm. Tsuna grimaced; any later and they might've been stuck in that.

Tsuna turned as he heard Hayato sigh. The other pup had finished shaking off his fur before he grunted out, "Well I guess this place will have to do. Stupid storm." Tsuna nodded slightly in agreement before he walked over to the right side which faced the entrance of the cave. He began to settle down when he noticed as Hayato began to pick up smaller rocks with his muzzle. They were bigger than pebbles but still pretty small.

Tsuna tilted his head to the side in curiosity, his right, brown ear flopped to the side. "Hayato, what are you doing?"

Hayato simply grunted due to the two rocks which were in his mouth. He placed the two rocks in his mouth by the entrance of the cave, close to the outside but still just barely inside. He turned and trotted back over as he told Tsuna, "I might crash at whatever cave I'm at, but I'm still wary of intruders. I wanted to have a way to figure out when they might come in." The pup paused as he found and picked up two more rocks before he trotted back and dropped them in the same area. He continued to talk as he trotted back to collect more, "So I came up with this way to hear intruders when they entered the mouth of the cave." He paused as he picked up more rocks, trotted back to the entrance, and dropped the rocks before he continued, "Basically I put a bunch of smaller rocks at the entrance here so that when they enter they'll end up hitting them as they walk." Hayato got some more rocks and placed them again. "I don't know about you, but I've always been alert when I sleep so the slightest sound wakes me up." Tsuna blinked a couple of times before he stared at the other pup in awe. However, Hayato simply shrugged as he told the brown wolf, "I know it's kind of stupid, but it's become a habit."

Tsuna felt his lips turn down at that. He shook his head as he told the other pup, "It's not stupid at all. In fact, it's actually really smart."

Tsuna watched Hayato freeze and turn to look at where he was laying. "You don't have to pretend like it's a good idea."

Again Tsuna shook his head, this time a little faster though. "I'm not pretending, Hayato. It really is a good idea. I usually just climbed up a tree and hoped for the best." Hayato looked incredulously at Tsuna which caused him to look down, embarrassed. "I know, I know. A wolf in a tree is a pretty crazy idea but it got the job done back then." Hayato still continued to look at Tsuna in shock. The brown pup huffed and got up from his spot. "Well let's get these rocks in place then." Hayato also huffed but continued to put the rocks in place.

Once they finished, Tsuna couldn't help but admire the rocky entrance. The thought that it might be a pain to cross them later tonight crossed his mind, but Tsuna couldn't help but be thankful for the small safety net. It was more than anything he had since he had lost his pack. He was about to go to sleep when he noticed Hayato, who laid on the opposite of the cave as him, still looked slightly peeved.

He lifted his head and tilted it to the right again as he asked, "Eh? Hayato is something wrong?"

The silver wolf jumped slightly and looked a tad embarrassed before he pushed it off with a huff. "Ah, no. Nothing is wrong. I also usually fine some bigger leaves to make a bit of a bed usually. It's nice than the hard, rocky floor but I forgot because of the storm."

"Oh." Tsuna glanced outside to where the storm still raged on. He debated if he could run out and grab a bigger leaf when a loud thunder went off with lightning striking not too far off from their cave.

He felt Hayato's stare on him and turned around to see the pup shake his head. "Don't worry about it. I don't need the leaf. It's just nice to have. I thought you might appreciate having a bed since you've been apparently been sleeping in trees."

Tsuna felt himself grow embarrassed as Hayato smirked before he laid his head down to sleep. Tsuna huffed and mumbled a small, "I'm fine." Tsuna glanced outside at the storm once more before he laid his head down and also went to sleep for the day.

Tsuna's eyes fluttered open and he couldn't help but pause in confusion. As he opened his eyes, he realized he was in a cave; he normally slept in a tree though. Before Tsuna could do anything else, he heard a light grunt not too far from him. Tsuna tensed and slowly turned to face the opposite wall where he noticed another wolf pup with silver fur which seemed to gleam lightly. The memories flashed through Tsuna's brain quickly now as he remembered rescuing Hayato and how they decided to stick together until Hayato could repay his debt.

