So, I wrote this on the idea of having Sam get boy advice from Jazz, and ended up with a much bigger story than I anticipated. It also changed wildly in regard to the ending, but I absolutely love it! Anyway, it is a DxS story. I'm not big on shipping couples unless they are, to some degree, shipped within the cannon. Since Danny and Sam are somewhat shipped in the cannon, I'm cool with writing for them. Hopefully the shipping is not to heavy that you can't enjoy even if you don't ship Danny and Sam. Anyway, this story does take place in the universe where Phantom Planet happened (one of my only stories that does). Enjoy and please review. I am always up for constructive criticism, so please tell me where I can and need to improve. Thanks.

Jazz was sitting at the desk in her old room. She was really enjoying college. She loved the challenge it provided her. She loved the friends she was making, especially one in particular who she was hoping might become more than a friend. But despite all that, she had to admit that she had missed her old room. She didn't have a lot of breaks, but her parents had left her room exactly as it had been, which she appreciated. But above missing her room, and even missing her family, which she had, she missed being there for Danny. Not just missing spending time with him, but being around when he needed her. She didn't miss being woken up at 3:00 am to bandage up a bloody and bruised Danny, but she had realized that her absence didn't mean Danny stopped coming home at 3:00 am needing bandaging. It just meant he had to handle it on his own. Being back home, she knew that he could come to her if he needed to, and that made her feel better.

She gave a contented sigh as she leaned back in the chair. It felt good to be at home, even if she would be leaving soon. She was enjoying the calm and quiet of being home alone since no one was there at the moment. Danny had been at Tucker's house all afternoon and she didn't expect him back until late that night. Her parents had gone on a date night, which had been Jazz's idea since she couldn't remember the last time they had had any sort of date night. It was because of this that Jazz started when she heard a knock at her door. Instinctively, she grabbed the eco-gun that was stored in the bottom drawer of her desk. She looked down at her hand and shook her head. Come on, Jazz. What ghost knocks? She started to put the gun away, but decided it wouldn't hurt to keep it. She walked over to the door, paused a minute before opening it, and carefully inched the door open. "Sam!"

Jazz opened the door wide and motioned for Sam to come in. She blushed sheepishly when Sam looked down at the eco-gun, but Sam didn't say anything. She herself was blushing slightly as she stuttered, "Uh, sorry I didn't ring the doorbell. But, you know, Danny's usually here and I just come in sometimes so it's kind of a habit..." Sam trailed off and looked down at the floor.

Jazz put the gun back in her desk and waved it away, "It's fine." She sat down on her bed and patted it for Sam to sit down too. She did. "So," Jazz started, "You do know that Danny's not here, right?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah. He told me he was going to hang out with Tucker this afternoon," Sam shrugged. Jazz could tell she had hoped Danny would invite her to go too. Jazz smiled inwardly; Danny had done a good job keeping it a secret so far. She wondered if he was going to ask her tonight. Sam continued, "I, uh, well, I wanted to talk to you about..." again Sam trailed off.

Jazz just sat patiently, smiling to let Sam know she could take her time. She hadn't been studying psychology these past few years for nothing. She knew that, at least in regard to Sam, she didn't want to rush her. Sam wasn't big on asking for help. If Jazz pushed, she might clam up. She would wait until Sam was ready to open up. In the mean time, she looked over Sam. She had seen Danny and her parents regularly enough since she started college, but she hadn't really seen Sam since she moved out. And that was three years ago. Sam had changed a decent amount in that time. Her hair had grown slightly longer. She had forsaken her skirt and leggings for a pair of black skinny jeans. She had maintained the combat boots. Her regular shirt had been forgone in exchange for a black t-shirt with the Danny Phantom symbol in the middle. Jazz had to smile when she noticed it. Sam had never been big on making a huge deal on Danny's "alter-ego", so she felt fairly certain the shirt was being worn because Danny had given it to her. Altogether, she didn't look that different in her physical appearance. It was what Jazz say beneath her appearance that had changed. Sam had always worn a confident, independent, and occasionally detached look. But the look on her face now seemed to express an awkwardness Jazz had never seen on Sam, with the exception of when she was around Danny. But after the whole "Disasteroid" thing, Jazz had thought Sam had moved past being awkward in regard to Danny.

At this moment, Sam took a deep breath and started, "I- I need some advice. About Danny."

Jazz held back a smile and just nodded for Sam to continue.

Sam rubbed the back of her neck, "Well, I guess you know that Danny and I have been dating for a while now. Almost five years." Sam paused, as if the gravity of the date had only just hit her now, but she brushed it off fairly quickly. "Anyway, I feel like, I don't know." Sam sighed, "I don't really know what I'm asking." She gave an awkward laugh, "I feel like I'm being arrogant asking about this. I just, I feel like Danny and I are getting serious and I just, I guess I want to know if, uh..."

