Author's Note: Thank you everyone for reading and reviewing! I'm enjoying writing the sequel! I'm sorry it took so long, I got sidetracked with life and my Wolf story so I apologize. There's not much I have to tell you other than for now it's going to be a 10 chapter story. Also again I suggest if you haven't to read Nobodies, it'll make more sense. As for why Caroline was in the cave at the end of Nobodies was because of the first time Klaus tried to break the curse and she was taken with tyler to be sacrificies, it's basically the same thing except tyler wasn't there and klaus went to investigate who was going to break the curse, if that makes sense. It was just lucky. Fate. whatever. I don't know if that made sense. But anyway! Enjoy! Let me know what you think!

Thank you: Iansarmy, maevelin, redbudrose, Grace5231973, beverlie4055, HotHybridSex, llevenne, Jessnicole, Guest, Mo, AnonAlways, bunnykay, Guest and Guest!

Chapter 2: Domination

Caroline heard the door of the hotel room open and close and she knew the man, Klaus was back. She was sitting on the edge of the bathtub staring at the tile floor lost in thought. The door was slightly ajar and she didn't move a muscle when the man came in to see what she was doing.

"Caroline?" he asked frowning at her.

"What's happening to me?" she whispered slowly looking up at him.

"Why is there a body on the floor?" he asked ignoring her question.

She shrugged feeling dazed.

"Caroline?" he asked coming towards her suddenly she shot up and backed up towards the wall.

"Stay away. Stay away from me." She said looking at him through wide eyes.

He frowned ignoring her request and instead taking a small step towards her.

"You're a vampire now, Caroline." He said trying to calm her down. When he had killed her, he knew he was doing it spontaneously but he didn't think she'd react like this. When he met her all those years ago she had been different, she had accepted being a vampire. This Caroline was…well she was a baby vampire. Maybe she just needed to feel comfortable in her new skin, explore the possibilities, find the art and beauty the world had to offer. Or maybe she'd hate him forever.

He knew he should've stayed with her to sooth her during her transition, but he had to attend to some last minute loose ends with the curse ending. He didn't want to leave her, but he also figured she needed some time alone. Besides he and soothing never really went hand in hand. He was a man hardened by life not a pansy that enjoyed talking about his feelings.

"What's happening to me?" she asked again staring into his eyes.

"You're becoming a vampire. Well you are. You completed you're transition." He said touching her arm gently. He didn't have a lot of practice with soothing people.

She stared at him for a minute before looking into the bathroom mirror her face reflecting confusion.

"Vampire's don't have reflections." She said feeling shocked by what he'd told her.

He chuckled, "We do actually. That's a myth. I also acquired a ring for you so you could go into the sunlight. It's a daylight ring." He said going into his pocket and pulling out a lapis lazuli ring.

She smiled faintly and took it hesitantly into her hands.

"Are you sure I'm a vampire? I mean I don't feel different. Well I do, kinda. I ate that man." She said playing with the ring absentmindedly.

Klaus smirked at her itching to reach out to touch her again.

"I'll deal with that." He said quietly.

She looked at him curiously. "Why did you do that? I remember you coming into the cave…I'd been taken while going to school…how did you find me?" she asked confused.

"How about we go into the room and I'll explain everything." He said gently taking her hand in his and leading her into the bedroom. She followed reluctantly still unsure if she should trust this man who'd basically kidnapped her and taken her to this room. She tried not to stare at the body of the man, but it was almost impossible not to. She felt incredibly guilty knowing she was the cause of his death.

"I'm really sorry." She whispered to the body guiltily.

"I'm sorry for leaving you." Klaus said glancing at the man.

Caroline didn't say anything and instead just stared down at the man the guilt eating her up.

"Hey, it's not your fault. You were hungry." Klaus said moving her head to look at him.

She nodded absentmindedly her eyes glancing over at the body again unable to look away.

Klaus sighed tiredly. "I'll clean it up." He said taking out his sleek phone and dialing a number quickly and speaking into the phone.

"Are you going to answer my questions?" she asked when he hung up.

"Are you going to look at me?" Klaus asked as her eyes strayed to the body again.

Caroline had the grace to look sheepish and turned to give him her full attention.

"I already told you my name, but my story is another matter all together." He said quietly.

She watched him curious to know what he was going to say.

"I'm what's called a hybrid." He said glossing over his family history and everything else he wasn't ready to tell her.

She nodded listening closely and disbelievingly.

"I'm part wolf and part vampire." He explained.

"I needed to break a curse to become my full self and the person I needed lived in your town, that's how I found you." He said choosing his words carefully. He didn't want her to know he'd killed her friends to become what he was. He wanted her to trust him he would tell her the truth later on he figured.

"What about the cave? What about—"

"I heard you that's how I found you." he lied not wanting to tell her the reason she was in the cave was because of him.

"But why me? I mean—"

"It's a very long story, Caroline, I don't want to bore you." He said not wanting to explain why he'd made her a vampire. He wanted her. He'd searched decades for her. He couldn't live without her. He missed her. All were valid reasons, but she didn't have memories of him, she didn't know him. He'd have to get to know her all over again, but this time it would be different. They had a past together and he wanted her to remember. He didn't want to get into that with her right now so he decided to tell her the easiest lie.

"You were hurt and I fed you my blood. You died and became a vampire." He said when she continued to stare at him in question.

She frowned not believing his story. "I wasn't hurt though. I'd been kidnapped."

"You were delusional. You weren't even awake when I found you."


There was a knock on the door and Klaus went to answer it. Two men came in with a garbage bag and supplies without saying anything they picked the body up and began to clean the room up of all traces of evidence. Caroline watched them through narrowed eyes.

