Author: Happy New Years! Here's an extra story!

Big Bad Wolf

For once the atmosphere under the opera house held a crisp, jolly aura. Excitement could be felt in the cool breeze flowing in and out of the Phantom's lair. Erik handed Anastasia a leather bag with straps to pack her few belonging. She opened up her wardrobe and packed her white shirts and black pants. She saved her masquerade dress for last. She wanted to keep the dress that held many memories pristine. Once she packed her clothes, she proceeded to pack her books in a separate compartment in the bag.

Underneath her journals, she spotted the newspaper with her family pictures upon the front cover. She picked up the paper and held onto it for a long time, just staring at the front cover in remembrance of her family. She felt nostalgia take hold of her. Tears started forming in her eyes.

"Is something the matter?" Erik asked politely when he spotted shine of tears.

"No," Anastasia mumbled as she flipped open the newspaper. Erik dropped his own bag and walked towards the tearful girl. He stood behind her and stared down upon her family pictures. The tears could no longer remain hidden as it streaked down the girl's face. She flipped to the main article. Erik took out his handkerchief and offered it to the girl. She ignored it as she stared down at the pictures.

"You're not fine," he finally stated as he gently took hold of her hand and placed the handkerchief in it, "Perhaps talking would help." Anastasia took in a breath and released it softly.

"What would you like to know?" she asked hesitantly.

"Tell me about this picture, is that you flinging the sword about?" he asked. Immediately, a smile lit up on the girl's face. She stared down at the picture he pointed to. In it, a six year old little girl was holding up a wooden sword all while chasing a couple other well dressed children and adults.

"Oh that one," she retorted with a smirk growing, "That was great day." She smiled tenderly and it reached her eyes giving it depth and emotion.

"Tell me the story," Erik responded. She proceeded to recount the tale of the little girl with a sword in hand.

"It was an old family gathering…"

Anastasia's narration...

It was an old family gathering. My family from all over Europe used to visit once every two years for it. Just so you know, my family is old on both sides and so it's full of many different characters. My mother's side is actually from England. Her distant relatives attended and let me tell you, they are some of the strangest people I've ever met. That's old family for you.

I was young back then, probably six or seven years old. I was… well… I wasn't the most obedient child but I'd love games. I still do. ("I've noticed," Erik commented.) Hush now, I'm telling a story. Where was I? Right, so I loved games. This game in particular was an reenactment of fairy tales. However, we get to spin up the tales. We would toss the names of all the fairy tale characters into a hat and then pick the parts. I lucked out and got the damsel role. (How horrible…" Erik noted sarcastically.) Shush… It was horrible. I had to pretend to be saved by an obnoxious, drooling cousin of mine. I was so furious that I stole his sword and then proceeded to chase after the wolf. There's the wolf. (She pointed to the picture of a tall handsome man.) That's my favorite uncle by the way. He's on my mother's side and so I barely ever get to see him. Back to the story, I wanted so desperately to team up with him, but instead he ran off and I started to chase after them with the wooden sword in hand.

It turns out that I wasn't a great runner back then… ("You still aren't," Erik teased and received a light punch to the shoulder.) That's besides the point! I tripped over a rock and took a tumble and my uncle tried to save me. I nearly jabbed him with the sword. Thank the heavens, he's a great fencer. The wolf ended up saving the damsel, changing up the story… I remember… (Anastasia's eyes lit up in bewilderment as if she just hit a revelation.)

The memory…

"Are you alright, Ana?" The tall man caught the little girl in his arms just as she was about to hit the floor. He just nearly avoided the girl's sword. It dangerously brushed past his neck as it hit the grass. The crowd surrounding them clapped and cheered in approval. The wolf had just saved the damsel.

"I wanna join you!" the little girl cried out as she wrapped her arms around the man's neck.

"Oh, you want to join the wolf's team, do ya?" he teased the girl, "Join up with the solitary hunter?" His voice turned into a growl as he continued to ruffle up the girl's wild hair.

"Hey! You should be honored!" she replied back.

"Says the damsel in distress!" he howled. The crowd joined in on the laughter.

"I'm not in distress!" She pouted and pushed him back, only to fall back on the grass.

"It seems to me that you are young lady," the man growled, keeping to his character. The girl's hand touched the wooden sword and an idea immediately sprang into her head. She brought the sword up to the wolf's neck.

"Ha! Now I have you as my captive!" she shouted out loud for the crowd to hear and they went wild with approval.

"I don't believe that's how it works, little lady!" the man teased as he grabbed the sword from her hands. "Wolves beat swords!"

"I shall save you my dear lady!" a little boy dressed in a princely manner shouted as he rushed up to the girl and took hold of her hand.

"What?! I don't need saving!" the little girl shouted back and the crowd couldn't help but let loose another laughter. The boy grabbed her too roughly and pulled too hard. "Ouch! Lighten up!"

"No, we need to get married before daybreak!" the young boy shouts back.

"What?! Save me!" she hollers out to her uncle the wolf and the boy drops her hand.

"You don't want to marry me?" the boy asks sadly.

"Nope!" she states plainly despite the fact that teardrops are forming in the little boy's eyes.

"Darling, that's not how the story works!" her mother interrupts.

"Yes, it is!" the girl shouts back. The crowd can't help but contain their laughter for the sake of the boy.

"I think you've hurt his feelings," her mother whispers to the girl.

"Oh," she mutters back with her eyes down, "I'm sorry…" she says.

"It's alright," the princely boy says with innocent brown eyes.

"I don't think you're fit for a damsel, pup," he father says with his blue eyes twinkling. She nods in approval. "What role do you want next time?"

"I wanna be the big bad wolf!" she shouts out. A nobleman in the middle of drinking sputters out his drink and laughs.

"You'll be my little wolf then!" her uncle states as they resume the game, giving another girl the role of the damsel.

Back in the Lair...

"What are you thinking about?" Erik asks the silent narrator.

"Oh, I just remembered something I said…" Anastasia mumbles out.

"What'd you say?" he asks.

"I want to be the big bad wolf," she mumbles.

"Oh, now you must tell me this story," he says with a curious glance, "It seems as if someone got their wish!"

Author: I started working on a Phantom of the Opera Game on choose your own story dot com. My pen name is always PhantomWriter44, so feel free to check it out! I'm also working on illustrations for this story on DeviantArt.

Happy New Years Everyone, Hope you have a wonderful Year!