Jazz nodded, "I get it. You're nineteen now, and considering how long you and Danny have been going out, it makes since that you've been thinking about this." Jazz took a deep breath, trying to contain her giddiness. She had to keep a straight face. That was something she had picked up over the years. She had a very good poker face.

Sam let out a sigh of relief, "Great. I thought it might be kind of arrogant to assume he might, you know. Well, if he does, I mean, this is a big deal. How do I know if I, well, if I really, uh, love him." Sam's voice dropped on the last two words, making them almost inaudible. But that didn't matter. Jazz already knew that that was where Sam was going. But the question was, how to go about getting Sam to see her true feelings for Danny? Jazz had no doubt that Sam loved Danny. One just had to watch the way she treated him during and after a ghost fight to see it.

Jazz leaned back against the wall, "Well, first, what is love?"

Sam seemed taken aback by the question. She stumbled across the answer, "Well, uh, it's about putting someone else's needs above your own."

Jazz nodded, "Right. Your first thought needs to be about Danny as opposed to yourself. Obviously, it probably won't be all the time, I mean, we're only human. But almost always, it should be. So, when a ghost shows up, and Danny rushes off to go fight it, what's the first thing you do?"

Sam shrugged, "I usually follow him."


Sam sat quietly for a minute, contemplating the answer, "I guess because I want to make sure Danny's okay and help if I can."

Jazz nodded, "Alright, do you wish Danny would give up ghost fighting?"

This question seemed to startle Sam, as she visibly pulled back slightly, "Well, yeah. I hate it when he goes off to fight and then comes back all beaten and bruised, sometimes cut up. Not to mention no one really appreciates it or shows any concern for him. I mean" Sam threw her hands up in the air, "it would only take one time for him to end up on Skuler's wall or back in Walker's jail," Sam's voice softened, and she lowered her hands, "or worse."

"Have you asked him to stop?"

Sam gave Jazz a quizzical look. "Uh, no," her tone adding an implied duh.

"Why not?" Jazz sat still on the bed. Her face betrayed nothing.

Sam could hardly believe why Jazz would ask her such stupid questions. Didn't Jazz know the answer? "Because, I know he doesn't want to give it up. He can't, really. Fighting ghosts, protecting Amity Park, it's a part of him. And if I asked, I think he would try to. And that would tear him apart worse than anything a ghost could do to him."

A smile crept across Jazz's face, "Well, then I would say you have your answer right there."

Sam didn't look convinced, "I'm pretty sure you, or even Tucker would rather Danny stop fighting ghosts. You guys don't want to see him get hurt any more than I do."

"True," Jazz conceded, "but I have asked Danny about it." Sam's eyebrows went up. Jazz grinned, "But, not unsurprisingly, he told me what you did, basically. As well as, I needed to stop worrying about him so much, and he's not a kid anymore." She gave a soft laugh, "I'm pretty sure his reaction would be the same if Tucker asked him. Although, I'm not sure Tucker feels the same way. He may not want to see Danny get hurt, but I don't think he necessarily wants him to stop fighting ghosts."

Sam averted her gaze and rubbed her arm. "Yeah, I know," she muttered.

"So, I would say the fact that you won't ask him, and the reason why, gives you your answer pretty clearly."

A smile slowly made its way across Sam's face, "I see what you did." She let out a soft laugh, "Thanks. It really helped to have someone to talk it out with."

Jazz smiled knowingly and gave Sam a hug, which she begrudgingly accepted, "Just trust yourself and trust Danny. He's got your best interests at heart too."

Sam smiled at Jazz, "Thanks, Jazz. I really appreciate it." At that moment, Sam's phone buzzed with a text message. She pulled it out and jumped off the bed, "Hey, sorry I need to head home. Danny wants to go out tonight, and I should probably get ready." As Sam headed out, Jazz's own phone buzzed with a message from Danny, but Sam didn't notice. When she read the text, she wanted to burst with excitement, but she didn't want to give anything away. Sam paused in the doorway and turned back to Jazz, "Would it be weird if I got dressed up since, you know, I normally don't?"
Jazz suppressed a grin, "No, I think it would be fine. He might take you somewhere fancy anyway."

Sam laughed a bit, "Sure. Bye, Jazz." She waved and headed down the stairs. As soon as Jazz heard the front door shut, she let out a squeal. Danny was finally doing it. She knew he had been thinking about for at least a month or two, maybe longer. Finally, on Sunday afternoon he asked her to go pick out the ring with him. She flopped down on the bed and turned to look at the picture on her beside side table. It was a picture of "Team Phantom" aka her, Danny, Sam, and Tucker. Her little brother was really growing up. She grinned and whispered, "Good luck, little brother."

Hopefully the ending was clear enough for you guys. If I get enough positive response, and if ya'll are interested, I may write a second chapter about Danny and Sam's date etc... So please let me know if you are interested in that. If not, I think the story fares just fine on its own. Thanks for reading and please review.

PS: Would you believe I had to make myself type "you guys" instead of "ya'll"? *face palm* :)