Tsuna looked back over at the cave entrance to see that the sun had begun to sink. He turned back to Hayato and was about to wake him up, when he noticed the other pup had also woken up. Hayato stared at Tsuna carefully before reorganization filled his face; apparently, Hayato had also momentarily forgot everything that happened yesterday.

Hayato let out a huff as he stretched and began to make his way towards the cave entrance. "Well?" Tsuna looked up sharply at the other pup. Tsuna tilted his head curiously as Hayato rolled his eyes. "Are you getting up to hunt or what?"

Tsuna blinked before his muzzle opened a little in surprise as he realized what Hayato was talking about. He nodded his head and jumped to his feet; he nearly tripped but quickly balanced himself and stretched as well. Tsuna turned back to Hayato sheepishly. "Yeah. Of course."

They both made their way out of the cave, careful not to hurt themselves on their rocky defense. As they strolled back towards the forest, Tsuna cleared his throat nervously. Hayato looked curiously at Tsuna but didn't say anything. Tsuna eyed Hayato as he wondered what the other pup would think, but told him, "By the way Hayato, you should know I am not a very good hunter."

Hayato scoffed and Tsuna could've sworn he heard the other pup mutter, "Shocking."

Tsuna resisted the urge to curl into himself as they entered into the forest and he continued to talk, "I-uh-well I found an alternative way to hunt. I don't really like to kill my prey exactly." Hayato sharply turned his head to look at Tsuna with shock and exasperation mixed into his features. Tsuna gulped before he pushed on, "I mean I obviously know how to hunt but I mainly just wait until the injured can't go on any further or paw a fish out of water until it stops struggling. I just find it easier that way."

"Easier?!" Tsuna wasn't sure if he was going to continue talking or not, but apparently Hayato made the decision for him. The two stopped walking as Hayato looked at Tsuna like he was from another planet. Tsuna sometimes wondered if that was the case. "How is that easier?! No. More importantly, how have you not starved?! Seriously!"

Tsuna ducked his head down slightly, but still answered, "It's not that hard, Hayato. I just feel bad for them is all."

This time Hayato just ignored the shock and glared down at the other pup. "You can't feel bad for prey! It's prey!"

Tsuna shook his head, slightly unsure himself. "I do though. I am not sure why, but I do feel bad for them."

Before Tsuna could explain how they reminded him of himself and his pack at one point, Hayato continued and all but growled at Tsuna, "But you're a predator! You can't feel bad for prey in an eat-or-be-eaten world! You'll have to kill eventually, idiot pup! This is ridiculous! I don't care if I owe you a debt! I'm not staying with you and your stupidity any longer. Honestly, how dense can you be?! I can't believe this!"

Hayato turned and began to stomp away as he muttered angrily to himself. Tsuna's eyes widened in surprise; he hadn't been expecting the other pup to actually leave! Tsuna started to rush after his new hopefully-still friend as he began to beg, "Hayato! Wait, please! Just hear me out! I-!"

A large snap caused both pups to freeze and turn swiftly to their right as cackling was heard. Five big wolves stepped out from the trees as they stared at the pups with large smiles, yet their eyes showed disgust towards the pups. One of them grinned at them, but Tsuna could see an evil touch added which sent shivers down the two pups' spines. The one who grinned at them chuckled ominously. "Well, well, what do we have here? A couple of little runts all alone. How are we doing this fine night, my little Hayato?"

Tsuna couldn't help the confusion which came with that statement. Was Hayato friends with these predators? As far as Tsuna knew, Hayato didn't have a pack. However as he glanced at the other pup, surprise took him over again as Hayato looked absolutely terrified. Tsuna instantly tensed and narrowed his eyes at the five adult wolves; he grimaced as one of them had even begun drooling. Hayato growled next to the brunette wolf, "What do you Stancia? I have no business with you."

Stancia, the wolf with the creepy smile, chuckled again. "Oh but, my little Hayato, we have business with you! We are so desperately hungry right now, and you see-."

