A/N: thanks for sticking around so far! also for the reviews! there will be sequels, lots of it ;)
It's been a long day at the university.
Major understatement, really, he stays up all night last night to complete the project—not his fault, really not his fault, he'd already done it days ago and his partner had the nerve to lost all the data they had—for one of his classes. As luck would have it, he woke up late—he fucking knew he should just stay awake—and didn't have the time to come by to the Red Riding Hood, missing the amount of caffeine (and the amount of Derek) needed for him to function all day.
He ran to class and went in head first—literally—only to be five minutes late and got the back-est of the seat. He has a passionate hate relationship with the back seat, thank you very much. Thankfully—the only thing could be grateful about as long as his day has gone on—the lecturer was late, like, twenty minutes late. When he was on a break, he realized he hadn't gotten a breakfast, forgot his wallet, no single one of his friends has the same schedule as him today, thus him not eating for the rest of the day.
Not to mention every one of his professor decides to be a jerk for the day.
He's so fucking tired, he just wants to go home and plops face first onto the pillow. He knows he at least deserves that kind of privilege.
It's already dark outside. Today's last lesson had been prolonged—another shitty thing he subconsciously added to his list of shitty things that happens on Stiles' shitty day (how many shitty words in one sentence are there?)—and he's only walking back home. He's ten minutes to his shared flat when his phone buzzes in his pocket. He takes it reluctantly at first, but smiles a little when the sender name shows Derek.
To: Stiles
Done with your class yet? Wanna make a stop at the shop?
To: Derek
Sorry, too tired. I'll make up for it tomorrow.
To: Stiles
Don't bother. Want me to drop by your place?
The smile grows. Okay, maybe talking to Derek helps his mind a little (much, much more than a little) and that it definitely takes the weight off his shoulder. Derek is always able to do that, actually. It's only been a month and a half since they got together, but he oddly feels at ease whenever Derek is around.
To: Derek
If it's no trouble, yes, please.
To: Stiles
I'll be there in five.
To: Derek
Scott and Isaac are there, if I'm not home by the time you arrive.
He enters his flat to Isaac playing video games with Scott on the living room, no Derek Hale in sight. He sighs, maybe Derek hasn't shown up. He pointedly ignores his best friends when they greet him, waving dismissively as he walks to his bedroom.
Only to find it filled with the smell of coffee, and Derek Hale sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard while reading a book.
He gapes, dazedly walking to his desk with a cup of what looks like cappuccino on it and two slices of big sandwiches on a plate next to the cup, asking "Is this for me?"
Derek makes an amused expression. "Yes, Stiles."
He doesn't say anything else, instead sitting on the computer chair and devouring the foods and drink prepared for him, stifling a moan every time he takes a bite. So fucking delicious. He doesn't even realize he's that hungry before he ate the sandwiches. By the time he finishes, holding the cup to his mouth with the last drop of coffee in it, Derek walks slowly towards him.
"Thanks." He says, couldn't anymore convey how Derek just makes his day ten thousand times better.
"You're welcome."
Stiles watches Derek takes the dishes out of his room, already back in no more than a minute and drags Stiles across the room, making him sit on the bed. Derek takes Stiles' jacket and clothes and jeans off, leaving him shirtless with only a pair of boxers covering his legs. Derek then retreats to the drawer on the corner's wall, pulling out a pair of sweat pants and a tee, carefully putting them on him.
He wouldn't voice this out, but he secretly loves it when Derek pampers him. And he knows Derek loves pampering him just as much.
"Are you staying?" he asks when Derek's finally done dressing him.
"It depends." Derek answers, betraying the thing he's currently doing—which is undressing himself in front of Stiles' drawer, knowing there are his sleeping clothes somewhere in there.
"Depends on what?" he questions, if only to play along.
Derek shrugs, "What is the benefit for me if I spend the night?"
"You've got to share a bed with the most awesome person in the whole world?"
Derek snorts, "Yeah, right."
"Just for that, Derek, you take the couch." As Stiles says this, Derek has already lied him down on his side of the bed, tucking him into the comforter, and then getting inside the layers of blankets himself—it's almost winter, by the way.
"If this is what you would call couch, I wonder how comfy your bed might be, Stiles." Derek teases while pulling him closer to his chest.
Stiles sighs in contentment, totally unwilling to return with a sarcastic remark. So he settles with, "Comfy enough when I actually have someone to snuggle up with."
"Someone as of anyone?"
"Someone as of you."
The older man pulls away just enough for them to look at each other and gives Stiles one of his rarest smiles, one that is only seen when there are only just the two of them. Derek leans closer, placing his lips on Stiles' nose, jaw, cheek, temple and forehead, exactly in that order. Stiles loves moments like these, when after trailing kisses all over Stiles' face, he would stop so that they would stare at each other, before finally drawing closer for a final kiss on the lips.
A gentle, chaste kiss, he must add.
It makes his stomach flutter and feels like he's the sappiest person on earth. It has him grinning like a loon and in return looking at the same expression—only softer—on Derek's face. It gives him these tingling feelings and butterflies in his heart.
And then he realizes, though he had never said it out loud, that he falls in love all over again.
Derek is never one for big gestures like giving flowers every single day or bringing him to fine diners every single night. Derek has… his own way. And for all the little things Derek does for him, he falls more and more deeply.
They settle back to their initial position, his head tucked under Derek's chin, arms and feet tangling and mingling with each other's. He inhales Derek's scent while Derek does his, thinking that, as he closes his eyes, although they have done this for a month and a half, now, he couldn't really definitely get used to this. Not without feeling slightly breathless, heart hammering in his chest.
But he finds that he doesn't mind, not in the littlest bit.