
Nothing matters anymore. I lost.

I lost everything and everyone.

And I feel lost. I am lost.

Does it really matter? There's nothing left to fight for, nothing to make me stay. I was 100% sure I hadn't done anything wrong, but I did not have the strength to fight for my justice anymore. It wouldn't bring me anything worth staying for. So I just let everything happen.

The arrest. The interrogations. The numb feelings. The pain, both mentally and physically. The dissociations..

The past few months I hadn't been able to take proper care of my body. Rationally I knew very well I had to eat a certain amount of food to stay physically strong enough to work and think properly, to fight and defend myself when needed, but I simply couldn't do it. Every time I grabbed myself another cup of coffee I knew I was pushing my body closer to its' limits, but nourishing it and allowing my body and myself good care was just not my nature after all those years. So I just went on with the show and used my magic to cover my appearance, also hiding the visible signs to myself.

Because of this, my weight had dropped for sure, though I did not know how much. I didn't want to know. I was closing my eyes to the damage I had done again. And so I couldn't stand my reflection.

The past few months I had abused all kinds of manipulations to not feel the consequences of my weakening body. I had smoked stuff I hadn't even touched in all the time since I had joined the Winx Club, I had consumed a higher dose of caffeine than I ever had before, I had drank shots that had a higher percentage of alcohol than I had even considered in a long time.. I was just destroying myself on all sides, believing I would remain standing until I got Nabu back or definitely lost him. I had thrown myself completely into the task of giving my fiancé the opportunity to open his eyes and have his life, all the other things were irrelevant and unimportant to me.

I lost. I lost him. And with him I lost everything else I had. He was my only reason to keep trying to make something of my life.

Tomorrow I was going to be arraigned. I did not care about the fact that they were going to charge me with mass murderer and terrorism anymore. I also did not care about the idea that I was going to be sentenced to the Omega Dimension. There were plenty of people there, real criminals, that could quite literally drink my blood. They would help me to an end soon enough.