Hayato interrupted with a scoff, "Does it look like we have any food to you freaks?!" Tsuna gulped at that question. No they didn't look like they had food; they looked like they were the food. Hayato seemed to realize the same thing and grew more horrified at the realization. Tsuna watched as the silver pup took a breath before he scowled. "Just leave us alone, Stancia."

The older male laughed again. "Now don't be like that, little Hayato. You know," Stancia paused and glanced at Tsuna which caused both pups to tense. "I didn't know you were part of a pack now Hayato." Tsuna flinched slightly at that; their argument they had just before this conversation quietly rolled back into his brain. Stancia seemed to have also heard the conversation as he pointed out, "Though judging by your argument you two had just been having, it seems like you two aren't actually pack." The pair of pups stayed quiet as the other four adult wolves practically giggled at their leader's words.

Tsuna glanced at Hayato as he waited for the other pup to decide what to do. Tsuna would understand if Hayato wanted to leave him there for himself, especially after hearing how odd and useless Tsuna seemed to be. However, Tsuna let Hayato decide for himself. The brunette wolf was surprised as were the older wolves when Hayato suddenly straightened up and glared at them. "Just because he's an idiot doesn't mean you can have him, Stancia. I won't let that happen." Tsuna gulped again slightly. He wondered if Hayato was doing this because of the debt he owed him, which in retrospect just sounded silly at this point.

Stancia, however, sinisterly grinned again as he let out another low chuckle. The older wolf's canines looked as if they grew longer as he stared back at Hayato. "Who said that skinny thing was the one we wanted, little Hayato?"

Tsuna looked confused when he noticed a flash in the corner of his eyes. His eyes widened as a sixth member suddenly lunged at the unsuspecting, confused, and scared Hayato. A low growl erupted from him which seemed to take the whole pack by surprise before he lunged at the older male in an instant. "Hayato!" Tsuna slammed his front paws into the predator's side which sent him packing into the ground. The older wolf rolled and scrambled back up; he looked at Tsuna with wide and surprised eyes. He could feel the others, including Hayato staring at him as well, but Tsuna could care less. Just because he was scrawny and wary of hunting didn't mean he didn't know how to fight. Tsuna backed slightly up until he was beside the silver wolf. He turned towards the other five adult wolves with his brown eyes which almost appeared to shimmer gold, he growled at them, "I wouldn't underestimate my fighting abilities." He could feel Hayato's shocked eyes which continued to stare at him, but Tsuna kept his focus on the now-angered pack.

Stancia sneered at the young brunette and growled warningly, "You're being let off brat. We only want Hayato."

Hayato tensed beside Tsuna but the brunette didn't even flinch as he responded, "I'll pass." The others all look surprised again as Tsuna made his intentions known further by pressing himself closer to Hayato and lowering himself slightly in a defensive position. He could feel Hayato shaking ever-so-slightly next to him.

The older male scoffed. "He was about to abandon you just a few minutes ago, kid!"

This time Tsuna scoffed as he leveled his eyes on the pack. "That doesn't make him any less my friend."

The rest of the pack bristled as they began to inch away to spread out. Stancia seemed to look incredulously at Tsuna with a raised eyebrow. "Your funeral, kid."

The words had barely been spoken when Tsuna launched himself at Stancia, surprising the older male. Tsuna, albeit with the normal bit of anxiousness which resided in him, was not new when it came to defending himself from packs. The younger brunette understood that if he wanted to take down a pack, the majority of the time all he had to do was take down the leader. Tsuna also understood he had to be careful because he wasn't alone this time. He made sure to make his move before the rest of the pack could completely spread out around them. In hindsight, Tsuna would probably only get a few nips here and there on Stancia before he had to retreat to help defend Hayato from the other five wolves and Stancia. However, Tsuna knew he could throw them off balance if he showed them he was not an incapable pup even against their alpha.

