"A Fangirl"
It's safe to say that fictional characters have ruined my life.
And so has that little button on Netflix
That says "Next Episode"
Because then I end up watching Sherlock
For another hour and a half.
Books are at fault, too, I guess,
Because they distract me from necessary things
Like reality
And homework
And then they make me cry when they're over.
Like after I finished watching the Reichenbach Fall,
And I experienced all those Reichenbach feels.
I just sat there like:
I can't
I can't even
I have lost the ability to can
Because I guess that's my reaction to most things…
So what if I would rather spend my weekend
Holed up in my bedroom
With a two pound bag of Sour Patch Kids
Watching Netflix
Than doing something productive.
Keep in mind,
I could be watching all eight Harry Potter movies
And crying my eyes out
And eating a whole plate of cookies.
It only takes nineteen hours
If you don't include bathroom breaks
Or meals (but that's when the plate of cookies was for, after all).
If you factor in meals and bathroom breaks,
Then it adds up to twenty two hours.
That was awfully long.
Don't look at me like that
I've only done it once.
Or twice…
Fine, three times.
But it's not like I have anything better to de doing!
Like maybe homework…
Or that other English project…
Oh, well, I have all those other hours of the day
When I'm not browsing fanfiction
Or looking at fan art
Or arguing with someone about who they ship
Or fighting with people about whether they're on Team Gale or Team Peeta
Or fangirling when I buy another fandom-related thing
To plaster on my bedroom wall…
Who are we kidding?
The only hours that I'm not doing those things
Are when I'm up at 3 am
Writing more fanfiction
Or trying not to fall asleep
While reading by the tiny light of a flashlight.
I guess being a fangirl has taken over my life…
Now, let's just get something straight
Before I finish:
I don't stalk Benedict Cumberbatch.
I just happen to know that he's
Thirty seven years old,
Six feet tall,
and that his middle name is Timothy Carlton
Okay, fine, I might stalk him just a little,
But as a fangirl,
I think that's part of my job.
When I introduce people to my fandom,
They usually scream in terror
And run
But sometimes they join you,
So you have someone to experience the same insanity
That is your fandom.
Other times, however,
You are alone on your adventure
Through Ooo and District 12,
Hogwarts and the Nine Realms,
All alone in their world with just your feels to guide you...
Oh, and the characters, too.
Eventually a season ends and you can't help but feel sad,
But when a series ends, you die a little inside;
A part of you is broken, there are no words.
Only through fans does it live on
And reborn anew...
Some people judge you for loving fictional characters,
But me, I encourage it
Because fictional characters will ALWAYS love you.
Those judgey people just need to learn to control their moop.
They will NEVER stop us from doing stuff and things
We do what we want:
That's why we wrote this in prose.
But put your shirt back on, because there is one rule:
You must learn to speak doge:
So exaggerate
Such English
Much learn
There are at least seven fandoms in this poem, with some memes for good measure
And as soon as we're done writing this collab, to fanfiction it goes.
Oh, won't you join us on this adventure?
No one choses the fan life,
They volunteer for it.
They start a series and think, "Oh, this is good!"
Then six seasons and twenty-three hours later they whisper, "Oh sweet Jesus, what have I done?"
And a fan is born.
But there's always those voices in the back of your brain
That just love to rain on your parade;
They drag you back to real life,
"You have work to do," they say.
And eventually you have to leave your happy place
To return to a world that's not the same
Where it doesn't rain daggers
And kids play weird games.
Only to return again, later that day,
Where your fandom remains, waiting...
And that's all we need.