Author's Note: Ok so this story is for everyone who wanted a sequel to Alt Klaus and 'Carrie.' If you have any requests let me know I'll try and add it. This chapter is short because I wanted to give you something and didn't have enough time to write an entire chapter, so it's a prologue which I think will be good. A slight change the story will not be 5 shots, but 10. A 10 chapter story. For now. I outlined everything so hopefully I'll stay on track. If you didn't read Nobodies you'll still get it, sorta. There's a long backstory, but you could probs read this as a stand alone. That's it i think I'm super tired so there's probs more, but i had such a terrible week i need feels of klaroline to make me feel better. Life sucks you dry. Anyway! Thanks everyone who reviewed the last chapter of Nobodies and I hope this lives up to your expectations!


Disclaimer: If Klaus and Caroline belonged to me they'd have their own show. Sadly everything belongs not to me.

Prologue: Transition

Doors slam
Lights black
You're gone
Come back
Stay gone
Stay clean
I need you to need me

So we're bound to linger on
We drink the fatal drop
Then love until we bleed
Then fall apart in parts

Until We Bleed By Lykke Li

Caroline 'Carrie' Forbes slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a strange room. She was laying on a large soft bed with a comfy down duvet on top of her in a hotel room. She frowned trying to remember the last few hours or at the very least the last few days, but she couldn't. It was like trying to remember a dream; the more she tried the more it slipped away. She closed her eyes again and snuggled into the pillow trying to remember what she'd been doing the night before, but the only thing she could see in her minds eye was darkness.

She huffed and sat up slowly feeling odd. She felt hungry, but she wasn't sure for what. She also noticed odd things in the hotel room such as two suitcases, men's clothing, and a weird stain on the carpet floor. She also heard the shower running in the bathroom. She wondered vaguely if her and Taylor ran away together. She cringed at that thought.

"Ew." She murmured whether from the stain on the ground or the thought of running away with her ex. She pulled the cozy covers from her and looked down at her clothes with a befuddled expression noticing that they were both dirty and blood stained. She shivered at the thought of what her father would say when she got home.

"Good Morning." A soft English voice said behind her.

She quickly whipped her head around and stared at the man leaning against the bathroom doorway. She took a minute to size him up taking in his lean form, his damp dirty blonde curly hair, and his dark blue eyes that were trained on her. She also couldn't help but notice the way he seemed to stare at her as if she was edible or the delicious smirk on his lips. She gulped feeling fear, attraction, and lust course through her. Something told her to be afraid of this man, but another part of her wanted to embrace him.

"You!" she blurted out a distant memory of his face coming into her mind. She remembered being in a dark room and him coming to set her free. Wait! No! She was in a cave and he came to talk to her. Then darkness.

She stood up quickly and looked at him through annoyed eyes.

"I remember you." she said almost angrily.

"You do?" he asked surprised and taking a step towards her.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"What do you remember?" he asked ignoring her question.

"Where am I?" she asked again.

"Do you know who I am?" Klaus asked taking another step toward her.

She took a step back. "What am I doing in a hotel room? Did we have sex?" she whispered the last part shame coursing through her.

Klaus let out a loud laugh, "No Caroline we did not." He said smirking at her.

She frowned, "my name isn't Caroline, well it is, but I don't go by Caroline. It's Carrie."

"I'm calling you Caroline." He said as if he was a child naming a pet.

"It's Carrie." She said forcefully.

"I don't like Carrie. I like Caroline." He said taking another step towards her.

She took a step back and shook her head, "it's Carrie, Mister! Call me, Carrie."

"Carrie is not pretty enough to encompass you, Caroline. You will be Caroline and that's final." Klaus said stepping closer to her and watching as she backed up against the hotel wall.

"Seriously! Who are you?" Caroline snapped crossing her arms and trying to give the appearance that she didn't care that she had possibly been kidnapped and drugged by a complete stranger. A man who'd found her in a cave no less, which was a place she'd ended up because she already was drugged and kidnapped. Weird.

"My name is Klaus." He said bowing slightly.

She stared at him in awe. "How did you find me in that cave? Why did you take me here? My dad's a sheriff you know." She said watching him carefully.

He shrugged and took the final step to stand before her. "I have my ways. I have something important to tend to, Sweet Caroline so you will stay in this room until I return." He said looking directly into his eyes.

"Where are you going?" she asked confused.

He smirked, "into town. You have clothes in the suitcase there are some hygienic products in the bathroom and if you are hungry you can order room service. You will not leave or tell anyone where you are. I'll be back in a few hours." He said before turning to leave.

"Aren't you going to tell me what I'm doing here? Seriously I don't remember anything." She said shifting from foot to foot. He noticed she was finally showing her nervousness.

He smirked.

"All in good time." he said and then looked directly into her eyes.

"Do not leave, Caroline. Do not tell anyone where you are. Stay here." He said and then turned to leave.

She watched him in awe and confusion wondering what the hell was going on. She attempted to follow him but for some reason her body wasn't obeying her commands.

She huffed in anger and went to the suitcase to look through the clothes. Her eyes widened in surprise when she found them to her liking and in her size. She took out a particularly pretty red flowing dress that had caught her eye and put it on the bed before going into the bathroom to shower and put on make up. She stared at the lay out of make up and hair products in wonder amazed that this man whom she'd just met knew the clothes she liked and the products she used. She wondered vaguely if he was a stalker. She decided as much while she showered and then thought about why shouldn't leave the room. It wasn't like he was holding her there, he'd just told her to stay put. She also thought about how he knew her name and why he insisted on calling her Caroline instead of Carrie. Again with the weird.

When she was done with her shower she went back into the bedroom to get dressed and put on some make up. Then she ordered room service since she was hungry and waited for it to come while turning the TV on.

She noticed the drapes were closed in the room and went to open them so some sun could be let in, but right as the sun hit her she flinched and closed them again hissing. She stared at the window for a minute before trying to open it again, but the sunlight was too painful to be around. She felt like she was majorly hungover and couldn't be around sun. She tried a third time, but the same thing happened.

She let out a frustrated sound before going back to the bed and away from the sun.

"What the hell is going on?" she mumbled staring at the window in confusion and then at the suitcase in even more discomfort. She hugged her knees to her chest and curled into a ball fear coursing through her and the odd occurrences that were going on. First the man, the lack of memories, the weird allergy to sun, and the fact she couldn't run away even though that's all she wanted to do. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes and before she could freely let them fall there was a knock on the door.

She got up to answer it figuring it was room service. She was right when the young man rolled in the eggs benedict she'd ordered. Although she could never foresee the serious of events that came to pass next. She didn't count on him slicing his finger while trying to help her, or the insatiable desire that overtook her at the smell of blood. She was on the poor young man before he had time to react draining him dry.

(A/n: if you didn't get that Caroline was in transition she completed it and is a vamp now btw. anyway let me know what you think! Next chapter will tots be longer and will hopefully be up soon. again life is hard. i'm tired. Please review!)