Before Stancia could fully understand what was happening, Tsuna darted to the left of Stancia before he slammed his head into the other wolf's side. The surprised alpha yelped in shock as he rolled across the ground. Tsuna vaguely registered the surprised gasps from the other wolves including Hayato, but ignored them as he sprinted after the rolling body. He landed on top of the older wolf and was quick to snap his jaw across the back of Stancia's unprotected throat. Stancia seemed to be still in a daze as he continued to lie on the ground even after Tsuna's teeth sunk in to his neck. Tsuna knew better than to hold back and began to viciously shake and clench down onto Stancia's throat. Instantly, Stancia woke up from his daze and began to snarl. The older male tried to turn around to get back at Tsuna, but the young pup clenched down harder and shook him even more. Stancia, who finally realized this young pup could actually fight, was quick to begin bucking the pup off. Tsuna was nothing but stubborn as he continued to cling on harder and harder.

Both wolves had just head a tiny beginning of a crack when a shout was heard, "Tsuna, watch out!"

Tsuna's eyes glanced to his left to see one of Stancia's pack members charging towards him. The wolf had a half-crazed look in his eye and was frothing at the mouth as he snarled, "YOU BRAT!" Tsuna didn't even hesitate to let go of Stancia and sprinted forward. Both of the two wolves were too surprised to realize what had happened and Stancia's beta couldn't stop himself as he crashed right into his alpha.

Tsuna smirked at the two before he noticed another wolf sneaking up on Hayato from behind; Hayato who was already defending himself from the other three wolves spread around him. Tsuna snarled and launched himself forward. However, Tsuna's heart fell to his stomach as he saw the wolf launch himself at Hayato. Even if Tsuna could take out the wolf like he had done before, there was no doubt in his mind the other three wolves would pounce on Hayato instantly. Tsuna gritted his teeth and ran faster, this time aiming to roll Hayato out of the way. "Hayato!" The silver pup looked over in surprise, but didn't get a chance to do anything else as Tsuna (who slowed his run slightly so as to not hurt the other pup) barreled into him. The two pups rolled away just as the other wolf landed right where Hayato had been. "Hayato, you okay?"

He heard the silver pup growl slightly in frustration but nonetheless answered, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just annoyed." Tsuna nodded his head in agreement. The two pups looked wearily at the once-again surrounding pack. Tsuna hesitated as he tried to find a way out of this. It would be a horrible idea to try and run, but Tsuna also had to be careful fighting with Hayato by his side.

Suddenly a light bulb went off in Tsuna's head. He shifted slightly closer to Hayato so he could speak to the other pup where the surrounding pack couldn't hear them. Hayato noticed and leaned slightly closer as Tsuna quietly asked, "Hayato, do you think you can handle taking down Stancia?" It would be much easier if he could; not only would Hayato gain respect for taking down their leader, but Tsuna had a feeling he could handle five wolves at once a lot better than Hayato could.

Tsuna watched Hayato carefully debate for a moment before he nodded. "Yeah. I can take Stancia."

Tsuna smiled at the determination set on the other's face. Tsuna nodded back. "Good. You handle Stancia then, and I'll take the other five." Hayato threw Tsuna a concerned look, which caused the other to smile sheepishly. "Don't worry. If there's one thing I can do right, it's fighting when it's needed."

Hayato's lips twitched upward on his muzzle as he gave another nod towards Tsuna. Before the two could move, a cruel laugh was heard and the two looked up to see Stancia wobbling towards them. They both snickered at how beat up the alpha already was despite the fact that they hadn't even really begun fully fighting yet. Tsuna couldn't help but think these wolves were the all bark, no bite type. Stancia only served to keep that saying in motion as he scowled at them. "You brats think you're so tough. You haven't seen nothing yet. We'll show you how real wolves fight."

Tsuna snorted and the words slipped past before he could stop them, "Let us know when they get here." Beside him, Hayato also snorted and snickered. Tsuna couldn't help but wonder where that had come from. He had never had so much confidence before; he knew he wasn't going to lose though, not with Hayato next to him. The other six wolves looked stunned as well, but not before they snarled back at him. They started to dart forward which caused the pup duo to drop in defensive stances when a loud crash sounded next to the large group from in the forest. Everyone paused and looked confused at what could sound such a heavy crash.