"Won't he get a funeral? Won't his family find him? I didn't mean—" she began wanting to explain.

Klaus shook his head at her. "He'll be taken care of. Don't worry. It happens." He said turning away and missing her look of horror.

She sputtered some as the men worked quickly and efficiently and left sooner rather than later. Once they were gone Klaus turned back to her with a small smirk.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to go to the hotel lobby to eat?" he asked looking at her.

She frowned, "I want to go home."

"What on earth for?" he asked bewildered.

"Because I just want to go home. I want to leave this room. I don't know you. Everything is weird and I just want to go home." She said feeling panicky from everything that had occurred in the last twenty four hours.

Klaus scowled. "Why?"

"I just told you why! Please! Klaus! Seriously! I want to go home." She said wrapping her arms around herself as tears welled up in her big blue eyes.

He watched her feeling angry about what was going on. When he'd changed her he never imagined she'd want to go home and leave him. She had been so in love with him when they'd been together before. Why was she being so difficult?

"No." he simply said.

Her eyes widened in alarm and she let her mouth drop open a little attempting to speak. He smirked as she impersonated a gold fish.

"What?" she asked her eyes narrowing and the tears drying up in the ducts as anger set in.

"No." he said again and then turned away to begin packing their suitcases.

"Why not?" she asked her voice turning to steel.

He chuckled at her abrupt emotional change. One minute she was crying and the next she was basically growling at him. He couldn't help the desire that welled up in him at how vicious she could truly be. Her anger was a turn on for him, he had found that out before and he was glad that hadn't changed in their 100 years apart.

"Because." He said glancing over his shoulder at him.

She growled low in her throat and stomped her foot before crossing her arms around herself.

"I don't want to be here! I want to go home." She said again whining like a child.

He smirked to himself as he neatly packed their suitcase.

"And I said no. You're coming with me."

"I don't want to go with you. I don't know you."

"Well then get to know me." He said stopping his folding and turning around to fully look her in the face. Her eyes had flicks of gold in them and her face was set in anger at her request being dismissed.

She generally got what she wanted, except for being second best to Alana romantically speaking, but in all other matters of her life she always got what she wanted. She was Miss Mystic Falls, she was the head cheerleader, and she was the Homecoming Queen since she was a Sophomore. If she wanted to go, Goddammit, she would!

"I want to go home. I don't want to get to know you." She said glaring at him.

His smirk widened as he took in her angry stance and steely cobalt eyes.

"Why not, love? Take a chance. What's the worst that can happen?" he asked turning around and going back to packing.

"Seriously! Klaus! I'm not messing around there are people who will be looking for me! I can't just go off with you! I don't—"

"Listen, I'll make you a deal. Give me six months of your time and if you don't have fun or want to stay then I'll take you back to your small town life. That's the only thing I'm offering." He said growing annoyed with her demands. He figured six months was more than enough time to get her to fall in love with him. It wouldn't be difficult, he already knew her.

She thought about his offer for a minute staring at his smirking face. She had the urge to smack that smirk right off his face, she was so angry.

"No." she said and then suddenly she bolted towards the door desperate for escape. Klaus was faster though and grabbed her around the waist and threw her on the bed before climbing on top of her to get her to stop struggling. He straddled her and squeezed his thighs around her waist to keep her still while he held her wrists in place with his hand. His eyes drank her in as she withered beneath him trying to get away. Her movements were futile and they were making him hard as her hips bucked up into him and she breathed heavily trying to escape.

"Let me go! Let me go!" she screamed and his hands tightened on her wrists.

"Quiet." He said taking his free hand and caressing her face softly. She stilled at his touch and despite her better judgment her head turned to look into his eyes. She felt her body slacken as their eyes met and his gaze inexplicably soothed her.

"I'm offering you a chance to see the world, love. Six months that's all you have to stay." He said subconsciously still stroking her face.

She felt the tears form in her eyes again, but this time they were tears of defeat, anger, and humiliation.

"I can't just go off with you. I don't know you. I only just met you." She whispered feeling vulnerable.

"And like I said, get to know me. Take a chance. I'll even get us started. I like art." He said smirking when she threw him a disbelieving look.

"This is so pointless…and weird." She mumbled and then sighed loudly and rolled her eyes before giving him a tidbit of information. "I like to cheerleader and read Jane Austen novels." She said assuming he'd forget what she just said anyway. Every guy she'd ever dated had. No guy she dated ever knew what she liked to do or even that she liked to read. They all just saw a bubbly, dumb, blonde cheerleader. She'd never been special to anyone so she didn't understand why this man was trying so hard.

"Was that so bad?" he asked loosening his grip on her wrists and leaning back.

"Yes." She said rubbing her wrists warily.

He chuckled and reluctantly climbed off her before going back to packing. She followed his lead folding the clothes much in the same way he was.

"So where are we going?" she asked after they were silent for awhile.

His smirk returned as he looked up and into her blue eyes. "London." He simply said.

She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. She was going to London! She'd never been to London! She could feel excitement bubbling in her stomach.

"Cool." She said trying to be nonchalant.

He chuckled, "Have you been?"

She shook her head as she placed the last piece of clothing in the suitcase.

"No. I've never been anywhere." She said quietly.

"Well then we'll have a lot to see in six months then." He said zipping the suitcases up and then putting them on the floor.

"If you try to run again or scream I'll kill everyone in the room, I'd suggest you don't." he said giving her a hard look before compelling her to be able to leave the room. Then he walked to the door knowing she was right behind him without looking. He could feel her and he liked it.

(A/n: What did you guys think? Please let me know! next up is london.)