Chapter Five
She didn't know how long she sat there, the cold tile had chilled her to the bone as she listened to the shuffling of those things outside the door. The sun was now low in the sky, casting shadows in the small exam room she had holed up in.
Shifting she winced as her legs began to tingle, the blood once again flowing into the limbs. If she sat here and waited for things to go completely silent she would hear the rest of her life. No, she had to move, she had to get to Rick. To make sure he was okay and try to find out where the others were.
When she had first locked herself in the room she had tried her phone only to see that she had no bars. None, zero and while she knew her phone company was iffy in some places she knew that it went beyond drop zones. Knowing how quickly society crumbled when faced with things like this on a large scale level it did not bode well on how things were unfolding outside.
With her mind made up she stood up, leaning on the exam bed behind her for support as her limbs slowly regained feeling. She was going to try to get the gun she had lost and then get into Rick's room. From there she could formulate a long term plan, as well as look for any clues as to where the others were.
Glancing around the room she mused she could grab some of the medical supplies, she didn't doubt that Rick's room was lacking, but it never hurt to have extra. Even more so when she didn;t know what was waiting for her in there nor when the next time she would be able to move from room to room would be.
Wincing as she stradied herself on tingling feet she moved to the cabinets and began shoving handfuls of everything into her already stuffed bag. Uffing she looked under the sink for the bags that were usually there for patients to shove their clothes in while they changed into gowns. Grabbing two she stood up and began shoving supplies into them.
Better safe than sorry.
Tying off the bags she slung them over her shoulder as she walked on the balls of her feet towards the door and painstakingly cracked it open to gaze out into the hallway. A few of those things were walking around, their bodies jerking with each moment, bouncing off the walls and doors like they weren't there. If it wasn't such a dire and grim situation it would have been comical.
Sadly it was a horrid situation, her face grim, she glanced around for the discarded gun and felt her shoulder slump a bit in relief as she spotted it a few feet away from the room she was in. It was within reach and the only two shamblers were not even looking in her direction. Swallowing thickly she eased her way from the doorway, letting the door shift softly behind her. Once she was fully in the hallway a cold sweat broke out over her skin. Part of her wanted to grab the gun in her back pocket, if only to feel its comforting weight in her hands.
Yet she would be too tempted to use it if things went south and to do so in such a confined place would be to ring a dinner bell. Instead she snuck with the grace of a panther over to the fallen firearm, scooping it up with lighting fast movements. Prize caught, she turned on the balls of her feet and briskly jog walked towards Rick's room.
Every creak of the door sounded like a canon to her ears. Chewing on her lip she continued to shove it open at a snail's pace until there was enough room for her to slide inside. Once in the room she softly shut it behind her and clicked the lock in place her body deflated as the stress seemed to melt away.
She looked around and saw Rick in the bed, just like she had seen him last. Kagome let a tired sigh leave her lips as she moved to the chair that was on the other side of the hospital bed, in front of the big windows in the room. She sat the things she had gathered on the side of the chair along with her overfilled backpack, and sank down into the chair, resting her forearms on her knees as she gripped the strands of her hair in her hands.
Things were crazy, and from how things looked Kagome didn't think things would go back to normal anytime soon. She didn't have all the answers of what was going on, but it was bad.
"What to do." Kagome muttered as she looked out the window. She saw no sign of Shane or even Lori and Carl. She would wait to see if they showed up, but a sinking feeling filled her stomach as she looked down at the world and the new creatures that were walking around.
"If you were awake, you would know what to do..." Kagome muttered as she turned her attention to the man in the hospital bed. Rick always was one to come up with quick plans of action, she had a feeling the years as a police officer helped with that.
Kagome took a deep breath as she went and made sure the door to the room was really secured, she didn't want a visitor during the middle of the night, though she had a feeling sleep wasn't going to be easy for her. Her mind was going a mile a minute and she was worried about Shane, Lori and Carl.
Kagome opened the small closet by the bathroom and grabbed a pillow and blankets she knew Lori had used when she was here last, and laid one blanket on the floor along with the pillow and sat laid down with the other blanket on top of her. She hoped she could get some rest, but she doubted it. She would need all the energy she could though...and sleep would help.
She closed her eyes, her mind still worried as she let sleep take her. She silently wished that when she woke up this would all be a dream.
Yuki Note: Hope everyone likes it!
Kage Note: Read and Review!