One of Stancia's pack mumbled a small, "What?" When another crash sounded this time with a humongous bear which fell out of the trees into the clearing they were all gathered. Every single one of the wolves froze in fear.

The bear was at least twice the size of the biggest wolf there, and it looked extremely hungry for some reason. Tsuna couldn't help but groan quietly, "Not bears again." Hayato flicked a curious look towards Tsuna, but stayed still beside him. The bear snarled and looked between the two groups as if deciding which group it wanted; Tsuna had a feeling the pack with bigger and more wolves looked far more filling than him and Hayato did. Still a crazed, big bear like this would not be easy to bring down, but still… "If we work together, we can take him." Tsuna felt Hayato shift slightly closer but straightened in response, however Stancia's group…

"As if! Enjoy your sweet deaths, little brats! Farewell, my little Hayato!" Both pups watched with jaw drops as the pack sprinted away with tails between their legs; Tsuna was certain he heard several of them whimpering. Tsuna couldn't but think that it was slightly ridiculous that they would take off like that; with the bear in such a crazed state, the first sign of movement would most likely mean that the bear would take off after them. However, apparently this was not a normal case this time. The bear didn't go after the pack, but it did turn to look over at the pair of pups.

"Tsuna, we should run away too!" Tsuna hesitated slightly. He wasn't sure they could outrun the brutish bear, but he had gotten the feeling that while Hayato was a fairly good hunter, he was not a good fighter. Wearily and against his better judgement, Tsuna nodded his head and the pair turned around to run when a flash of black caught his eyes.

"HAYATO!" The next thing the pair knew, Hayato was flung through the sky and landed roughly against a large log which rolled over Hayato's front, left leg from the force of Hayato hitting the log. Hayato's paw was instantly trapped much to their horror. Tsuna turned to see a cackling Stancia as the alpha swiftly made another escape. Apparently, the bear either didn't notice Stancia or just didn't care as he made his way over to the trapped and terrified Hayato.

Tsuna froze as Hayato began struggling with a renewed effort; the young brunette pup was certain his heart could be seen beating out of his chest with how hard it was pumping. While with a joint effort, they might've been able to take down the bear, Tsuna was not certain he could take down the bear all on his own. Still, Tsuna turned to see a frantic Hayato desperately trying to claw his way out. Tsuna wouldn't be able to move that log at all with his scrawny body. A loud roar snapped Tsuna out of his daze as he realized the bear was incredibly close to Hayato only a few feet separating them. Tsuna felt something strengthen within his heart.

He launched himself forward towards the bear and the pup that had been about to abandon him. Tsuna could care less; this boy was his friend even if Hayato hadn't felt the same way and he would protect him despite everything. The bear lifted a paw in the air to bring down on Hayato who once again froze with wide, terrified eyes. Tsuna let out a mighty howl which cause Hayato to look over in surprise, but the brunette ignored him as he pounced slightly on the side of a tree next to the bear and landed on the bear's back. The brunette grimaced as he noticed his muzzle would not fit around the bear's neck so instead, Tsuna roughly grabbed onto the bear's ear hard. The bear missed his swipe against Hayato as it roared in pain. In order to be rid of the pain, the bear began to fall backwards and squash whatever was on its back.

"TSUNA!" However, Hayato's worries were meaningless as Tsuna effortlessly leapt off the bear's back and onto the ground next to them. The bear however fell back with a loud thud. Tsuna could only helplessly watch as the bear shook itself out of its dazed state. This bear was something Tsuna wasn't sure he could handle. Normally Tsuna could use the landscape to his advantage and lure the bear into a sort of trap, but Tsuna didn't know this area well enough plus Hayato was still trapped defenselessly. Tsuna's eyes widened as the bear stood up and roared at him this time. "No! Tsuna, just run!"

