Author's Note:

Hello everyone and welcome to my story The Protector! I hope everyone will enjoy it, that's all for this author's note!

Oh and one more thing, the chipmunk and the chipettes look like the new designs for

the upcoming TV series 'Alvinnn!' You can search for images online if you want.

*bows* Thank you!

The school yard looks painfully scorched by the summer sun, having burnt up any remains of green stalks of grass under its glow, the old brick building is barely standing, just last year the south wing had been blow to bits in a fight with a poltergeist which had attached itself to one of the class rooms. The school has yet to get the supplies to fix the wing due to draw backs from people skipping out on work that went late into the night.

No one ever dared to set foot outside their homes with dark encroached upon the land, due to the first Hell Night, when all hell broke loose as everyone says, it's when humanity could no longer hide the creatures lurking within their minds, bodies, and the earth.

Beings said only to exist in stories and movies leapt from the ground, from the tortured souls who had to endure their presence and from Hell itself.

That's when everyone realized that humans were no longer at the top of the food chain, that's when they had to start rationing food, clothing, and anything else that was created in factories due to the fact that people where no longer safe working at all hours of the night and production fell dramatically.

The deaths probably did a number on them too...

"Brittany, you do know that glaring at the building won't make it collapse on it's foundation right?" The auburn furred chipette blinks her blue gaze and frowns at her younger sister by five minutes.

"I know that Jeanette, the stupid school is still standing isn't it?" She mocks as she crosses her arms across her pink clothed chest, a stale breeze lifts the two sister's locks of hair from their necks, giving their warm skin a chance of relief as the faint breeze brings a cooling effect upon them.

Jeanette adjusts her light purple glasses upon her petite muzzle as their younger sister bounds up between them, her twin blonde pigtails swaying with her movement as she grasps her older siblings by their elbows.

"Look at the bright side, we don't have to Hunt!" Eleanor cheers, her hazel eyes glowing brightly as she begins to tug the two other chipettes towards the front doors.

Jeanette glances at Brittany, knowing her exact response to Eleanor's cheerful statement, the auburn furred chipette's lips have curled into a faint scowl as her eyes darken a shade in the dull light of day.

Sighing Jeanette moves her violet hued eyes to the front doors again, knowing that their daily lessons will purely revolve around the downfall of humanity on Hell Night, and of the creatures that now rule the night.

Oh what fun...

Lessons of course, were just as Jeanette thought, and she knew that Brittany was itching to get out as soon as possible, they're lucky classes let out at noon so that the students can enjoy the daylight and get to the jobs some of them might have.

Brittany walks ahead of her sisters, the lesson about Hell Night replaying like a broken record over and over inside her head, she runs a paw through her bangs with a frustrated sigh.

This this all there is to her life? Learning about the past she doesn't remember...about things that she won't need to know for the life ahead of her where everything is out to kill's frustrating knowing these things and yet-

"Watch where you're going four-eyes!" Her eyes focus back on the present and she stares at the back of a dark coffee brown munk who's clad in a blue hoody and a pair of worn jeans, his feet are bare and a shorter munk stands just behind him, holding his arm for protection, this chipmunk has light bleach blonde fur, his slightly chubby frame cloaked in a green hoody and slightly baggy jeans.

Neither of them seem to own sneakers.

"Hey are you listening to me?" Brittany frowns and glares at the bully of the school, every school seems to have someone like his type, he calls himself Butch and thinks his size can get him anything he wants, the huge kid shoves a sweaty hand against the munk's shoulder which makes him stumble back a step.

"He's listening, Meathead," Butch turns around with a snort similar to that of an angered bull, by now a crowd of curious teenagers mill around the halls, a few who still own cell phones record the scene with rapt attention as a third munk appears.

Brittany's breath catches in her throat as she studies the russet furred rodent before her, a different aura radiates off him and Butch seems to notice this, he clenches his hands into fists as the munk glares at him coldly.

Golden eyes like harden sunlight stare straight into Butch's muddy brown one's, the chipmunk is clothed in a red hoody, ripped jeans and a red ball cap that's been twisted backwards, his bangs spill from the opening and cast a shadow across his forehead, a single red A is stitched to the hoody above his pocket.

"What did you call me?" Butch steps forward with a nasty snarl as the munk raises a single eyebrow, "You can't hear? Maybe I should shout huh?" a lazy smile stretches across his face.

He's cocky...stupid brat is going to get himself killed Brittany thinks with a roll of her eyes.

"Alvin, leave him be, he doesn't know any better," the dark furred munk speaks up with a bland expression, his voice holds a light warning tone which his brother ignores.

"You don't know any better!" Butch yells as he swings a huge fist at Alvin, he casually sidesteps with a roll of his eyes as he swings a paw out and catches Butch in the side, the bully gasps and suddenly crumples to the ground twitching in pain.

"Alvin..." the dark munk sighs with a shake of his head, "You know that's dangerous..." he sighs as his brother walks over with his paws shoved into his pockets.

Brittany and her sisters stare at the munks as they casually depart from the scene, the teens who had watched the fight with them now crowd around Butch who is drooling onto the tile.




"Alvin, you couldn't have let him go?" Simon sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose, glaring at his older sibling's back as the wind lifts the edge of his jacket, the red material rippling like a blood red sea behind him.

"No, I couldn't, you never stand up for yourself Simon and Theodore was there, if it was Theodore he was picking on you'd do the same wouldn't you? Besides the jerk smelled like Hellfire, he could be a demon familiar," Alvin states coldly as Theodore lands upon the edge of the roof.

"I got a call from the east neighborhood, a couple of vampires are feeding on private property," Theodore informs them as he shows them his phone with the message.

"Vampires huh?" Simon echoes, thankful for the change of topic, they could handle mission talk, it's simple life crises that they can't handle.

Theodore nods as Alvin stands to his paws, eyes narrowed as they glow a bright yellow, the buildings fade into blotches of smeared yellow paint and two glowing blue figures dance within his vision like cold flames.

"Got 'em,"

So...yeah...more will be explained about what exactly the boys are and how their powers work.

Thanks for reading, reviews are loved, flames are trashed, and everything else is...everything else!