3 weeks and she was already looking like she was.

She is such a fighter.

She became conscious a week after she had died, and since then has complained about having to rest.

Of course I wouldn't let her leave. Her wounds were only just starting to heal over, and she was still weak, no matter how much she said she was fine.

She's too stubborn.

Since she was out of action, I have been helping with the nest, along with Hiccup and Toothless.

I still felt bad. I should have been tortured… I should have taken some hits… Astrid shouldn't have saved me like that… I owe her my life…

We would always talk, me keeping her company and her always telling me not to continuously apologise.

But how could I not…? She was in this bad of a state because of me… It's my fault… But that doesn't stop Astrid from making me her permanent company, allowing me only to go to eat and help out with the nest.

I don't know why… I think Toothless or Hiccup should be here… But she thought differently. Plus she made the comment that both were busy so shouldn't be in the hut all the time.

Hiccup disagreed, but Astrid made him leave when he came to visit, threatening to get up and force him out.

This always makes me laugh. Their relationship is so genuine and perfect, it makes me only hope that I can have one just like that someday…

Anyway, so I was in my usual chair, and having a casual chat with Astrid, who was complaining she needed to spread her wings, walk, run and feel the wind on her face.

"Astrid… You know you're not in the physical shape to do so… The more rest you get, the closer you will be to being able to fly and feel the wind in your face…"

"But I want to do that now!"

I can't help but chuckle "Want me to fan some wind onto your face…?"

"Not the same…"

I smile sympathetically at her.

She looks over and smiles slightly.

I look down.

"It's not your fault… I chose to do that…"

I sigh and don't look up. I mean… It is my fault… Right…?

"It's not your fault…" Can she read my mind..? "I should have sent you away so he didn't see you and want you as well…"

"That's not your fault he did..."

"It's not yours either…"

I opened my mouth to answer, but shut it, knowing she was right.

"Still… I should have made them torture me so they didn't do all that to you…"

"I'm surprised they actually kept their word… I'm so glad they did though…"

I didn't know what else to say so decided to change the subject.

"So… You and Hiccup ok…?"

After 3 whole months I was finally strong enough to transform into my human self and also strong enough to leave the hut. Though I was only allowed to walk as long it was just short walks I was doing, like a trip into the market place, nothing more… At least I'm getting close to flying again…

Hiccup was very forceful about me staying with him, so now I am walking towards him house, with him right by my side, ready to assist me if I need it. He has still kept his Cheetah Fury identity hidden from the village, and Alvin has kept quiet about it as well due to Hiccup's request.

"You're sure your fine…?"

"Yes Hiccup… I'm fine, you need to stop worrying about me…"

"I can't! You're injured!"

"I'm fine… Now come on… It's already starting to get dark and I'm getting cold…"

It was already close to Snoggletog and the days were a lot shorter, and the nights a lot colder. So being able to sleep in a warm house was just music to my ears. What I was expecting was there to be a whole set up, knowing Hiccup, but what I saw surprised me.

There was no huge change.

The only difference was the fact that my stuff was in here now. All my armour had been fixed and fitted with extra warmth, and my axe was here and all my other little bits and pieces.

"So what's the sleeping arrangement…?"

"Well, I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone… So I thought we could share my bed… It would be a lot warmer to sleep together and I can keep an eye on you then…" He said that with so much confidence, but his blush gave him away. I walk over to him and kiss his cheek.

"Sounds great babe…" I felt his arms move to circle my waist, rubbing my back gently and him nuzzling my neck.

"Don't leave me again…"

"I won't…. I promise…" I felt his arms tighten around me and my shoulder becoming wet. I held his head close to my chest and kissed it softly, almost trying to reassure him. We stayed that way for several minutes before he pulled away slowly, his eyes now red and puffy from crying. I wipe a stray tear away and smile at him, which he returned.

"You get dressed into some clean clothes and even maybe try the new prosthetic I made you…? I'll go and get dinner ready… oh and my dad won't be home till late, so don't worry milady…" He then turned and went downstairs.

He knew me to well… Yes I really didn't like the chief at the moment… I hated the fact he sold me and I wasn't ready to be friendly with him again… But he also gave Raven away and that's why I hated him. He should have stood up for her, but he didn't. It angered me. I knew it angered Hiccup too, after all he had told me he hadn't talked to his dad since he left to find me, and would continue to ignore his father.