Part of Tsuna wanted to do just that, but he promptly shook his head in refusal. He wouldn't leave Hayato here. Tsuna snapped forward as he charged straight towards the bear. He swiftly ducked to the left as the bear swiped over his head; at least he had speed to his advantage. Tsuna eyed Hayato again who was trying desperately to get freed again. The bear roared again, but instead of charging Tsuna, he charged Hayato instead. Tsuna stopped in his tracks, confused and bewildered at the bear's behavior. Normally it would have went after Tsuna in a rage. Tsuna didn't let this stop him though as he charged over as well.

"Hayato!" Hayato stopped his actions and turned to see the bear coming back towards him. The silver-furred wolf was also bewildered at this charge until he noticed something strange. The bear was certainly charging towards him, yet it was glancing to the left behind himself towards…TSUNA!

Hayato's eyes widened in realization and began tugging on his paw frantically. "Tsuna, stop! He's trying to lure you to him!" Using Hayato was left unsaid, and something that plainly stunned Hayato; never had he thought he would be used as bait against anyone, never had he been that important.

Tsuna let out a low growl as he answered, "It doesn't matter! He'll still go after you if I don't come!" Hayato felt horror wash over him and began tugging with even more of a frenzied effort. Tsuna had nearly caught up to the bear when the bear surprised him by plopping his butt onto the ground and thus stopping him from going forward. Before Tsuna could even think of doing anything the bear lashed its head out towards Tsuna. Tsuna's eyes widened and he quickly pushed his feet into a messy leap. Tsuna for a moment relaxed as he figured he could make it over the bear's head, when he felt a crushing pain and sickening crack in his hind, right leg. The brunette screeched as pain bled through his leg with the bear's muzzle clamped firmly on it. He vaguely heard Hayato howling furiously somewhere in front of him. His vision blurred and Tsuna could feel nothing but absolute pain. Tsuna could feel himself giving up when the bear stood up and began walking with Tsuna's leg still clamped in his mouth. The brunette wondered why the bear was walking with him until he heard Hayato's howls coming nearer and neared. It clicked. The bear was still going for Hayato. Hayato!

Tsuna's eyes snapped open and practically glowed gold as he snarled and made an attempt to snip at the bear's muzzle. The bear surprised by the sudden action dropped Tsuna instantly who let out a yelp of pain. "Tsuna!" Tsuna grimaced as he realized Hayato was right behind him; Tsuna could reach out and touch Hayato's tail with his paw. The young pup ignored the still-trapped pup as he struggled to his feet. He fell when he tried and whimpered at the pain which shot through his back leg. "Tsuna, get up! Please get up and run!" Tsuna felt another renewed strength as he wobbled his way back up. He noticed Hayato's eyes shine with relief despite the underlining fear. However instead of running away, Tsuna limped to turn around and faced the bear with his back leg hanging limply.

He could feel Hayato's horrified eyes on him, but before the silver pup could say anything, Tsuna growled in defiance at the shocked bear. "I'll die before I let you have Hayato." Time seemed to stand still for the trio as Hayato felt both horror and absolute gratitude towards the pup in front of him. The bear seemed stunned by the little predator's loyalty. Tsuna…Tsuna had to put all his focus on keeping himself on his feet.

Suddenly the bear decided to truly test Tsuna's resolve as he lunged forward. Hayato screeched, "TSUNA!" Tsuna didn't say anything but he pushed his body all onto his left, hind leg as he lunged forward and sank his teeth into part of the bear's chest before he yanked backwards. Tsuna fell slightly with a whimper as he landed slightly on his injured hind leg, while the bear fell back with a roar of pain. The bear settled back down with a deep anger in his eyes, while Tsuna weakly tried to push himself up properly. Before either could move though another roar sounded in the distance which caused them to pause. Tsuna vaguely realized the roar sounded similar to the bear in front of him. The bear seemed to realize this as well as panic entered the bear's eyes. The fierce predator ignored Tsuna as it suddenly took back into the forest towards the noise.

