So... We could have left it at 4 chapter, but feeling like it's still short, maybe I need to whack my head a few times and think of more ideas. Perhaps a really short chapter of the aftermath.

Anyhow, review answer time...

Welsh Black: During Angel Fall arc, the first time Kamijou and Index were there, they accidentally open an adult-rated channel, and Index, an innocent nun, can only retaliate by biting the guy who inserted the coin.

Loopsey: It is revealed that she had actually fallen asleep.

FlyingCow65: I suppose I can come up with one.

Okay, should be enough.

Let's get to the stories.

Disclaimer: I do not own TAMNI.


The vacation was about to end.

Looking at the living room, Kamijou Touma and Majin Othinus smiled.

Everyone was chatting happily.

This is what Kamijou wanted. He looks to Othinus, who can outdone him in any possible way.

He protected this world so that from being an illusion, it becomes reality. Even to the goddess who created it herself.

Silently, the blonde beauty grabbed his hand.

"You protected this. Be proud of it."-She whispered.


It took for the old fashion comedy.

"I heard whisper!"-Misaka Misuzu is quick to listen in on the two, and points her finger towards them.

"G-gah?!"-Kamijou stumbled.

"So, what are you talking about? Oh, you are holding hands! What's this? Do you have 'an important announcement' to make?"

"No! We don't have any!"-The spiky haired boy yelled.-"We were just thinking! That's all!"

"Of what, Touma-san?"-Shiina asked.

"Ah?! Just that everyone looks happy, that's all!"-Kamijou spoke the truth. Half of it, anyway.

"..."-Othinus just looked away, a blush on her cheek.

Kamijou catches that.

"?! Why are you doing that?!"

"Doing what?"

"That! You are averting your gaze! Why are you acting like a shy girl!? Don't tell me you plan to..."

Kamijou was about to say "made me squirm by joking on family matters", but Othinus gave her strike.

"What would you think if I were to marry him?"-Othinus asked the family of that spiky haired boy.







Silence hung.

Index and Mikoto, who were arguing as always, also turned their eyes to them in shock.

Well, Index fairs better than Mikoto anyway.

The two other Delta Force members looked in awe, but they recovered quick and has a huge grin plastered on their faces.

Levinia Birdway cracked a snicker before intently wait for the next development. Mark Space was having his mouth slightly agape, but he held it in.

Tatsugami Otohime had no idea what is going on, but seeing everyone looking in a certain way, she did the same.

Misaka Misuzu was, for the first time, speechless.

The Kamijou family were gaping at the sudden anouncement.

Heck, even other people staying at the resort is looking their way.





"OTHINUS!"-Kamijou Touma roared.-"WHAT WAS THAT?!"

"What? I did say I would ask, right?"

"But could you at least consider about me?! I think I just got a heart attack!"

"Well, let me ask you then. Do you want to marry me?"


Silence hung again.

This time, everyone isn't in shock anymore.

They were waiting an answer.

Kamijou considered.

Would it be that bad?

He can easily imagine a family already.

Even now, everyone who looked at that dorm room on the 7th floor thought of it as a family.

He can imagine a normal life easily there, as it was already going on in that small apartment.

It is his wish. His goal. His dream.

His dream of a normal life.

Even though the people around him isn't normal, he can still see those moments of laughters and happiness.

What would marrying Othinus changes?


Their bonds was already there to begin with.




"...I'm fine with it."

That small sentence.

That small answer.

Bring forward a fit of laughter.

However, it was not to embarrass anyone.

It was like a family rejoicing.

-Nice work Kami-yan! You have just finished the goddess route!"-Tsuchimikado and Aogami Peirce cheered.

"My! Teenagers are so bold these day!"-Misuzu laughed.

"Our son really do have the Kamijou bloodline!"-Touya laughed.

"?! What bloodline are you talking about, dad?"-His son asked.

"Oh, right, seems like you forgot. Let me tell you again! We men of the Kamijou family has the ability to attract women in our youth!"

"It what brings me to him, afterall."-Shiina nodded.

"I'm pretty sure it was just him being a playboy!"-Kamijou Touma yelled.

"I suppose. After a good DVD thrown at his face, now he's in control. Most of the time."-The mother continued.

That brought forward another fit of laughter. Even Othinus is giggling herself.

Then, a surprise.

It seemed the Railgun's mind was still blank until those laughs woke her.

"YOU IDIOT! ! !"

A few sparks were coming out of her short brown hair.

Normal people was fearing for their lives.

But a couple rebuttal made the sound of electricity disappear.

"What is it girl? Why so violent?"-Othinus proceeded to clung into Kamijou's arm.

"I'm with her on this one. Why are you suddenly Biribiri-ing?"-Kamijou asked.

"Come on, short-hair. Why are you so mad?"-Index averted her gaze.

In basic, they all were asking: Why is Mikoto so mad at hearing something like that?

Without a proper answer herself, the Railgun can only sat down with her face tomato-red.

"My, my, Mikoto-chan! Are you actually jealous?!"-Misuzu just have to tease.

"W-wh-wh-wh-wha?! WHY WOULD I BE?!"

