Author's Note: Before you start cheering that I am back on writing Loki/OCs, I am sorry to inform you that this is not a story, but rather, a love poem that I have written in my leisure. Further explanation on this would be useless, for I am making no excuses for this beside the fact that it is inspired by my new Shakespeare and Keats craze, and a few expressions are originated from Phantom of the Opera's Music of the Night. Thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoy and give me lovely suggestions and corrections fragranced by our shared love for Loki and poesy.

Drown in Thee

- To Loki, My Soul Mate -

Beautiful venomous water in thee I have drown,

Trembling in this sweet yet deadly intoxication,

Helplessly addictive to this dark unhealthy temptation,

Deep inside I know with thee eternally I am bound.

Welcoming thee like opium irresistible and dangerous,

Thou showest me glorious illusions brighter than reality,

Thou whisperest me perfect lies lovelier than sincerity,

Falling through madness in thy kisses O so poisonous -

Never could I have known that thy tongue is not just silvery.

My moon in the water: the deeper I dived, the deeper I fell,

Falling, falling, into a love-sick breathless begging shell,

And all because I weakly gave in to thy alluring spell!

But as the water entered my lungs I felt no agony,

Thy loving lips caressed my throat, tremulous and tender,

I should see blackness yet could only gasp at your splendour,

The last tune I heard was a divine duet in a siren's melody!

A/N: Review please, this might be enchantingly disgusting but still, I would be pleased and honoured if you do!