Astrid Hofferson is one of the best warriors on the island and for a 15 year old Viking girl she has the strength to take out about 5 Viking warriors. She has long blond hair and ice blue eyes.

Hiccup Haddock on the other hand was very different to Astrid he wasn't very strong, he was known as the village screw up at one point and only has half of his left leg. He is however still known as a warrior and a hero due to his heroic but stupid act at defeating the green death. He is just a bit shorter than Astrid but he seems to be growing none the less. He has auburn hair and forest green eyes and is known to be inseparable with his best friend and companion Toothless who happens to be a Night Fury.

Hiccup and Astrid have become very close since the battle of the green death. they have shared a few kisses and hugs here and there but Astrid is not sure how long it will last as she has a huge secret that if told or shared with the wrong person can be the death of her.

One night while she was up in her room carving a Night Fury out of wood which is quite unusual as she rides a Deadly Nadder named Stormfly and not a Night Fury. Anyway while she was carving she had a tingly feeling run up her arms. She knew exactly what it was and started to freak out. She looked over her shoulder to check to make sure her mother (who hated her and treated her more like a slave or a reject) wasn't there and started to unwind her bandages of her arm once she knew her mother wasn't in sight. As she unwounded them she could see exactly why her arm went tingly.

"Why does this have to happen when my life is finally starting to become better" she muttered to herself as once the bandages where completely off all she could see was…


Astrid's big secret was that she isn't just a Viking girl she was also one of the strongest and most powerful creatures known all around the globe… A Tiger Fury. Her father had been able to become a Night Fury and believed his children should as well. Her father and brother Astro had died in a war against the Vikings. But there was also her brother who happened to live with her 'boyfriend'. Yes that's right Astrid and Toothless are siblings. Her father had mated with Toothess' mother as a Night Fury ad was the father of Toothless. He then went back to the Viking where he had married Astrid's mother who had just had Astro but the father died in a dragon battle. That's how Astrid was born. When Astro and Astrid were both young her father had done a ritual which had allowed Astro to become his spirit animal a lion and Astrid could become hers which was a Tiger. But because her father was part Fury she got his genes as a Night Fury and the her spirit animal had become more evolved which meant that her animal had become a black tiger with the wings and tail and the same ear lobes and all the flying parts of a Night Fury including the body shape of one but also had grey stripes, a tiger style head, and also all the night vision, and hearing of a tiger. Her eyes were all Night Fury except that they were an icy blue instead of a lime green coloured eye. She also had the talent of speaking dragonese so she and Toothless could have conversations that only they knew what they were saying.

Looking at the scales Astrid knew that she would have to leave soon to become trained to become a true warrior that would protect everyone who deserved it. She looked at the scales for another 5 minutes before she was snapped out of her staring by a knock at her door. She shouted at the door "hold on a second" .She quickly put her wrappings back on and ran downstairs and opened the door to hiccup standing by her door awkwardly.

"Hey Astrid" he greeted. "I was wondering if you would like to join me and the gang for dinner up at the great hall." He was blushing as he said that as he was hoping that she didn't think he was asking her on a date.

"yeah that sounds good, let's go" she replied hoping that she wouldn't get angry at dinner as then her instincts as a tiger will kick in and that's happened before and did not end well with the tribe that doesn't exist anymore. That was the reason that the Tiger Fury is now known as the most dangerous creature that exists.