A/N: Welcome to Audacity. This story is the sequel to Duplicity and, though it can stand on its own as a separate story, it will likely make more sense if you read Duplicity first. I hope you enjoy this story as we follow Olivia and Fitz as they head out on the campaign trail.

Chapter 1

"Liv, have you seen Fitz? We need to go over a few things before his speech this afternoon." Cyrus was apparently starting his day much as he'd ended the last, in an absolute tizzy about Fitz's speech in New Hampshire.

"Good Morning to you too, Cy," she yawned, "and no, I haven't seen Fitz since last night at dinner."

"Well, if you see him, tell him I'm looking for him" Cyrus stressed, "We have to nail this one. This is an important state."

"Cyrus, why are you talking to me like I'm an intern?" Olivia tried not to sound annoyed but being awoken at five-thirty by a Cyrus lecture was not her idea of a quality wake up call, "I understand how important New Hampshire is. I'm the one you hired to help get him elected remember?"

"Well that was wonderful before…." Cyrus stopped before he said something he might regret.

"Before he fell in love with me?" She pressed the subject, "Is that what you were going to say Cy?"

"It's too early in the day for this conversation, Liv" Cyrus didn't want to talk about the problems caused by the melodrama of Fitz and Olivia, "Just tell Fitz I'm looking for him if you see him before I do."

"Fine" she didn't want to argue anymore but she wasn't going to let Cyrus intimidate her either, "I'll see you at lunch."

Olivia hung up the phone and pulled the covers back over her partially naked frame. She nestled further into the pillow, trying to regain the coziness she had been enjoying before the phone woke her. She closed her eyes in hopes sleep would come quickly.

"Why did you lie to Cyrus?" she hadn't realized her phone conversation had woken him up.

"Because I don't care to see him at five o'clock and I'd like to avoid the stern looks and disappointed glares" she turned to face him, touching her palm to his cheek, "I was hoping to get a few more hours of sleep."

"What did he want?" Fitz asked.

"He wanted you to forget about the campaign at least until the sun comes up and snuggle with your girl" Olivia's smile nearly lit up the darkened room.

"I think my media relations director told me I need to listen to Cyrus more often" she could feel the heat radiating from him as he moved closer to her. His hands instinctively found her hips and aligned them with his, "and she is my most trusted advisor. Brilliant, dedicated, and drop dead gorgeous."

She ran her fingers through his hair and buried her face in the crook of his neck. He felt her lips feather kisses on his neck and shoulder. Their time together was much less hurried these days, about quality time and escape from the harried pace of the campaign. They spent hours going over campaign strategy while lying naked in bed. Some of her best plans came to her at two or three o'clock in the morning while she was wrapped up in Fitz. She began to admit that she needed his touch, needed his heat and the feeling of his hands on her. She allowed herself to drift back to sleep in his arms.


"Livvie, I need you to fix my tie" Olivia turned off the water and reached for her towel, climbing out of the shower.

"You know I fix your tie every morning Governor" she smirked wrapping the towel around her. She stepped close to him and began straightening his tie. Fitz let his eyes travel over her still wet skin, his hands trailing along her shoulders and arms. He watched her concentrate on forming the perfect Windsor knot, his fingers approaching where the towel was tucked into itself.

"Oops" the towel fell in a heap at her feet. Olivia gasped slightly, a wicked grin met Fitz's lips, "Sorry Livvie."

"You're not sorry at all" she tried to sound stern but her flirtatious smile gave her away.

"Not one bit" his lips met the spot beneath her earlobe and he felt her shudder slightly.

"I can't fix your tie if you keep doing that" her eyes slid shut as she felt warmth wash over her, "and I'm going to wrinkle your clothes if you don't stop."

Fitz pulled back and glanced at his watch, "I can give you twenty minutes, Ms. Pope" his voice had dropped to his most seductive baritone.

"We have to meet Cyrus, you have to meet Cyrus" Olivia protested picking up her towel and wrapping it around her again, "He's called twice more and pretty soon he'll be at my door huffing and puffing. You can see how it might be a problem if he finds you here."