Though I wasn't too pleased at the fact that I would be staying in the chief's house, Hiccup had said that his father always returned late into the night, or on some nights, would stay with Gobber or in the inn, knowing Hiccup didn't want him near. That worked well for me because I didn't want him near either…

I would try my new armour on tomorrow, but for now, I grabbed one of Hiccups Shirts and Leggings. I then took off my old leg and replaced it with the new one. And wow, did it feel comfy! It was lined with wool, and it fit snugly around the stump. I stood up carefully with it and it felt so right. I took a few steps and I don't even feel pain. This was a first. I smile knowing Hiccup made this for me, and head downstairs to the smell of fish stew.

"Hey babe" I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him from behind, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Hey beautiful… how's the leg…? I can make adjustments if you want me to…"

"No… It's perfect…" I nuzzle into his neck. "Dinner smells perfect…"

"Good… I want to make you as comfortable as possible…" He kisses my temple, before detaching himself from me and serving up. "Shall we sit by the fire milady…?"

"Sounds good to me" I smile at him lovingly and follow him to the fire where he has a few blankets already set up for us.

"You planned this then?"

"Well I may have been a little prepared…" He rubs his neck, smiling sheepishly. This makes me smile and I peck his cheek.

We eat and talk, laughing with each other, and afterwards we cuddle by the fire for a few hours. I enjoyed cuddling with him, his warmth better than any fire. The only reason we stopped was because I yawned and Hiccup insisted we should continue the cuddle in bed, where it will be more comfortable to sleep. I couldn't object.

We both turned from each other to dress into our night clothes, before we both sat on the edge of the bed, removing our prosthetic's and then getting into bed next to each other. Hiccup proceeded to then pull the covers over us and wrap me in his arms, nuzzling into me. I lean my head on his chest, allowing my head to tuck under his chin and sigh in content.

"I love you…"

I smile. "I love you too…"

"Night Astrid…"

"Goodnight Hiccup…" And we both soon fell into a calm sleep.

Why is it dark…? Why can't I move…? Where am I…? Where is everyone…?

That's when I feel it. Extreme pain. I roar out in pain.

"You really thought you could escape Rome…? Well that shows how much of an idiot you are… Your weak… worthless… and there will be a war… shame you can't do anything…."

Another shot of pain makes me let out another scream of pain.

"You and those dragons of yours killed my father… and you will all pay… don't think you can live after that Astrid Hofferson… I will make your life a living hel!"

More shots of pain and its starting to become unbearable.

I scream out in pain when he slashes at my back. And that's when he opens up my eye scar again. The pain was so unbearable I almost passed out. My scream was bloodcurdling, and I could have sworn the area shook.

The man doing this laughed evilly, and whipped again.

He had me in tears of pain and made me scream from the top of my lungs.

I then felt shaking and it was awful. And I heard my name being called out from a distance. And I suddenly got the worst pain, and screamed out in pain and sudden-

-I shot up screaming and panting heavily, tears streaming down my face and Hiccup's worried face in my view. I could feel his hands gripping onto my shoulders, which must mean he shook me awake.

"Astrid, what's wrong?!"

I can't answer, instead throw myself into his arms and crying out, hating how real the nightmare felt. I felt him stroking my back and whispering encouraging and sweet words in my ear.

"Shh… It's ok… I'm here… I won't let anything else happen to you…"

I continue to sob into his chest, not trusting my voice at the moment. He holds me gently, comforting me with his words and his hand tracing gently up and down my back. He doesn't ask me what happened, he just makes sure I know he's there.

Once I calm down I look up at him, knowing my eyes must be red and puffy.

"You ok…?"

"I'm much better… thank you…"

He kisses my forehead and just hugs me. He always know how to comfort me and make me feel loved. I wouldn't be anything without him.

"I love you… and I always will…"

"I love you too Hiccup… with all my heart…"

I feel him smile and I feel a finger tilt my head up towards him. That smile is the best thing I've ever seen. And those eyes… they make me feel like I'm walking through the forest. They make me feel at peace. I didn't realise it till it happened, but he had leaned in slowly while I was zoned out and pressed his lips to mine. I instantly melted in his arms, kissing back gently.

These were the kisses I loved. The slow and loving ones that always turn into a more passionate heated kiss. But you don't need to know what that leads to.

Todays the day! Todays the day I fly again! After years and years of being on the ground (ok maybe I exaggerated on the years and years part) I can fly again! I am bouncing on my feet at the edge of the cliff, Hiccup paranoid behind me, telling me to get away from the cliff.

