(A/N: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist. I do own Nikko. Enjoy!)

Alphonse was lying under the tree beside the Rockbell house, the long green grass tickling his arms and bare feet. He sighed, a content sigh, listening to his heartbeat and also the sound of his breathing. Having his body back… there simply just wasn't a word (or any words for that matter) to explain how overjoyed he felt. When he accidentally cut his finger while using the knife to make himself a snack, the pain made him remember that he once again had a body. He hadn't realized that Winry walked in at that moment and was yelling at him for smiling like an idiot while he was staring at his bleeding finger. Al began to laugh at that memory. It happened not to long ago after Ed and Al returned.

"Hey, Al! Are you over here?!" Ed shouted, walking around the house, looking for Al. Speaking of Ed, Al thought to himself.

"I'm over here, brother." Al shouted back to him. When Ed saw him, he gave him a grin and plopped down beside him, his legs sprawled out and his arms supporting him as he laid back.

"What are you doing here, all alone?" Ed asked, still grinning. Al was starting to get suspicious. Did Ed do something to his stuff? He hadn't really brought anything important from Central to Resembool and he really didn't own a lot except clothes. Or maybe…

"Have you finally confessed your love to Winry?" Al asked, a mischievous grin on his face. Ed's cheeks slowly began to get pink. Al had to use all of his inner strength to not laugh. He turned around to not face his older brother practically dying of embarrassment. While he turned around, his shoulders began to shake and he kept snorting.

"No! Damn it all! Why'd you have to go and say something stupid like that!? Obviously, now is not the right time for it but maybe soon-" Ed felt his cheeks get even hotter. He just confessed to his brother that he's in love with Winry. Oh no, he's never going to let that down. He looked at Al who was staring at him, eyes wide open. Finally, a huge smile began to grow on his face.

"You are in love with her! Where's Winry? I have to tell her this!" He was about to get up before Ed grabbed his wrist.

"You do it and I won't give you the surprise. In fact, if you tell Winry about this, I'll tell you what my surprise is and never give it to you." Al sat down, angrily, and sat across from Ed. Both Ed and Al sat criss-cross and arms over their chest. They stared each other down until Al finally submitted himself to his curiosity about Ed's surprise.

"What did you get me?" he asked Ed. Ed's grin returned. He stood up and helped his brother on his feet. They both walked to the front of the house where a box was waiting. It was already open though. Al saw a small golden furry head with green eyes peek out of the box, staring at him.

"Meow." The little animal's quiet meow barely reached across the porch. Al's heart slowly began to swell. He looked at Ed, who was still grinning.

"I happened to find this cute little guy walking down our road. I went everywhere around Resembool to see if it had an owner. Apparently, one of our neighbor's cats just had a litter of kitties a month ago. This one ran away when he let all the kitties out of the house to stretch their legs. He let me keep him but obviously you like cats more than me so…" Al was filled with so much happiness. He could hardly contain it.

"Are you sure?! Can I really keep him!?" Al asked, excitement filling his voice. Ed gave him a small nod, a bit embarrassed by his own kindness. Al slowly walked to the golden kitten in the box and began to touch its silky fur. He hadn't felt a kitten in so many years. He was finally able to feel their fur again. Soft and fluffy, he thought. It reminded him of blankets that had been washed and dried out on a nice spring day. Al didn't realize he was crying until he felt something running down his cheek. The kitten was beginning to nibble on his finger, his sensitive human finger. Ed walked up to Al after he saw that Al hadn't move from his position. When he saw Al crying, he panicked.

"W-why the hell are you crying? Don't you like him? I thought he was kinda cute! Al! What's wrong?" he asked worriedly. Al just shook his head and wiped away his tears. He looked at Ed and smiled.

"Look, brother." He put his other arm up, his skinny but fleshy arm. "I have my body back. I can feel again. It's just… I'm happy." Al's tears still hadn't stopped. Ed just gave him a sigh but smiled back. He understood exactly the way he felt. Sometimes he even had those moments where he couldn't help but just look at his right arm, pinching at his skin, hoping this wasn't just some dream.

"I-I can feel the sunlight on my body again! I can taste Winry's apple pie! I can sleep!" Al looked at the golden little kitty, still nibbling his finger.

"Thank you for getting my body back, brother." Ed felt as if someone had just knocked the wind out of him. He looked up at the sky, blinking back tears. He felt so...free? No, that wasn't the word for it. He finally did something right. He helped his brother, the only person in his family left, get back what he rightly deserved. The feeling he had been carrying in his heart for so, so long was gone. The memories of the journey wouldn't ever leave though. But he did something right for once, hadn't he? He looked at his little brother, who was wiping away his tears.

"Idiot, what kind of reason is that to cry?" he ruffled Al's hair as if they were little kids again. He sat down next to the box and stroked the little kitten's fur as well with his right hand.

"So, what are you going to name him?" Ed asked. Al gave a thoughtful look before finally answering him.


(A/N: Nikko means sunlight in Japanese.)