Danny wanted to sleep longer. Every muscle in his body still ached from last night's battle. He felt like he could take a week off and still be in bed. But, as the sunlight began leaking through his window, Danny began stir and soon enough, the light forced his eyes open.

He painfully stretched out his body and rubbed away the dry crust from his eyes. Danny felt like a mess: he had strands of hair pointing in different directions; he couldn't even stand the taste of his breath, let alone the smell; and he forgot to take a shower the other night, so he still reeked of burnt clothes and failure. There was no way he could survive school in this condition.

School? He pondered over the word for a moment before widening his eyes in realization. School! He had school today, and a biology exam at first period! He instantly turned to squinted at his clock that stood at his nightstand: The time was 8:30 AM. He had fifteen minutes to get to class!

"Aw, crud!" Despite the pain it caused him, Danny quickly scrambled off his bed and grabbed a new pile of clothes he hoped was clean. Then, he forced his tired legs to rush into the bathroom, when suddenly, he froze. Danny suddenly felt a surprising feeling of winter hit him as small goosebumps began to form and scatter across his arms.

He wrapped his arms around his body and shivered. No windows were open and it was supposed to be steaming hot outside today. It made him recall the cold sensation he had back when Undergrowth was trying to take over the world. But this? This felt different somehow. It felt uncomfortable, dully painful, and almost... forced.

Danny stood there for a minute, trying to organize the unnatural feeling and make it go away, but nothing worked. He quickly shrugged off his thoughts and decided to endure it. Maybe he would go back to the Ghost Zone and ask Frostbite about it, but right now, he didn't have time to think. Danny went to push open the bathroom door, but once he touched the doorknob, he felt the strange sensation kick in, painfully.

He sensed an overwhelming amount of energy involuntarily pushed out from his hand. As the pain enveloped him, Danny closed his eyes and screamed. Luckily, it lasted just for a moment, and then it stopped, leaving Danny's numb body paralyzed. He discovered the cold sensation had stopped bugging him too. Slowly, he peeked one eye open, then the other. And then, Danny gasped. In front of him, he saw that the edges of his bathroom door was now framed with a stunning and complex design, a design made out of ice.

"What the heck?!" Danny cautiously stepped back from the newly crystallized bathroom door. He looked down at his hands and held them a fair distance from his face, afraid he might freeze himself by accident. They were still glowing, dangerously emitting a light-blue aura. "Okay, I swear I didn't do that." Danny told himself worriedly. He couldn't have done this, even if he tried. Heck, he couldn't even draw a stickman properly! Danny also didn't think he could use his powers in human form. Sure, maybe a simple ectoblast, but he was still learning how to use his ice powers. He never thought he could get the hang of them so quickly.

Danny stared back up at, apparently, his work of art in awe, and slowly raised his hand to touched the new framework. "Although, that was pretty cool," he admitted. Silently, he couldn't help but feel a familiar feel to this design. He almost could've sworn he saw it somewhere before, but where?

"Danny?" Maddie appeared at the top of the stairs, alongside Jack. "We heard you scream. Are you alright?"

"Was there a ghost?" Jack asked excitedly. "I want to try out my new ghost hunting weapon!" He brought out a small, metallic weapon, but at a press of a button, it expanded into a giant gun-shaped weapon with a taser attached to the end of it. "I call it, the Fenton Fryer! It sends a great electric shock through the ghost. The voltage level is so powerful that this baby would eventually destabilizes the ghost's ectoplasmic structure!" Danny shivered at the thought of electricity, clearly able to relive the electrical attack from the Guys in White. But, before he could tell them off with a "everything-is-fine" lie, the frozen bathroom door caught their attention first.

"Danny? What… What happened here?" Maddie asked, inspecting the ice carefully with her fingers.

"Um…" Danny quickly rushed through his mind, hoping to find some decent excuse he could use. It didn't take long to find one that could easily distract them. "There was a ghost, and it did… this. But, you guys just missed him."

"For a ghost, this is pretty nice," Maddie complimented, like the ice furnished the door well.

"Really? Thanks-" Danny started to accept the compliment, but then, he realized who he was talking to as his parents stared at him in confusion. "I-I mean, thanks for coming up so quickly. That ghost was really… scary," Danny rubbed the back of his neck nervously and tried to act convincing, but he knew he was failing miserably. Despite his bad performance, Maddie simply dismissed Danny's strange behaviour and pulled on her hood and googles that were attached to her jumpsuit.

"But a ghost is still a ghost, no matter how well its fashion taste is, and it is not getting away!" Maddie pulled out one of her large ectoguns from nowhere and stood in a position ready to attack.

