Disclaimer: I'm in no way affiliated with Teen Wolf.

"If love is what you need, then a solider I be."- The Cab

Thurisaz: [1]

Peter POV

"Hey, Doc. Uh..what are you doing here?"

I heard Scott say, 'causing me to look up from the book I had been reading. The vet nodded, acknowledging Scott's greeting, walking the rest of the way into the room.

"Now's really not the time." I warned, nodding my head in Derek's direction where he sat brooding over Cora's current condition.

"That's actually why I'm here. I know someone that could possibly help."

A low growl emitted itself from Derek's corner of the room.

"And you're just deciding to share this now?!" My nephew yelled, his voice filling the room.

The vet instinctively took a step back, heaving a sigh.

"Well my contact here is rather good at now being found." He said nodding behind him.

A tall figure seeming to appear out of the shadows themselves came sauntering forward with quiet calculated steps, a hood obscuring their features. A pale hand reached up, pushing back the hood revealing an equally pale face that stood in stark contract against a shock of unruly ginger hair. She was striking and I couldn't shake the familiarity of the stranger's seemingly unreadable face.

Hearing my nephew's breath hitch and heart rate increase from where he had came to stand beside me only made that feeling grow. The woman shifted, capturing my gaze. Gold eyes starting into blue and that's when it hit me.

Those eyes.

So gold that they appeared to be glowing and surrounded by a ring of deep blood red.
My stomach dropped and my heart found it's way into my throat as the words feel from my lips.

"Is that you, Little Wolf?" Hearing Derek step forward, signalling to me our shared thought, our shared hope.

A familiar smile broke out across the woman's face, momentarily making me forget how to breath.

"But how is that- How are you- I watched you die." Derek sputtered out, his words running together, 'causing the betas in the room to look to their alpha in confusion, in shock of how small his voice sounded.

The woman ripped her eyes from me, turning them on my broken nephew, her face matching his own as the guilt came of her in waves. I watched as Derek closed the distance between them in three short strides pulling her to him, holding her tightly almost as if he feared she'd disappear back into the shadows. He buried his face into her fire-y hair, sniffing back the tears I knew had already fallen down my cheek.

"God, it's you." He whispered. "It's really you."

She nodded, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

"It's me, Der. It's me." Came her muffled but ever strong voice, a sound that hadn't graced my ears in over six years, sending my heart right into my stomach.

Not wanting to impose on the two's much deserved reunion but not being able to help myself I strode over to them, grabbing them both into a hug, 'causing the girl I had always seen as my daughter to laugh as she leaned back into me. And from the smile that graced my nephew's face I knew he had missed hearing that beautiful sound of her melodious laughter just as much as I.

Reluctantly I pulled back facing the confused but sympathetic faces in the room before my eyes came to rest on the vet. Not wanting to ruin the moment but not being able to hold back the thought anymore, I stared him down.

"Is this borrowed time? Or is this permanent?"

Before the man could even open his mouth Aeyden cut him off.

"Sorry, Petey. But you're stuck with me this time."

I laughed, a smirk forming on my lips at her mocking.


"Not to put a damper on this love fest, and no offense intended, but what exactly is an omega supposed to do for us?" Issac said in his ever arrogant tone.

Aeyden rolled her eyes, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her back pocket, giving Derek a look that said, 'I'll be on the porch, come find me once you've dealt with the runts," turning on her heel and leaving the room. Derek huffed, turning on Issac, but before he could even begin to rip the beta a new one, a low angry growl came from the direction of the porch 'causing everyone to look up startled at the sheer ferocity of it. The vet was slowly backing away from the direction of the porch, his heart rate erratic.

"Looks like she's seen the door." He said, crossing his arms to try and keep his hands from shaking.

"You didn't think to mention the alpha pack?"

"I knew there were things I couldn't tell her and she needed all the facts before storming in there. She needed a strategy."

"Oh, you're a dead man." Shaking my head, I laughed, quickly joining the rest of the room on the porch.

Aeyden growled, a low menacing growl, at the alpha pack's symbol that was scratched into the door, her claws lengthening as she spoke.

"I know you can hear me and I'm only gonna say this once, so listen up, you sick son of a bitch!"

"Oh, I like her." I heard Stiles mutter from behind Scott, shrugging as everyone gave him the, 'if you know what's good for you then you'll shut up,' look.

"You've threatened my family, my mate, and his pack..." She said digging her claws into the wood of the door, dragging them over top of the alpha pack's symbol, creating what looked like a thurisaz rune.

Realization hit me of what the symbol was, for it only to be confirmed by the now very anxious vet that was looking everywhere but my eyes.

There was destruction on the horizon and she was the storm.

"You wanted power, you wanted a true alpha? Well, come and claim me!" She dared.

A strong howl from the distance met her words as an answer and I watched as the gold in her eyes disappeared leaving behind a glowing red. Whipping her head into the direction of the howl, her fangs extending letting loose a howl of her own to rip through the night in return, as if to say She was the alpha, She was the Dead-wolf, and She was coming.