"Hiccup I'm fine"

"I don't care, I don't like you being so close…"

I smile at his worry, but don't move away, instead, move closer to the edge.

"The wind feels so good… I need to feel it on my wings… I just need to fly Hiccup… You ready…?"

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess…" He didn't seem very happy about it, but accepted it, probably knowing I won't be talked out of it. But him being worried makes me smile, it shows how much he cares. But I'll think about that later, right now all I want is the open sky and the wind in my fur.

I concentrate on the thing I haven't done in forever and feel my body shift into my favoured form for travel. I felt myself become physically stronger, I feel my senses improve, I feel my fur form, and the wind pushing through it.

This is what I waited for. This is what I thrive for.

I stretch my wings and smile widely. I can be free again. I turn to him to see if he's in Fury form, and once I know he is, I take a deep breath before jumping off the cliff and diving down, I feel my instincts kick in, I smile as I near the water.

I hear Hiccup's cries for me to pull up now, but I keep going until the last second and open my wings and shoot up into the air, whooping all the way.

"I'm free again!" I laugh and whoop more and more as I dive, do somersaults, and much more daredevil stunts that I probably shouldn't be doing.

I completely lose track of time, and by the time I look to see what time of the day it is, I can see stars and the moon over my head. How I had the strength and wasn't tired enough to turn back I wasn't sure. But as I turned back, Hiccup still by my side, I realised I just hadn't focused on being tired and could feel the pain of the ache that not flying for so long has caused me. I feel my wingbeats get slower and heavier, and Hiccup must have noticed this too.

"Come here… I'll fly you the rest of the way home…"

"I'm fine…" I think my yawn gave me away, and his back looked really comfortable right now. So I flew above him and dropped down as a human. He made sure I was secure before flying back, while I held onto his neck. It only took half an hour to get back home, and when we did, we both didn't expect to see Stoick sitting at the table.

I feel my fists clench, hating his presence. I feel Hiccup tense next to me.

"Oh… Son… Alpha… I thought you were already upstairs…"

Hiccup doesn't answer and neither do I, instead, Hiccup takes my hand and leads me upstairs, I feel Stoick's stare on my back, and then hear him sigh.

Hiccup closes the door behind me and growls out in frustration.

"I can't believe he tried to talk to us! What right does he have!?"

I get changed while he paces, continuing to growl his frustration out. I grab one of his shirts when he turns to me.

"Aren't you angry?"

"Of course I'm angry, but I am containing said anger because he is still the chief. And it's not because he sold me, though I'm not happy about it. It's because he sold Raven."

"How do you contain your anger though?" He came up behind me and hugged me from behind before I could pull the shirt on.

"Why do you think I killed trees?"

He chuckled at that. "Maybe I'll have to come kill trees with you…"

"Sounds good to me babe… sounds good to me…"

Snoggletog was finally upon us, being next week. The nest was preparing to leave for the nesting grounds, and this year I was getting a pull to follow them. But I didn't want to leave Hiccup here alone, after all, he said he couldn't wait to spend the holidays with me. Raven had said even though she was still young, she would go with the nest, and help out anyway she could. I was making the arrangements with the nest about the nesting grounds, making sure everyone was ready to leave.

I was going over the arrangements with Stormfly and Toothless, who were to be going together, when I heard the high pitched sound of a fury diving. Hiccup landed a few feet away, and Toothless and Stormfly excused themselves.

"Hey babe, what brings you to the nest?"

"I came to ask you about this, uh, strange feeling I have been feeling… It's like having this little voice telling me to go somewhere…? Is that normal?" I tried to work out what he was talking about when I realised what he was talking about.

"Oh, I know what you're talking about. Don't worry, all the dragons, including me, are feeling it. It's the call to the nesting grounds Hiccup…"

"But… we didn't feel it last year…"

That's because we were still too young, this year, we are mature enough to feel the pull…"

"Oh… so… what are you going to do…? Go with them…?"

"Well… I think I might go… Only because I'm the alpha... not to, uh, mate…"

"D-do you think I should go too?"

"It's your choice Hiccup, but you don't have long to think about it, we leave tomorrow morning…"

That night, while we were in bed, Hiccup had told me that he wanted to come along, to make sure the other dragons know I already had a 'mate'. His jealousy amused me. Just the other day, he became jealous because I was laughing at something a monstrous nightmare said. Or when one of the young men made me laugh. He does amuse me, but I love him for it.