"No ghost gorgeously designs the Fenton bathroom and gets away with it!" Jack added out loudly. With that, both of Danny's parents hustled back down the stairs to fetch their other ghost hunting equipment. But, Maddie stopped midway and poked her head back up the stairs.

"By the way, Danny, thanks for the heads up about the ghost, but don't you have school today?" She reminded him casually, causing Danny to began panicking again. He quickly glanced down at his watch… 8:42 AM, it read. Three minutes left!

"Crap!" He didn't even have time to wash up anymore. He had to go, right now. Sprinting into his bedroom, he slammed his door shut and quickly threw on his new change of clothes. Then, Danny willed his transformation. Two familiar rings instantaneously flashed at his waist level and began moving their separate ways. When suddenly, they stopped.

Danny glanced down at his half-transformation in confusion. The two rings that used to so naturally alter his image were now frozen in place: one at heart level, the other by his knees. Half of him was Phantom, the rest remained Fenton.

"Oh, come on! What is going on today?" He exasperated before taking another look at his watch.. there were only two minutes left. "Ugh! I so don't have time for this. If I miss this test, they're going to make me re-do ninth grade… with Dash." Danny shuddered at the thought. He struggled to move the rings and begged them to continue their path. Gradually and roughly, the halos began inching their way further apart.

When they finally reached to a point where Danny was fully transformed, there were only thirty seconds left.

Quickly, Danny snatched his purple knapsack hastily dashed outside the window and took off into the sky.

"Danny, where are you?" Danny heard Sam's voice crack with worry through his cell phone.

"Slept in, but I'm on my way," Danny reassured her, still jetting his way to school. "Please tell me the test didn't start yet."

"What? No, wait! Danny, you've got to listen to me," She sounded almost as panicked as Danny. "Turn back! Go home! Just don't come to school!"

"What?" Danny began to slow down. "Why not?" There was no answer. "Hello? Sam?" Danny raised his voice in concern, but then, the line went dead.

Danny immediately drew onto the assumption that Sam was in trouble and began to pick up his pace again. He didn't care what Sam said, she needed his help! He flew across the city faster, and faster, desperately hoping that there wasn't a ghost attack at school he had to deal with. But as soon as Casper High came into his view, he stopped abruptly and gasped. Then, he realized what Sam was talking about.

The good news was that it wasn't a ghost attack. The bad news: it was even worse.

The building didn't even resemble a school anymore. The place looked more like a prison hold more than anything else with hundreds, maybe thousands, of Guys in White surrounding it, all dressed in their casual white attire and black tie along with a pair of dark sunglasses and all armed with a weapon. Danny had a grim feeling there were more of them crawling on the inside. This looked much more serious than their average check-up on taxpayers. But whatever this whole fiasco was, there was no doubt Danny Phantom had something to do with it. He had to get out of there, fast.

Instinctively, he tried to make himself disappear, but it was too late. One of the agents immediately pointed him out, alerting the others of his presence. All of them instantly brought their guns upon him and fired. Thousands of beams came his way, all at once. Danny quickly summoned an ecto-shield that deflected many of their shots. Unfortunately, he could only hold it up for so long. Danny quickly put down his shield and tried to escape the school area, but he was stopped. He flew head-first into an almost invisible, smooth surface, and he immediately knew what it was: they put up a Ghost shield. He was trapped by the Guys in White. Again.

Danny rubbed the sore portion of his head and groaned. Great, the infamously incompetent Guys in White were actually beating me. Danny thought to himself. It was strange seeing as not that long ago, they looked like they barely knew how to aim, let alone use a gun. "Seriously, when did they get so good?" Danny mumbled to himself, then sighed. "Or maybe I'm just getting worse."

They fired more continuous shots that snapped him away from his thoughts. Danny couldn't afford enough energy to put up another ecto-shield. He began dodging the numerous shots that came his way, while he tried to rack up another plan. Think Fenton, think! There was no way out, at least not in this form. But there was a way in. He looked down at the school building and smiled. Sam and Tucker were inside. He had to get to them.

Quickly, he shifted his direction towards the school and flew intangibly through the wall.

"He got away. Again." One of the Guys in White commented monotonously.

"No, he didn't." Another agent turned on his communicator and began to speak. "Attention all units," he announced. "The Phantom kid has entered the building. I repeat, the Phantom kid has entered the building. Proceed to follow 96423 formation." The other Guys in White immediately assembled in a fashion where many surrounded the school with their backs against the building's walls, and the rest filed inside the school for back up.

"You," He called out to a random agent.

"Yes, sir."

"Get the students and teachers in the gym. The boss has a special 'assembly' prepared for them."