Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, it belongs to Hiro Mashima. If I did Gruvia would be canon and I would know who the hell Silver is already.

Well, enjoy this kinda-angsty kinda-not Gruvia two-shot! I listened to Marina and the Diamonds' 'Obsessions' while writing this. The first chapter is Gray-centered, the second is Juvia-centered.

Well, enjoy!

We've Got Obsessions

Chapter One: Roses Mean 'I Love You'

Gray woke up to silky sheets. They were the first thing he noticed. Hell, those sheets were so soft it was as though they were woven out of goddamn angel hair and butterfly wings. And the smell…they smelled like a strange mixture of cigarette smoke, Colgate and shampoo. Not just any shampoo…lavender. The ice mage remembered when he couldn't tell roses from daisies. That was, until she, with her weird obsession with flowers, taught him. Lavender…that meant devotion, didn't it? He couldn't remember it off the top of his head, but he was pretty sure. Ironic, that.

The next most noticeable thing was less pleasant: it a bleeding headache and he most definitely knew that this did belong to him. And the pain was so demanding and so loud, so goddamn loud, even though it was all in his head and he knew it was, but it was just so painful and it reminded him. It reminded him of the alcohol and the music and the broken smiles and his stupid stupid stupid actions and most of all, it reminded him of her.

Gray opened his eyes and winced. The sun was too bright through the light blue curtains in the neatly decorated room. It was too girlish for his taste; the classic girl's room. Full-view mirror in the corner. Photographs of family or friends, most likely, hung up on the wall. Frilly clothes hung in the open closet. There were flowers on the windowsill – tulips, they looked like. That meant perfect love. Was the flower world out to screw him over?

And then there were those sheets.

Those damned silk sheets.

Gray moved so he was lying on his side and saw the figure sleeping soundly next to him. She was a beauty, with curves most women would dream about and guys would drool over. Her short bob of blue hair stood out from the pearly bed sheets. Gray turned a blind eye to this; after all, they always had blue hair. He supposed it was something his subconsciousness picked up on. He did it without thinking. Now that he was thinking about it, though, for the past few months, the only girls he'd ever picked up were only ever bluenettes, just like she had been.

And then he was the one who claimed he'd moved on.

"I'm fucking obsessed, aren't I?" he whispered to himself.

He got changed like he always did, left soundlessly like he was now used to doing, and took a taxi home. He was glad he had his wallet with him or he'd have to have walked home, and he had no idea where he was.

And now here he was, on his couch, staring out the window in his tiny apartment's living room. It wasn't raining, but it might as well have been. That was how he felt. Like he was raining. Like he was thousands of drops of water falling from the glorious Heavens onto the mess that is earth. Now he understood why she was always saying things like, "Drip, drip, drop." He felt like drip, drip, dropping too.

The ice mage dug in his pockets and took out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. He didn't usually smoke – he couldn't tell exactly when he picked up the habit. Wasn't it since he'd last seen her? Probably. He was such a fucking idiot. Like destroying his lungs and making his clothes smell bad was going to bring her back.

Gray exhaled, sending a cloud of smoke into the air, when a small vase holding a bouquet of roses caught his attention. Roses as red as Erza's hair. Roses as red as Flame-Brain's magic. Roses as red as her cheeks whenever she was near him. Roses as red as the thread he had thought would never snap. The roses were already beginning to wilt, and some petals had fallen and landed on the sill, looking as though the painted wood was splattered with lovely red blood.

Gray stood up and, ignoring his pounding head, leaned against the windowsill, still staring at the flowers. A folded card stamped with a love heart caught the ice mage's eye. It was attached to a ribbon on one of the roses. Gray clumsily turned it over and read the inside – it was a poem scribbled in his messy handwriting.


Roses mean 'I love you'
Violets mean 'Faithfulness'
And you know I'm shit at poetry.
Just please come back to me.


It had taken him the longest time to write that. Yeah, he was shit at poetry. But she still told him she loved him every Valentine's Day, when she got a crappy string of rhyming couplets that didn't even rhyme from him. She still said she loved him. She was Juvia – of course she loved him. That's what Juvia did. That's what she was supposed to be doing.

So where did it go wrong? When did she stop saying it? When did she stop loving him? When had the roses lost their meaning? And he didn't know, he didn't fucking know even though it was all he ever thought about now, all that ever occupied his mind every single day of every single week.

He watched another petal fall and sighed.

I'm fucking obsessed...aren't I?

Flower meanings that I used include:

Lavender = devotion
Tulips = perfect love
Rose = I love you

Thanks for reading!