Fitz wasn't accepting her protests without a fight, "He knows about us Livvie" he wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her neck and shoulder.

"Yes, but I lied to him and he really gets upset when he finds out I lied to him," she walked to the closet to select her clothes for the day, "Besides, no more stolen moments. We don't need to live on quickies in closets and sneaking into empty offices."

"You're no fun" he pouted as he sat on the bed watching her pull on her lacy undergarments, "If I had known you were going to turn into an old married lady I would have kept you as my…."

"Your what?" her eyes flashed to his and she stopped dressing.

"My secret"

"That wasn't what you were going to say was it?" she stepped towards him, "You were going to say mistress weren't you?"

"No, Livvie, no" he insisted not letting his eyes leave her, "You know you were never my mistress. That was never what this was about. But is it so bad that I'll miss the thrill of possibly getting caught with you? I mean, in the closet that was way hot."

Fitz continued to watch Olivia as she moved ever closer to him. She stepped so close that the smell of her perfume and body wash danced over him. He reached to touch her bare sides, resting his hands at the peak of her hips. His eyes never left hers while she slid to her knees, "Livvie, what are you doing?" he choked.

Olivia ran her hands slowly up Fitz's wool covered thighs stopping at the bend of his hips. Their eyes were locked and he found it impressive that she could touch him so adeptly without looking. He felt his pants tightening as her hands moved towards his growing bulge.

"I'm showing you something way hot, Governor" she licked her lips and her fingers met his belt, unhooking it with the skill of someone who had performed the task many times. Fitz gasped when her hands made quick work of the button and zipper on his pants.

"I thought we had to go meet Cyrus" he didn't want her to stop, "I thought you didn't want to do stolen moments"

Fitz saw a smirk come to Olivia's lips and felt her petite hand pull his cock from his pants, "I'll stop if you want me to…" her tongue began lightly at the base and trailed with increasing pressure to the head where she wrapped her mouth around him.

"Livvie" he growled letting his hands fall to her shoulders. She peeked at him while her mouth devoured his length. He watched, mesmerized, unable to speak. She languished long warm strokes over him. His hands tightened on her upper arms and his breathing increased, matching the pace of her strokes. He marveled at the sight of his entire cock disappearing into her mouth, the drag of her tongue affording the perfect friction. Her curls fell forward hiding her face and his view of her work. He closed his eyes to concentrate on the electricity that rose from deep within. The ecstasy snaked through his veins and wrapped around his soul as it raced to its peak. When he felt himself nearing the edge he pushed her hair from her face and watched her. Her mouth moved faster over him, the contact with the back of her throat pulling him closer to the abyss with each stroke.

"Olivia" she heard him groan.

"Mmmm" she looked into his eyes. Her gaze did him in, one more thrust and she felt his hot seed coat her throat.

"You have to meet Cyrus in ten minutes" she said sweetly, rising to her feet and walking back to the closet.

Fitz sat stunned and partially numb on the edge of the bed. He couldn't help watching her move. She was always surprising him.

"I'm sorry I said you were acting like an old married woman" he whispered finally emerging from his haze, "You'll never cease to thrill me."

She didn't answer but continued to get dressed as though she hadn't heard him. She smoothed her blouse and strode into the bathroom to apply her makeup. She didn't turn when he opened the door and walked up behind her.

"Livvie?" he said tentatively, not touching her. She continued to concentrate on her reflection in the mirror, "That was really hot…" he took a chance and touched her hip. He felt her stiffen slightly but he moved still closer, "Olivia?"

"You better go meet Cyrus" her voice was hollow sounding.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me why you're upset" she didn't move away when he wrapped his arms around her waist, "What's wrong?"

"Were you being honest when you talked about the plan?" she asked cautiously.

"The plan?"

"Our plan, when one of us was leaving you used to say that you were going to win" she began.

"And we're going to get married and have lots of babies…" a smile curled his lips and he pulled her back into his chest.