"That's right. Why would she be?"-Kamijou once again made an idiotic statement.

"You idiot!"

"What?! It was the truth right?! Or are you saying you like me?!"

"You are being ignorant to a maiden's heart!"

"I'm not getting anywhere near yours!"

"?! Buhg?! Why not?!"

"Because you would fry me! Even if I like you in the first place!"

A elbow jab to the stomach and a kick up his shin later, Kamijou was kneeling on the ground before two blonde girls.

"Touma, idiot."

"You are still a fool as always."

This time, Kamijou made no rebuttal.

After dinner, which was hectic, to say the least...

"Touma. Let's go on a walk."-Kamijou Touya asked.


As such, they were coming out to the shoreline.


"Othinus-chan, can I have a few words with you?"-Kamijou Shiina asked.

Othinus gave a small nod.


"So...How was your life lately?"-Touya asked.

"I'm...fine? I suppose so."-His son only looked up to his back and replied.

"I see."



"... ... ... I'm really sorry."

"? Why?"-Touya didn't understand why his son was apologizing.

"Let's catched a small glimpse of my life last time we were here."

"Ah...right. That's not something to worry about. I know my son lives an abnormal life."

"It might be more abnormal than you think."

"...Magic, huh?"

"I...I don't want anyone being dragged in like you, dad. I have secrets, I admitted that much. But..."

"You can keep them."


"You are doing so to keep us happy right? The day we arrived, your mother was asking some questions that might brought up those secrets, right?"


"Then we understand. We might not know the truth, but we know we aren't living a lie either."

"A lie..."-Kamijou Touma lowered his head.

Compared to his parents, or anyone, he's the only person who is living a lie. He pretended to live on as Kamijou Touma. It was the right choice, but it was a painful one.

If you want to live on without carrying the pains, learn to let others carry it with you.

"I...I see."-Kamijou Touma smiled a bit."Dad..."

His father turned back to look at him.


"I...I'm curious. How is Touma-san doing in Academy City?"-Shiina asked.

"...He's fine. He's living a hectic life, but he's fine."-Othinus stated.

"I...I see."

"Why are you worried?"

"Call it a mother's intuition maybe... I just felt like he's changed a lot."

"And you want to find out if that change is good or bad?"


"Well, certainly it's in a good way. He's growing up to be quite a man."

"Does he get into trouble often?"

"Yes."-Othinus replied.-"But it's just his hectic day. I might not give you much, but here it is. Your son always wanted to help people, and do so right. That's all you need to know."


"I'm here to help him. We may got of a little rough, but now he is the only one that understands me. As such, I helped him."


"He has secrets. Everyone does. Small or big, life threatening or not. I know some of it."




"Do you really need to hear it to know that your son is fine?"

Silence hung as the young mother consider her answer.

At that same time, both parents replied.

"You don't have to."

"Eh?"-Kamijou Touma lifted his head up, and look at his father's face.

"You don't have to tell me. You are doing so to protect us from looking deeper into something we shouldn't. And I have already accept that when I stopped your mother from asking anymore."


"But you have to promise that you would be fine even if you carry it."

"..."-Kamijou gave a small smile.-"Of course. I promise you that."

"I don't have to know."-Shiina smiled.

"Uhm."-Othinus nodded with a small smile of her own.

"I did come to realize that we don't have to worry about him. Doing so would only made him feel more weight on his shoulder. So, maybe my son is abnormal, and staying near abnormal people. But with that, they made a normal life together."

"He made friends, he helped them, and received help in return."

"And I couldn't ask for more."

His parents had already taken some of that burden.

They taken it as something they don't know or understand, but regardless, they took it.

They would do so so that their son would be able to move on without being in pain.

They would take the truth, no matter what it is.

All so the boy they gave birth to stay as Kamijou Touma.

But isn't this getting too heart warming?

Well, all ends...

"Now that's cleared."-Kamijou Touya asked.-"When are you marrying her?"

"So...when can I see my grandchildren?"-Kamijou Shiina asked.


"Guhbh?! ?! ?! Why would you ask that?!"-Kamijou Touma yelled.

"Well, you two seems serious enough, and that girl's great for you! As parents, we supports this!"-His father Touya gave him a thumbs up.

Back in the living room...

"Soon."-Othinus replied casually.-"But aren't we too young?"

"Well, look at me, Othinus-chan. Do I look that old to you?"

"Not exactly..."

"Well, it's almost a tradition with the Kamijou family that the next generation is surprised with how young the previous is."

"It's not exactly a good one...but it works for me."

"Yes it does! I'm getting a grandchildren soon~"

Both Kamijou Touma and Kamijou Touya's spines just get the creepiest chill.

They felt like an even more dangerous conversation than theirs is going on.

"Anyway! Just tell us when and where that wedding is taking place! We'll be there!"

"PLEASE STOP IT!"-Kamijou roared.

"Heh, you are so boring, Touma."

"Okay, so maybe...maybe I do want to marry her...but let's take it slow..."

Meanwhile, Othinus suddenly felt like she could just jump on top of Kamijou Touma the moment she sees him, and...what's the word? Ah, "claim him".

It's not like she won't do so in the first place.

