/sorry, updating now!

:*:Mel's POV:*:

After hearing and seeing what Danny was doing I slowly crept back to my room without being seen by anyone surprisingly, I got my black coat with a hood and my small black book bag that I kept art supplies and things before I left the house. Once I got out I headed straight to the park, once I got there I found a nice large tree that I climbed, I pulled out my sketch book and a pen and started to draw whatever came to mind.

3 hours and a half later, I drew 3 pictures of Danny and 1 of Phantom, 2 of Vlad and Plasimus, 5 nature scenes and 1 of my ghost form and me in an epic back to back stance. Overall, not bad… I use to draw at least 20 pages of stuff back in the mansion, and then again there was more scenery and open space back there, 'god I miss it already' not knowing what to do with my time so I just decided to close my eyes and go through my memories,

-I was never very close to my family, I am an only child. I also didn't have many friends as well, but I did have my childhood friend who I was much closer to than my parents… her name is Vish, but I just called her Fish most of the time. Sadly she and her family moved away a month before my parents died.

Surprisingly the death of my parents wasn't a very depressing or sad one for me; it was more of an ironic death, though I never told anyone that. My Dad was a cook and my Mum was a Nurse and the way they died was food poising, they went out for tea and left me alone at home, so when they didn't come home the next day I was expecting a police officer to show up sooner or later. Sadly I had school that day; I left for school and did the same thing day in, day out. After school I went to a café and got myself a hot chocolate while I looked over at the TV to see the announcement of my parent's deaths. Later when I got home I saw a few police officers around and about, one of them noticed me and came up to me. All he did was question me for why I was there, so when he found out that I was the daughter and that I lived there he became all tense and stumbling over his words to say that my parents were dead. Of course I already knew this but I just played along, I just started crying and the guy tried to comfort me. Surprisingly after crying for a minute I was left alone and I could hear the other guys scold the guy that broke the news to me, which he retaliated by saying that none of them would have done it, that shut them up. I soon heard my phone go off; I was at home due to having no friend's and or relatives nearby or alive, I pick it up to hear Vlad talking,



"Oh thank goodness you are alright! I just heard what had happen so I quickly called you to see if you alright seeing they did not mention you once."

"Oh? They didn't? Anyway thankyou for calling me, you are probably the only one who hasn't gone all gushy and treating me like a little kid or a cracked porcine doll that their too scared to touch in fear that I'll break."

"Really? Then again you are a kid; most adults don't know how to deal with kids who just under gone something traumatic like their parent's death. Anyway now for the other reason that I called you, do you anyone to stay with or taking you in yet?"

"No not really. Fish moved away a month ago, I have no other friends, most adults' think I'm a trouble maker. They will either force me out of my home to live in an orphanage or they let me stay at home and let me find my way of getting around in life… why did you ask?"

"Melody, how would like to stay with me?"

I was shocked at first, but I agreed of course and he paid my expenses and moved off to his place, or well more of a castle but you get it.

Vlad and I met back when I was little, my parents were old friends, and they left me with him for a day due to their wedding anniversary. Of course needless to say that Vlad did not want anything to do with me, so I found where the kitchen, bathroom and the library, Vlad's place was huge! I did have my sketch book and pencils with me to draw, as well as a compass for some odd reason… I don't remember why I had it but it did come in handy, so I first started to map out the place I only mapped from the places that I already knew so it wasn't very bit but it did come in handy when I got a little lost. For the whole time I was there, I stayed in the library. I read 10 books, 6 short novels 3 harry potter books and one shake sphere book, other than that I drew 20 new pages in my sketch book, 3 of my parents 7 of random animals 4 buildings 3 random object 2 dresses and 1 of Vlad, I was finishing off that drawing of Vlad when he came in. He was surprised to see me in there, but now that I think of it Vlad looked kinda annoyed and worried? Anyway he asked me what I have been doing and I simply told him that I mapped out some of the place, read books and draw, he raised an eyebrow at that but he asked me if I had eaten yet, I shook my head and Vlad just sighed. He soon took me to the dining room and we ate lunch together, during that he asked me random questions and I did to though when he said that he came to find me he was also having a break and he didn't want to go back to his papers so soon so I asked him if he could play with me. Vlad just game me an amused look before asking me what would I want to play, he was surprised at my answer though. He was probably expecting me to say dollies or house or another little girl game but instead I asked him if he had a chess board, he said yes and we started to go back to the library, on the way there Vlad started to ask questions as to how well I know how to play chess, what are the rules and what all the pieces are and how they moved. We played a few games and I won a few, and earned Vlad's respect. He asked me about my mapping of the place so I just gave him my sketch book let him wonder through the pages, so when he stopped on a page I looked over to see him staring at my picture that I drew of him. And so for the rest of the day I spent with him, needless to say we 'bonded' to each other and we got to know about each other kinda well, in a way he was like a second father to me…-

As I opened my eyes I saw the sky started to turn dark, I simply stated to head back to the house after all, home was the mansion that I grew up in.