Skin Deep

Author's Note: And now you're probably really cursing at me. Yes…in the author's note for Multiversed I specified plot bunnies as in more than one. I'm not the first person to write a TrueBlood/X-Men crossover but I'll probably be one of the first to finish a good one that actually makes sense without turning either Rogue or Sookie into a Mary Sue…at least that is my goal.

So here we are: an A/U Rogue & Sookie are related fanfic from your's truly. I'm still shaky on the pairings so you can throw out ideas either in reviews or pm's I'm leaning either Eric, Godric, or both. Sookie I'm thinking either Logan or Remy? Input is appreciated but no flaming if I don't go your way. I expect more than just a name too, I would like a reason for whoever you throw the girls with.

As with all my Rogue fanfictions the major differences from the movie verse is that 1) She never took the cure and 2) She killed the Phoenix by absorbing her. And like my Sookie from Stay she'll be a whole lot stronger and smarter…I just don't DO weak heroines.

On with the plot bunny!

Disclaimer: I own nothing! Except my laptop and my dogs that is….


Sighing Rogue stands over her adoptive dad's old beat up Army bag. Glancing around the room at the Manor that has been her refuge since the Alcatraz incident two years ago she spies the package that arrived yesterday on her twenty-fourth birthday. Every year like clockwork she gets a package from Bon Temps, Louisiana ever since her best-friend Remy tracked down her birth family for her and gave her cousins and their grandmother her address.

Fingering the dog tags around her neck she closes her eyes for a moment, holding back a tear.

"Time to grow up, Rogue." She whispers to herself as she lifts them from their long-time home around her neck. Time to face reality.

Mutants are finally getting a fair shake now that vampires have come out of the coffin just after Alcatraz. Turns out that there is something humans fear more than the possibly dangerous mutant and it's the definitely dangerous undead. Although it's looking like normals are having an easier time accepting vampires because of the mutants and vice versa.

It's a topsy-turvy world and it's time for her to stop burying herself here.

A soft knock on the door has her zipping up her duffle and slinging over her shoulder, grabbing the one-way ticket to NOLA off of the now-emptied end table.

As usual Logan doesn't wait for an invitation before striding into her – now former – room.

"Ya don't hafta go, kid." He said gruffly as he takes in the stripped-down room. Kid spent the better part of eight years in this place and all she owns still fits inside a duffle bad. Sometimes she's too much like him for her own damned good. No roots makes it easy to run and hard to stay, although they've both given it a helluva try here.

"I know, Logan." Rogue said with a soft smile for her oldest friend. "But they've been reachin' out ta me for years now. I won't feel right until I give 'em a chance. Besides," she shrugged. "I'm a little old ta be a student and Lord knows I can't teach worth a damn."

And bein' a superhero is too damned dangerous when you can kill as easily as takin' your next breath. She said with a long look that hangs there between them.

"I know, kid." He rubs the back of his neck, wishing he had the right words to make her stay. To keep her safe. "I'm gonna miss ya, Marie."

Moving over to him she gives him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek – one too quick to transfer anything – then she presses his tags into his hand.

"These belong with you now." She said with a quiet look. For a long time she held onto them and her childhood crush on her scruffy protector but now it's time to let go. Time to stand on her own, something she will never be able to do completely as long as she's here.

The temptation to lean on him is just too damned strong.

Blinking back the moisture that's stubbornly gathering behind his eyes, Logan ruffles her head with one large hand.

"Take care-a yourself, kid." He said giving her one last bone crushing hug. "Ya need anything, ya call me. Got it?" He nearly growled at her, giving her a strong warning look.

With a laugh she agreed, moving around him and out into the hallway where they made their way to the garage and spent the ride to the airport in comfortable silence. She didn't tell anyone else she was leaving and she doesn't regret that one damned bit. When push came to shove, Logan was the only one there for her, the only one who even tried to understand what she was going through.

Everyone else in that fancy house/school/vigilante base were too damned scared of her to be anything to her.

And after years of being the odd one out, she finally became okay with it. She's not scared of herself, not anymore but she still understands why others are.

She just hopes that this time is different.

Maybe this time she'll really find where she belongs.