"You really want to marry me?" she was still hesitant. He turned her in his arms so he could look into her eyes, still unsure of what was causing her hesitation.

"Of course, why would you even ask that?"

"When you said I was acting like an old married woman…." She met his gaze, "You didn't sound so thrilled about marriage."

"Olivia Pope" his charming smile began to chisel away at her resolve, "You know full well that I plan to marry you."

"I guess" she pouted.

"Let's go, we'll go right now. We'll grab the kids, find a courthouse and do it" he pulled her by the hand towards the door.

"Fitz, stop" she cracked a small smile, "Okay, you made your point. Stop Fitz."

He turned and pulled her against him, his hand pressed to her lower back, "I'll marry you right now Livvie."

"That's not what I mean"

"Well, I gotta be honest Liv, I'm having trouble following your logic this morning" he ran his hands through his hair, "You're playful, you're angry, you're on your knees in front of me, then you're upset. You'll forgive me if I have whiplash."

"Just forget it" she was frustrated. She hated the thought that he liked their stolen moments more than the more substantial snippets of a life they were beginning to build. She wanted him to appreciate just spending time with her. If she was completely honest with herself she wanted the dream.

"I'm not going to forget it" he brought his palm to her cheek, "Nothing about our relationship has happened in a conventional manner. I want our engagement to be wonderful and romantic. I want you to be able to tell our children the story one day. I want it to be a magnificently passionate story." He kissed her lips lightly, "But I also don't want the minx I've come to know and love to disappear either."

"She's still here" Olivia smiled.

"Oh, was she the one on her knees a few minutes ago?" she blushed and giggled at his playfulness. She reached up on her tiptoes to kiss his lips, urging his lips apart and dancing her tongue against his. She felt his hands slide beneath her blouse and her skin tingle. Her resolve was slipping and he was moving her closer to the bed.

"We can't Fitz" she whispered as she pulled away from him slightly, "Cyrus is waiting."

"I think we need to have a new rule" Fitz was exasperated, "No mentioning Cyrus when either one of us is in a romantic mood and certainly not if one of us is not fully clothed. Cyrus is a one hundred and eighty pound chastity belt."

Olivia laughed at Fitz and kissed him again. Their embrace was sweet and familiar, "We need Cyrus to think that you're actually sleeping in that empty hotel room down the hall."

"Touché, Ms. Pope" he kissed her once more then straightened his tie, "Do I look presentable? No lipstick or other evidence?"

"You look dashing" her lips brushed his cheek before her thumb wiped away any trace of lipstick she may have left, "Now go play nice with Cyrus."

"I'll see you at lunch?" he asked opening the door.

"I'll meet you guys at noon at Sullivan's" she affirmed.

"I love you Olivia Caroline Pope"



Olivia ventured a glance at her watch. She had half an hour until she had to meet Cyrus and Fitz for lunch.

"Mom" she looked up to a beaming Gerry on the other side of the table, "Do you want to see what I did in school this morning?"

"Sure" she put down the stack of polling results and focused her attention on Gerry. He showed her the math and spelling that he had been working on with his tutor.

"Looks great Buddy" she smiled and handed the papers back to him, "What are you and Ms. Lynn working on this afternoon?"

"English and reading" he wrinkled his nose; he struggled with reading so it was far from his favorite subject.

"I know you get frustrated with reading" Olivia's voice took on a soothing tone, "but just do your best and you and I will have story time later. Okay?"

"Okay Liv" he walked around the table and wrapped his arms around her neck, "I love you Mom."

"I love you too Ger"

Gerry walked back to where his tutor was seated and opened his math book again. Fitz paid the two tutors handsomely to maintain confidentiality and provide the children with a high quality education. It had been important to him for them to be on the campaign trail. He wanted them to get to know Olivia and he didn't want to miss any more of their lives than he already had.

"Buddy, I have to go meet your Dad and Uncle Cyrus" Olivia said across the room, "Be good for Ms. Lynn and we'll read after I finish my meetings. Okay?"