"You sure you don't want to stay here…? Where you will be with the people you will one day lead?"

"I am going to stay with you, I told you I wanted to spend Snoggletog with you and so I will!"

"Ok, ok. I was just double checking babe"

I feel him snuggle up to me, nuzzling into the back of my neck. "I love you so much Astrid…"

"I love you too Hiccup"

We fall asleep shortly after that, content with sleeping next to each other.

The next day, I hear the familiar roar of another group of dragons flying past. I watch them fly over, before turning into my fury form and roaring for my nest to follow them. Soon hundreds of dragons are in the air, waiting for me to lead.

I look over to see Hiccup saying goodbye to the gang, and avoiding Stoick completely. I see Stoick try to say goodbye, but as soon as he says "son" Hiccup glares in his direction before walking over to me and climbing on. Once he secures himself, I turn to the village, give off a farewell roar, and then jumping into the air. I start to fly after the other group of dragons, following them to the nesting ground while my nest follows behind.

Once Berk is out of sight, Hiccup jumps off and transforms into his fury form. He then flies next to me.

"So… uh... we aren't going to have eggs… right…?"

"Of course not! I am not being a mother at such a young age!"

"I was double checking Astrid, I didn't mean anything by it"

"And I was just making sure you knew I don't want children yet."

Well the truth was, I was actually just waiting till I was married before having any children. I don't want a child, thinking that everything was fine, before being rejected. I am still prepared for that, after all, Hiccup might decide he wants a normal woman, rather than me, a violent half dragon half human thing.

After a few hours, we finally reached the nesting ground. I let my nest fly around and get comfortable while I stay in the air, not wanting to land near all the dragons who are going to do something about their heat. Once everyone was comfortable, and I knew where Toothless and Stormfly had nested, me and Hiccup fly to the most secluded area, so we don't have to be near all the mating going on. This is going to be an interesting trip.

Me and Hiccup built a big enough nest for the two of us, before snuggling up to each other and soon falling asleep, the flight haven been a very long one.

After a few weeks, the first hatchling was born, and soon the island was swarming with new hatchlings, and even I must say they were adorable. But the most adorable being the baby deadly furies. Toothless and Stormfly were now the proud parents of 2 hatchlings. They looked like night furies, except they had a spike crown instead of their ear flaps, and spikes on their tails as well. The boy was black like his father, while the girl was blue and yellow like her mother.

I was given the title auntie, while Hiccup was given the title uncle, and I was proud and happy to be called Auntie Astrid.

During the time we were on the island after they hatched, I played with my niece and nephew, while also helping them when it came to hunting and flying. And my help payed off, because after 2 weeks, all the hatchlings were in the air, and eager to explore. So, it was time to go home, back to cold Berk, but I have to say, the heat was kind of unbearable, after all, I am a fire-breathing dragon, covered in fur and scales. So I roared out to my nest, which had grown, some of the dragons in the other group having seen how the nest worked, decided it was better, and soon we were all in the air, off to Berk, where it was snoggletog day.

After only a few hours, Berk came into sight, and I think everyone was relieved, I mean, a lot of the adult dragons, including myself and Hiccup, had hatchlings on our backs, who got tired after an hour into flight. Hiccup gave the hatchling to another dragon before carefully landing on my back in Human form without disrupting the hatchlings who were already there. I could hear a horn blow from Berk, and soon saw people start to gather in the plaza as we landed. I let the hatchlings who were on my back off, and let them follow their parents to their riders. Me and Hiccup then flew up to the great hall and went in, missing Stoick who had just made it through the crowd when we took off. I let Hiccup off my back and then turned Human myself before we went in to get something to eat and a back table.

After all the dragons were reunited with their riders, they all came bursting into the hall, cheering and talking happily. I saw Stoick walk in, looking happily around the hall at all his happy people before his gaze lands on us, and his smile drops. I make it a point to glare at him slightly before looking back at Hiccup, who was talking about a new tail design for me.

"-this will allow much tighter turning, and a lot more speed"

"That's great babe"

"You weren't listening were you?"

"Umm… yes…?"

He just rolls his eyes and kisses my cheek.

"It's fine, how about I just make it and show you once it's attached?"

"Sounds good. But you know you're a nerd right?'

"But I'm your nerd, so I am happy with that Milady"

"You are definitely my nerd" I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him "Happy Snoggletog"

He smiles and hugs me, but I feel him tense up. I look behind me and see Stoick start to approach. This isn't going to end well.