Tsuna blinked in surprise before his leg decided to throb viciously. Tsuna let out a cry as he fell to the ground in a heap. Now that the fight was over, Tsuna felt the pain ten times over as it stretched out through his leg. Tsuna gasped for breath and glanced over towards Hayato weakly, though he had no idea what to do. However, despite the pain Tsuna felt himself completely freeze as he looked at the empty spot where Hayato was supposed to be. Tsuna couldn't help but be stunned as he realized even after everything that had happened, Hayato had still abandoned him. The brunette felt tears gather in his eyes as he laid limply on the ground. His eyes dulled in acceptance at the treatment. I will truly never be accepted. I will always be No-Good Tsuna. This is a fate I truly deserve. At least, at least I was able to protect Hayato again. Hopefully, he will be able to live a good live now without Stancia. I just wish… Another pain throbbed through Tsuna's leg and Tsuna didn't bother to muffle the sharp cry which tore from his muzzle. Tsuna dropped his head onto the ground in acceptance, his eyelids fluttered close.

"TSUNA-SAMA!" Tsuna's eyelids snapped back open in surprise. He blinked blearily when another pain shot through him and he cried out again. "Tsuna-sama! Please hang in there, Tsuna-sama!"

Tsuna glanced over just as Hayato sprinted back to his side with a strange plant in his mouth. As Hayato reached his side, Tsuna managed to mumble out, "Hayato…you're still here?"

Hayato gave a hasty jerk of a nod as he dropped the plant which sounded like a rock as it landed on the ground. "Of course I am, Tsuna-sama! Please hang in there!" The silver-pup dipped the pads of his paws into the shell-like object and brought them up with a gel on their pads. "I noticed this plant the moment I escaped. This should help the pain and the bleeding if I remember correctly. It will sting a bit, so please hang on!" Tsuna chuckled humorlessly; as if he could be in even more pain than-! Tsuna let out a howl of surprise as the gel was put on his wound. It burned so badly! Vaguely, Tsuna could hear Hayato's voice telling him that it would be okay and to hang on. Tsuna desperately clung onto consciousness as Hayato covered the wound.

As Hayato finished, Tsuna looked at Hayato in question of what happens next. The wolf pup bowed his head and told Tsuna in a shaky voice with tears rolling down his furry cheeks, "Thank you, Tsuna-sama. Thank you for not leaving. No one…NO ONE has ever done that for me before! From now on Tsuna-sama, you are my alpha and if you'll have me, I would be honored to be part of your pack." Hayato kept his head down even as the rest of him stiffened in fear.

Tsuna smiled weakly at the other pup in front of him; they really were a lot alike. Tsuna managed to chuckle faintly as he told Hayato whose head popped back up, "I don't know about me being alpha, but I would be incredibly happy if we became pack, Hayato."

The said-wolf beamed and howled happily which caused Tsuna's lips to turn upwards again in amusement. Before the two could do anything else though, distant roars were heard in the distance which caused them both to freeze. The two glanced at each other wearily and Tsuna couldn't help but worry they celebrated too early. Would Hayato really want to stay with him while he was so injured? As if he heard Tsuna's line of thought, the silver pup gently moved to Tsuna's left, good side and pushed his head underneath Tsuna's left, front leg. Tsuna looked confused as Hayato smiled gently at the boy. "It'll still hurt a bit, but I can carry you on my back, Tsuna-sama." Tsuna looked wary of the idea but nodded nonetheless. Now with Tsuna-sama's permission, Hayato gently pushed his body underneath Tsuna's body before he lifted the smaller pup onto his back. Tsuna gasped and whimpered as he pushed his muzzle into the back of Hayato's neck; an attempt to stifle the other whimpers on the tip of his tongue. Hayato felt worried, but didn't turn around in an effort to not aggravate Tsuna-sama's wounds any further. "I know. I'm sorry Tsuna-sama. Please hang in there just a bit. You can rest up after we find a cave to stay in. So let's go find a cave we can rest in, Tsuna-sama."

Tsuna whimpered slightly but nodded into the other's fur. "Thank you, Hayato."

Hayato shook his head gently once. "No. Thank you Tsuna-sama." Truly thank you, Tsuna-sama.