"That's what I said when I was with your mother. Look at what happened."

"Please! Can't we just divert the subject?!"-Kamijou Touma's eyes was already filled with anime tears.

"Well, then we'll see to that matter later. Why don't we go to the hot spring one last time before we leave tomorow?"

"That I agree."-Finally, the unfortunate boy breathe a sigh of relief.

Once again, it was very late in the night...

"Well, I'll leave first. Aren't you getting out?"-Kamijou Touya asked.

"Not's been so long..."-Kamijou Touma rested in the warm water. He deserve it, as he had gone through so much incident that lands him in the hospital.

"Well, don't stay too long."-With that, the father slide open the door, stepping out and closed it.





After a really short time...

The door slowly slides open.

"? You forgot something, d-?!"

Kamijou was about to yell, but a slender hand pushed his head underwater.

Fearing for his life, he raises his right hand and tackled the other person, the two wrestled in the spring.

It didn't really mattered that they know the other person.

After a while, they finally stopped, and Kamijou pulled back to the other side of the spring in rapid speed.

"Othinus!"-He yelled, though not very loud.

If he were to make a ruckus, it would end up in a Railgun hell and a bite that would surely rip open his skull.


Rising from the steamy water is Magic God Othinus, completely naked.

"Mn?"-She tilted her head.

"Don't just 'Mn'! Why are you here?!"

"I wanted to take a quick soak before bed."-The girl responded right away.

"Then why HERE?! Why not the women side?!"

"Mn..."-The blonde haired goddess waded closer to him.

"?! Why are you coming closer?! Stop stop stop! O-Othinus-san?! Have you been drinking?"

"Drinking? No. You think I'm doing this because I'm drunk?"

"Well, it''s the only thing I can think of."

"Well..."-Othinus got up a little more, her hair gripping into her perfect figure-"It's not it."

"Then! Then! Can we talk about it?! Can you tell me the reason?! And can you do so without getting closer to this misfortunate Kamijou-san?!"

"You really are stupid. Why are you counting this as misfortune?"

Kamijou tried to move away, but Othinus grabbed him and sat on top of him.

"Okay okay! Please stop! This is way beyond my threshold! I give I give! Please stop! ! !"

"I wonder..."-The goddess spoke.


"What would happen if I cross it even further? If you are still saying this, that means you still haven't reach that critical limit yet."

Kamijou can only widen his eyes and tried to yell.


He was cut off, as the girl leaned in and kissed him, and...




It was a French kiss.

Next morning came...

"Alright! We'll be off now, Touma. Take care of yourself!"-Touya waved as he entered the taxi.

"Bye bye, onii-chan!"-Tatsugami Otohime took the frontseat.

Kamijou Touma waved his hand happily.

But, then, he turned around to see Kamijou Shiina talking with Majin Othinus.

"Hey, mom, what..."-He got cut off as he heard that sentence.

Shiina was holding Othinus hands, and she said quite the sentence.

"Then, I'll leave Kamijou-kun in your care! And I'll be expecting it!"

"Leave him to me."-Majin Othinus gave a small smile.

It froze Kamijou Touma to the point if you hit him, he would crumble like a dirt statue.

"...F-fukou Da..."

Is it?

He watches as the taxi drove off.

He looked to see Mikoto and her mother parting ways.

He got a kick up the shin by Leivinia Birdway for ignoring her, and another one after making an idiotic comment.

Regardless, he sent her off with a smile. Somehow, he can see a child-like smile on her face as well. Out of character much?

Then, he turned to everyone else.

"Let's go home, Touma."-Index said simply. She raised his hand toward him, as she was standing higher than him.

Kamijou smiled and took that offering hand.





"Kami-yan~ It seems the class is really mad at you, nya!"-Tsuchimikado grabbed his shoulder.

"Crap! You're right! What plans do you have for me?"

"We beat them up of course!"-Aogami Perice grabbed his other shoulder.-"That is, if they wanted to a real fight."

"They're our classmates! We can't just beat them up!"

"Anyone who stands between Kami-yan and girls that can be added to his harem must be destroy, nya!"

"This isn't a war! I'm not trying to get a harem! I don't have one!"

"Oh? Then how about plan B, Aogami?"

"With pleasure."

"Oi, oi! Stop scheming! What kind of tricks are you guys up t-GYAHHHHH?!"

Plan B was simple.

Drag Kamijou back and pretend that they brought him back as promised.

It would involve Kamijou being at the center and getting all the misfortune...

But that's why he's there in the first place.

He would protest, but that's all he can do.

Watching the Delta Force moving off, the girls can only move along, smiling all the way.




Kamijou gave a break from struggling.

He looked back.

And he saw it.

Othinus's smile.

Her radiant smile that mixed with the morning sunlight.

It's beautiful, isn't it? The smile of that single girl.


Done! I really thought I did well with this one! Whoo! I did intend on writing it, but on a low note, since I felt chapter 4 did serves as an ending quite well.

Well! Please review and favs if you haven't, they're always good for me, I never expect myself being only one of two OTP writers, but if the weight's on my shoulder, I'll carry it. All to make you readers happy!