I feel Hiccup bury his head into my shoulder, and I rest my chin on his when I hear Stoick clear his throat behind me.


Hiccup doesn't say anything, instead I feel him kiss my neck, which I nudge him to stop, as it makes my cheeks heat up.

"Look… I know I have made some bad decisions-"Hiccups snorts at that, clearly agreeing with that statement. "But I wanted to say I'm sorry" I feel hiccup lift his head and he starts to get up, so I unwind my arms, and turn so I'm looking at them both, but don't say anything"

"Sorry!? That's all you have to say!? Sorry!? Sorry isn't going to heal the damage you caused dad! If I hadn't gotten to Astrid when I did I wouldn't have seen her again! I almost lost the woman I love! And just because you didn't want to go to war! Would you sell me if I was the price it took to stop a war!?"

Stoick was shocked at this outburst, but tried to stay calm. "Well… No… bu-"

"Let me stop you right there! You sold two of your people! One being the alpha of hundreds of dragons, and the other not even being a part of the deal you made! And you call yourself a good chief!?" By now a crowd of people had gathered around us.

"Hiccup… so-"

"Don't! I don't want to hear it! You're cruel and completely inhumane! I never want to be associated as your son again! You disowned me as your son a few years ago! And now I'm disowning you as a father! You're not my father!" I am completely shocked, and it seems everyone else is too.

"I'm going home. And I don't expect to see you there." And with that Hiccup walks out, leaving me sitting there for about 3 seconds, before I rush after him, planning on calming him down. I manage to catch up to him as he enters the forest, and stop him.

"Hiccup…" He looks down, refusing to look up at me, so I duck down to catch his line of sight, and see tears in his eyes. I pull him into a hug.

"Shh… it's ok… you were just letting your feelings out…" I feel him sob into me and I just hold him, not knowing exactly how upset he was, and what about.

You see Hiccup was actually planning to propose tonight, but again his father ruined it by appearing and trying to make up for what he'd done with 'sorry' and Hiccup has had enough. He wasn't going to forgive his father, no, not when he had thrown Astrid and Raven away like he did.

But… That doesn't mean he didn't like disowning his father like that… but what else was he supposed to do…? Forgive him for doing this to Astrid and Raven…? If Astrid had died, it would have been his father's fault for giving her to the romans in the first place.

And to think today was looking so good… but at least I had Astrid here with me now… that's something… right…?


Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I look up at her. She was smiling gently and sympathetically, her gorgeous ice blue eyes glowing in the moonlight. And it wasn't just her eyes that were glowing… it was all of her… All of her was beautiful… she was the definition of beauty… nothing is beautiful compared to her… Gods… how did I get so lucky…

"Marry me"


Shit. Of course I would screw this up. Why did I blurt that out?

"Uh… I said… bury me…?"

"No, you said marry me"

Shit. I'm dead.

Oh well, let's just go with it.

So I get down on one knee and pull out the ring I have been carrying around since she was sold.

"Astrid Hofferson… We've known each other since we were 4… And even though we were 15 when we became friends… and then it was only recently since we were reunited… It feels like we have been together forever… I'm not sure what I would do without you in my life… and I want to spend the rest of my life with you… and so… would you do the honour… of being my wife...?"

Oh gods… she looks shocked… is this good or bad…? She raising her fist… She punched me… this is good… didn't hurt as much as I thought… ok now she's hugging me…



I've never seen him move as fast as he did when he picked me up and spun me around, whooping loudly. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. He stopped sinning and kissed me, and I instantly melted into the kiss.

"Thank you…"

"For what…?"

"For making my dreams come true…"

I am SO sorry for taking so long, but college has been busy, this past last term I have been working on a music video and it's been very stressful. Plus every time I've had time for this, I just haven't been bothered, and when I didn't have time, I wanted to write.

However, I think this will be the end of this story, and at the moment, I'm not in the right mind set to write an attack on titan/HTTYD fanfic. For I have been reading PJO and that's taken over my life at the moment.

I may do a few one shots through the year, depending how I feel.

If you have any suggestions, I am happy to take them as long as they aren't M – rated.

Thank you all so much for reading this story and sticking with it, I am so grateful for it! It has been almost 2 years since I published it, and the fact people are still reading it is amazing to me! Thank you all so much!

And so for the final time on this story.

httydlover626 out!