"Bye Liv" he ran over to hug her then whispered in her ear, "I love you" and kissed her cheek. He was definitely his father's son. She smiled down at his blue eyes then picked up her bag and the poll results she needed, "I love you too Ger."


"Liv is meeting us here right?" Cyrus asked as he and Fitz walked into the restaurant.

"Yeah, she said noon I think" Fitz took off his sunglasses then looked at his watch, "It's five of."

They waited at the bar for Olivia to arrive, Fitz drinking scotch, Cyrus a glass of red wine.

"I'm not sure it's the greatest public image to be drinking before noon" the sound of her voice caused the hair on his neck to prickle, "and I'm sure your media relations director wouldn't like you to be drinking before such an important speech."

"Liv" enthused Cyrus rising to hug her.

"Cy" she returned his embrace then turned to Fitz, "Governor"

"Ms. Pope" his tone was casual but his eyes told a very different story. Stormy and dark with a secret glint. She held his gaze for a long moment.

"For god's sake do I need to separate you two?" Cyrus broke their moment, "Can we get down to business or are you two going to spend all afternoon making puppy dog eyes at one another?"

Both Olivia and Fitz laughed at Cyrus' discomfort. Olivia ordered a glass of wine and the trio walked to their table in a secluded corner to strategize.


Olivia watched from just off-stage while Fitz finished his speech. The crowd erupted in applause and she glanced at Cyrus who wore a content smile.

"He was right on" Cyrus whispered, "He's so relaxed these days. He's hitting all the points. He seems really happy."

"He seems presidential" Cyrus noticed the wistful tone in her voice as she continued to stare at Fitz. She couldn't help but notice the extra energy in his stride. He knew he had pleased the crowd.

"What did you think?" he asked both Cyrus and Olivia when he approached though his eyes never left hers.

"You did it Sir" Cyrus replied slapping him on the shoulder.

"Livvie?" he looked like a little boy seeking his mother's approval.

"It was great" she grinned.

"But?" he waited for the qualification.

"But nothing, it was great, you knocked it out of the park, Governor" she touched her palm to his bicep allowing it to linger there longer than was probably appropriate. Even through his shirt and jacket she could feel the rippling muscles. She thought she would be better able to concentrate on work once she and Fitz had more personal time together but she was just as turned on by Fitz the candidate as she was Fitz the man. "Umm…your interview with newspaper starts in thirty minutes" she did her best to regain her composure.

"So half an hour" he was still beaming, "I'm going to go check in on Karen and Gerry. Would you like to walk with me Livvie?"

"That's probably not a good idea" she glanced at Cyrus out of the corner of her eye, "Besides; Cyrus and I have some things to discuss."

"Okay" a look she didn't recognize flashed across his face, "I'll see you both in twenty-five minutes."

Cyrus and Olivia waited until Fitz was out of sight. They found a corner to occupy and sat down to discuss the plans for the next day's primary.

"After his speech today I think we might actually be able to pull this off" Cyrus took a sip of his coffee, "After the divorce came out I was ready to pack it in."

"Oh ye of little faith, Cy" she patted his arm, "I knew we could do it. I knew he could do it." Cyrus saw the pensive look return to her face.


Fitz stepped quietly into the conference room that doubled as their campaign office and Karen and Gerry's classroom. He stood just inside the door for several minutes observing his children hard at work. Karen was deep in thought working on a math problem while Gerry was struggling to read a book aloud to Ms. Lynn. Fitz cleared his throat causing the children and tutors to turn in his direction.

"Daddy" Karen jumped up from her chair and ran to Fitz, jumping into his arms.

"How are your studies going?" he asked hugging her tight.

"Fine," she glanced at her tutor, "I'm still having trouble with some of my math." She frowned.

"I can help you with your math" he welcomed the opportunity to do normal parent things like helping with homework, "I used to be pretty good at it when I was in school."

"Thanks Dad but Liv said she would help me tonight" Karen kissed his cheek sweetly.

"Oh, okay" his voice sounded just a hint wounded.

"Liv can't help you with your math because she's helping me with my reading" Gerry shouted, "We're going to have story time so you can forget about your stupid math."

"Between Olivia and I you'll both get help on your homework" Fitz tried to defuse the situation, "there is enough of Liv to go around." His answer seemed to appease them and they returned to their work. He kissed them each before making his way back to meet Olivia and Cyrus. He found them huddled in a corner nearly whispering to one another and laughing.

"What's so funny?" he asked taking a seat next to Olivia and letting his hand find her knee.

"Nothing, we were just talking about points for the interview" Cyrus replied his eyes following Fitz's hand; "Sir, it might not be the best idea…" he gestured towards than hand resting on Olivia's leg.

"Right" Fitz pulled back and give Olivia an apologetic look. She gave an equally sheepish grin in response.

"Let's go get you ready for your interview" she took his hand coaxing him to follow her. When he began moving in the same direction she was going their parted hands. Olivia walked briskly down the hall in the direction of the office she had set up for the interview. Fitz struggled to keep up surprised that his long strides were no match for her quick, heel-clad feet. They reached the nondescript door and she led him inside. He looked around the small room, confused.

"Livvie, where's James?" the room was empty save several desks and chairs that were clearly being stored there.

"He can wait" she slid her hands along his rippling chest, slowing to push his coat from his shoulders. She tossed it over one of the chairs then went to work on his tie.

"What are we doing here?" his voice came out hoarse. Now she was unbuttoning his shirt and allowing her delicate fingers to roam through the small amount of hair found beneath.

"We are risking getting caught, having a stolen moment" she was in his personal space, sliding his shirt off then moving on to his belt. He slid his hands under her blouse needing contact with her warm skin. He felt the backs of her fingers tantalize his abdomen then she undid the button and lowered the zipper of his pants. He made quick work of her blouse, tossing it onto the growing pile of clothes on the chair.

"Livvie, I wish you'd wear more skirts" he struggled slightly with the button of her pants, "Much easier access" he growled against her neck. When they were clad in only their underwear he pressed his mouth down hard against hers. She felt his tongue demand access to her mouth then his hands cup her satin covered ass lifting her from her feet. He sat her atop one of the desks, his breath catching when she lifted her hips to help him remove her panties. They were wet with her arousal for him. He adored the fact that he could still turn her on like that. Olivia pressed her mouth harder against his while trying to push his boxers down his hips. She needed to feel him inside her.

"Fitz" she spoke into his mouth, "please…"

"Please what, Livvie?" he dragged a finger through her folds causing her to move her hips to prolong the contact.

"I need you…" he could feel her body begging for him. He pushed a long finger into her slowly, watching her face change from pain and longing to pleasure. His other hand roamed her warm, temperate skin, "Fitz I need you inside me." His cock twitched slightly at her statement and he freed it from his underwear. He picked her up again, this time walking until her back hits the cool wall. A moan escaped her at the exquisite paradox of the cool wall and her searing skin. He aligned his hips with hers and pressed into her with a loud growl, burying himself to the hilt.

He pulled back to look into her eyes as he moved, finding a light there. Her eyes flashed and she gripped his shoulders tighter urging him to continue his movements into her. The wall felt rough behind her while she did her best to return his thrusts. She yelped just a little too loudly earning her a deep kiss to quell the sound.

"Quiet Olivia," he growled, "Has it been so long that you forget the rules?"

She buried her face in his neck where she was able to busy herself licking and nipping the skin there. She dug her fingers into his upper arms stroking herself up and down his cock. Her peak moved like honey through her veins, warming her from the inside out. He gripped her tighter as he felt his own climax approaching.

"Oh Fitz" again she was just a little louder than was prudent. His hand came to her mouth and she sucked hard on the finger that dipped inside. Her peaked rushed at her, blinding, painful, pleasurable. Just before the pleasure dragged her over the edge of her orgasm there was a knock on the door, a knock and a voice.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I appreciate you continuing this journey with Olivia, Fitz, and I. Please leave your feedback. Thanks again for reading!